
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana Mouskouri raconte son "Itinéraire intime",from http://videos.tf1.f

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C à vous : Nana Mouskouri 18/09/13,youtube

from 38 on,Nana will appear♪♪♪ 38分からナナさんが登場します♪♪

Recent Nana topics from International Fan Club HP

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Read in English
Nana Mouskouri,ナナ・ムスクーリさんの公式ファンクラブの記事によると、9月に入り、フランスでいろいろなテレビ番組に出演されたり、三冊目の伝記、"intimate Route" (Intimate itinerary)を出版されたりとのニュースでにぎやかです。



soundgallery blog, NANA MOUSKOURI “アメージング・グレース”

soundgallery さんのブログにあの、日本でのヒット曲、アメイジンググレイスについての記事が


NANA MOUSKOURI “アメージング・グレース”


NANA MOUSKOURI “アメージング・グレース”



こちらでご紹介する動画はNana Mouskouri Live in the Hague Congress Centrum 1976
実は、以前soundgalleryさんのブログで紹介された1972年のLP,British Concertでナナはアカペラでこのアメイジンググレイスを唄い、会場のスタンディングオベーションの拍手を浴びております。


soundgallery blog,NANA MOUSKOURI “ハレルヤ”,“ダニー・ボーイ”

早いもので、もう9月になりました。9月といえば、ナナ・ムスクーリさんの有名なSeptemberの季節ですが、8月中に、かねてより、ナナさんの初期の素晴らしいLPをご紹介してくださっているsoundgalleryさんのブログに2件、新しい記事がアップされましたのでおくればせながらご紹介いたします。一曲目は “ハレルヤ”その前は“ダニー・ボーイ”です。



似顔絵は、日本大学芸術学部 高橋鮎未さんに描いてもらったものです。素敵なデザインに感謝します!


Nana Topics on the web, from

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Whatever happened to... Nana Mouskouri

GREEK singer Nana Mouskouri became one of the world's biggest-selling female stars following her hit The White Rose of Athens in 1961.

Crete-born Nana, who lives with her second husband, music producer Andre Chapelle, in Geneva, has two children from her first marriage.

Nana, 78, who retired in 2008, was a Member of the European Parliament in the 90s and she has been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since 1993.

"I was three years old when we moved to Athens, where my father was a projectionist at the local outdoor cinema, which had a big screen in front of our little house. The stage in front of the cinema screen became my cloud where I could sing.

"I became far-sighted aged 11 and had to wear glasses. Later, as I became successful, I was advised to abandon them. I refused because I wanted to remain sincere to myself.

"There were sad years, which marked my early life. I lived through the Nazi occupation of Greece and the civil war started when I was 13. This was the saddest period of my life.

"I studied classical music at The Greek Conservatory but one day my professor banned me from my exams when he discovered I was singing in jazz nightclubs.

My parents and my teachers believed that it was harming my voice and that it was not the sort of music I should be following. I had to earn a living, so I continued singing jazz and pop music in night clubs.

"I got noticed on American Independence Day in 1957 after singing in English on the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal.

Manos Hadjidakis started writing songs for me and two of these won first and second prize at the first Greek Song Festival in 1959.

The White Rose of Athens, from a German documentary called Greece, Te Land of Dreams, won first prize at the Berlin Film Festival, and it became my first international success.

"I turned professional and began to grow as a singer with a broader repertoire of songs.

"I recorded my first album in 1962, produced by Quincy Jones, and since then, I've released about three albums a year.


"Then I did my frst tour with Harry Belafonte and, in 1969, my first concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

"I loved my BBC2 series, which was shown all around the world. Among the wonderful guests were Charles Aznavour, John Denver and Julio Iglesias. There is a time for everything, so the series stopped in the 80s.

"From 1994 to 1999, I was a Member of the European Parliament because I was convinced I could help my country.

"I became seriously involved with UNICEF through Audrey Hepburn's encouragement and then I was called upon to carry on her work as she became increasingly unwell. I've witnessed first hand the work they do to relieve the plight of children around the world.

"I felt it was a good time to retire when the Olympics were held in Greece in 2004, and I spent the next four years on a farewell tour.

I don't enjoy retirement, but it allows me to be with my family. Singing was and remains my first love, so I may do occasional concerts.

"I only wanted to discover with my songs if peace and love exists and I discovered that it does."

For more information about UNICEF, go to The international fan club website for Nana Mouskouri is