
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana Mouskouri - Portrait en Couleurs (French Version of My Colouring Book)

21 November 2009

from a CD Collection
D'après une Compilation CD

French Version of
Version Française de
"My Colouring Book"
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri Portrait en Couleurs French Version Française My Colouring Book

Nana Mouskouri - Le Tournesol (French Version of Turn On The Sun)

21 November 2009

from a CD Collection
d'après une Compilation CD

French Version of
Version Française de
"Turn On The Sun"
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri Le Tournesol Turn On The Sun French Version Française

Nana Mouskouri - I PRÓTI MAS FORÁ (Our first time)

20 November 2009

Miłość jest jak kwiat, wymaga dużo opieki i cierpliwości.
Jeśli kwiaty i krótszym czasem zapomnimo, traci pięknosc.
Tak i miłość, wszelkiego rodzaju ...
Jest to najpiękniejsze i najbogatsze, najsilniejsze uczucie ktore nam jest darowane...
Często przynosi nam cierpienie, smutek, cierpienie, łzy ... ale nic nam nie dają tak dużo radości i entuzjazmu, jak daje miłość!
Tak delikatne i kruche, a jednocześnie silne.
Miłośćjest muzyka Wszechświat (space music), to jego AMEN!
To slowa piosenke:
...It walks steadily our first time
the well-known happiness, the heartbeat.
You see no difference in her that walks on.
She opens her wings for me
And goes towards sorrow.
Loves all have
Anather destination after parting!
They all have some secret flights,
They do not speak, some do not return!
They wait until they are justified
And then to be given to two others!

Love is like a flower, it requires much care and patience.
If the flowers are not nurtured, it loses its beauty. It is the same with love, any kind of love.... ...It is the most beautiful and richest sense that we are given.
Love often brings us suffering, sorrow, suffering, tears ... but nothing can give us so much joy and enthusiasm as can Love.
So gentle and fragile, and at the same time strong. Because of it we are born, live for it, with love we die.
Love the music of the universe. It is the Great AMEN of the universe!
Ljubav je kao cvijeće, zahtjeva puno njege i strpljenja.
Ako cvijeće i na kraće vrijeme zapustimo, ono gubi na svojoj ljepoti. Tako i ljubav, bilo koje vrste...
To je najljepši i najbogatiji osjećaj koji nam je darovan.
Ona nam donosi često patnju, tugu, trpljenje, suze ... ali ništa nam ne pruža toliko radosti i poleta kao što pruža ljubav!
Tako je nježna i krhka,a istodobno i jaka. Zbog nje smo rođeni, za nju živimo, uz nju trebamo i umrijeti.
Ljubav je glazba svemira, ona je njegov AMEN!
Category: Music

Tags: Love


Nana Mouskouri - Love me or leave me

19 November 2009

25 year old Nana Mouskouri with a recording made in New York 1962. Produced by Quincy Jones as 'The girl from Greek sings Jazz', this album still is an outstanding highlight in her marvellous career.
Category: Music

Tags: Jazz Chet Nana Mouskouri Νάνα Μούσχουρη


Nana News from kasta.sc14

Nana Mouskouri at 75: White Roses for a Worldstar
November 1st, 2009 | Author: admin

Nana Mouskouri live in Studio
Listen to the Interviews in german Nana Mouskouri1

Nana Mouskouri2

Nana Mouskouri is here. Her fans greeted her with white roses.

20 old time fans were allowed to be present , as the now 75 year old Nana Mouskouri talked about her exiting life.

In Germany she became famous with her hit “White roses from Athens” Many more hits followed within a very short time. With the hits “Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach” und “Einmal kehrt der Südwind wieder” she reached the No.1 place in the german hits parade. Hits were not her favorite passion, that was Jazz. In the beginning of her career she used to play in small clubs in Athens and later created a Jazz-album together with Quincy Jones as producer.

Her good-bye Tour with “Akropolis” as highlight
2005 Nana Mouskouri started her good-bye tour all around the world. She performed in every country in which she has once before given a performance . Highlight of this world tour was her last performance in July 2008 in Athens. With this last triumph she finished her career in the place were everything has started: “Here at the capital city of my country i wanted to say a last farewell to all my fans,” said a very moved Nana Mouskouri at the time.

Politician and special Ambassador
Nana Mouskouri was not only active as a singer. In the 90 ’s she tried herself as a politician and even became a member of the European Parliament. Since 1993 she is also Special Ambassador of the Worlds Children’s Aid Organisation UNICEF. Even today the black sunglasses are still the trademark of the artist. “Without these glasses i would not be Nana Mouskouri”, she said once, “they brought me success and they are part of me”.

New songs in german
Shortly after her 75. birthday, the new album “Meine schönsten Welterfolge Vol.2″ will be published. For that the singer had to go to the recording studio once more and record 3 new songs in German. One of these songs is the current Single “Am Morgen des Lebens” .A positive song which looks back into her childhood, in which springtime never seems to end.

Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri Gänsehaut-Konzert in der Johanneskirche

Nana MouskouriDie schönsten Bilder der weißen Rose aus AthenIhre Markenzeichen, die markante Brille und die schwarzen Haare mit Mittelscheitel, haben die Mouskouri 50 Jahre lang auf die Bühne begleitetFoto: dpa1 von 18

Please visit
26.10.2009 - 00:36 UHRDas soll ihr mal einer nachmachen: Nana Mouskouri (75) hatte noch keinen einzigen Ton gesungen, da bekam sie bereits die ersten „standing ovations“ in der Johanneskirche am Feuersee.

mehr zum thema

„Rose aus Athen“

Nana Mouskouri

feiert 75. GeburtstagObwohl sie ihr Publikum fünfzehn Minuten lang warten ließ, waren die mehr als 600 Fans total aus dem Häusle. Es ging zu wie bei einem Robbie Williams-Konzert: Klatschen, Johlen, Kreischen, in vielen verschiedenen Sprachen.

Aus aller Welt waren sie zum einzigen Nana-Konzert in diesem Jahr nach Stuttgart angereist. 
Die Mouskouri hob dankend die Arme, sagte gerührt: „Welch Emotion, jetzt kommen die Tränen. Hoffentlich kann ich noch singen.“ 

Sie konnte natürlich, und versetzte ihr Publikum immer wieder in Begeisterung. Ihre vierköpfige Band, bestehend aus Keyboarder, Schlagzeuger und zwei Gitarristen begleiteten den Weltstar sehr einfühlsam. Farbiges Licht spiegelte sich in der Glitzer-Tunika der Sängerin mit der weltberühmten, glockenreinen Sopran-Stimme. 

Natürlich durfte „Weiße Rosen aus Athen“ und „Guten Morgen Sonnenschein“ nicht fehlen. Für Gänsehaut und Ausrufe der Verzückung sorgten aber ihre Jazz-Titel. „As Time goes by“, oder „Smoke gets in your eyes“, von ihrer Platte mit Harry Belafonte.Unglaublich: diese Frau hat mehr als 250 Millionen Tonträger verkauft, aber nicht einen Hauch von Star-Allüren an sich. Sie plauderte, erzählte Anekdoten aus ihrem 50-jährigen Bühnenleben.

„Wir suchen, einen Abend für sie sehr angenehm zu geben“, versprach sie ihrem Publikum in ihrem Deutsch mit kleinen Fehlern. Mouskouris Geheimnis ist wahrscheinlich, dass sie ihr Publikum liebt
