Avant toi、YouTubeから♪
From Andgir
Tube des années '60
Category Music
ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
I agree with the policy of Youtube.
Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web.
Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed.
We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974!
In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial.
Fille du soleil,YouTubeから♪
Fille du soleil,YouTubeから♪
From Andgir
Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histo... Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histoire.
From Andgir
Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histo... Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histoire.
Olympia 97 Memories、Part27,from the fanclub HP
Olympia 97 Memories、Part27,
90s Memories
from the fanclub HP
The german CD "NUR EIN LIED" brought out and I did a tour in Germany,
Austria from january to march 1996. It was marvelous but sometimes very hard : some days, I was in Parliament on the morning and on stage on the evening.
In may and june, I went in USA and East-Canada, I sang with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
In the same times, I was working for more and 1.5 years on a new english album.
Sometimes, I spend a week in New York to record,a nd the week after in Miame to record Nana Latina album. I like this travels and I like working in EP.
ドイツでCD"NUR EIN LIED"がヒットして、私はドイツでの公演ツァーをしました。
時に私が一週間をニューヨークで録音の為に過ごして、その次の週にはマイアミでNana Latinaのアルバムを録音していました。私はこのレコードをだすための旅行も好きでしたし、議会での仕事も好きでした。
I also have the opportunity to work for UNICEF during these travels.
I visited a lot of programs and worked on many new projects for South America.
I met official personalities for UNICEF to have better relationships to do better works.
For UNICEF every child must have the same chance : a future.
Every child must be protected from war or sexual violences, even from family or society.
I ended the american album on summer 1996. After so many long years of frenchship with Juloi Iglesias, we finally find the time to record a song together.
90s Memories
from the fanclub HP
The german CD "NUR EIN LIED" brought out and I did a tour in Germany,
Austria from january to march 1996. It was marvelous but sometimes very hard : some days, I was in Parliament on the morning and on stage on the evening.
In may and june, I went in USA and East-Canada, I sang with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
In the same times, I was working for more and 1.5 years on a new english album.
Sometimes, I spend a week in New York to record,a nd the week after in Miame to record Nana Latina album. I like this travels and I like working in EP.
ドイツでCD"NUR EIN LIED"がヒットして、私はドイツでの公演ツァーをしました。
時に私が一週間をニューヨークで録音の為に過ごして、その次の週にはマイアミでNana Latinaのアルバムを録音していました。私はこのレコードをだすための旅行も好きでしたし、議会での仕事も好きでした。
I also have the opportunity to work for UNICEF during these travels.
I visited a lot of programs and worked on many new projects for South America.
I met official personalities for UNICEF to have better relationships to do better works.
For UNICEF every child must have the same chance : a future.
Every child must be protected from war or sexual violences, even from family or society.
I ended the american album on summer 1996. After so many long years of frenchship with Juloi Iglesias, we finally find the time to record a song together.
補記;このLatinas のなかのククルククパロマは 2007年2月現在、Myspacecomで試聴できます。
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 26,from the fanclub HP
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 26,
90s Memories
from the fanclub HP
Even I always avoid political life, thinking only few politicians are working for peace and justice, I accepted and I have been elected in 1994.
I believed then I could really help my country to communicate with other countries in Europe to be integrated more easily.
Then I started working very seriously in that strange and different world, trying to bring a little bit love, truth, honnesty, freedom and peace in what I really believe.
I realised that there were other MEP with the same ideals, and it is really encouraging because they are mostly young.
I believed then I could really help my country to communicate with other countries in Europe to be integrated more easily.
Then I started working very seriously in that strange and different world, trying to bring a little bit love, truth, honnesty, freedom and peace in what I really believe.
I realised that there were other MEP with the same ideals, and it is really encouraging because they are mostly young.
それで、私は真剣にその初めての、全く異なった世界で、自分の固く信じる愛や誠実さや親切さ、自由や平和を考えながら、 働き始めました。
As MEP, I am member of culture, youth, education and Medias comities, and copresident of Bulgaria-EU comity.
I dream to be abble to create a comity for childood rights.
It is very important for culture to be bring to everyone, in avery countries, to let people understand each over, to let them have a better futur.
In 1995, I recorded the DIX MILLE ANS ENCORE album and made a tour in france with 10 concerts in Salle Pleyel.
It was so good to be back on stage, to meet old friends et to find new ones.
I dream to be abble to create a comity for childood rights.
It is very important for culture to be bring to everyone, in avery countries, to let people understand each over, to let them have a better futur.
In 1995, I recorded the DIX MILLE ANS ENCORE album and made a tour in france with 10 concerts in Salle Pleyel.
It was so good to be back on stage, to meet old friends et to find new ones.
1995年に私はDIX MILLE ANS ENCOREのアルバムをだして、Salle Pleyelで10回のコンサートをしました。
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 25,from the fanclub HP
Olympia 97 Memories、
Conditions are sometimes hard but we keep on doing what we consider to be the best to be useful.
We have to speak to medias to keep people in knowledge.
We have the duty to speak to political leaders , to influence people to give this children a better future.
When I was on tour in Scandinavia in 1994, I received a double platimium award.
One day, I was asked by my friend Miltos Evert -leader of the opposition party in Greece-, he told time was coming to do something for my country, he though I would be abble to use my experience living and working in all Europe for 35 years, and asked me to become a greek MEP.
90s Memories
Part 25,from the fanclub HP
I always tryed to see things with children's eye. Are they happy? sad? What do they need?
Everywhere I went, I realised that children are our society victims.
Love and care are what they mostly need.
My singers duties brought me in many countries where UNICEF carries on many programs about health, education, social development, family planning, street children's protection, but also to immunize people, build children squares, bring water pumps, teach young mothers to be abble to take care correctly to their children.
Everywhere I went, I realised that children are our society victims.
Love and care are what they mostly need.
My singers duties brought me in many countries where UNICEF carries on many programs about health, education, social development, family planning, street children's protection, but also to immunize people, build children squares, bring water pumps, teach young mothers to be abble to take care correctly to their children.
Conditions are sometimes hard but we keep on doing what we consider to be the best to be useful.
We have to speak to medias to keep people in knowledge.
We have the duty to speak to political leaders , to influence people to give this children a better future.
When I was on tour in Scandinavia in 1994, I received a double platimium award.
One day, I was asked by my friend Miltos Evert -leader of the opposition party in Greece-, he told time was coming to do something for my country, he though I would be abble to use my experience living and working in all Europe for 35 years, and asked me to become a greek MEP.
ある日、私は友人である、ギリシャ野党の党首であったMiltos Evertからある要請をうけました。
ある日、私は友人である、ギリシャ野党の党首であったMiltos Evertからある要請をうけました。
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