
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Over and Over,sing along, Youtube

My favourite song !
From: lynk0704


Nana News form Inter national Fan Club News!

Une soirée avec Nana à Barcelone
Read in English
Voir le reportage illustré de Christian (pdf)

Nana Mouskouri Groupに掲載されていたものと重複します♪

Nana topic from

'Unknown' British tenor packs 'em in on U.S. tour
Read more
Randy Cordova
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 27, 2008 12:00 AM
Nana Mouskouri: This Greek chanteuse, with her trademark big, black eyeglasses, is reportedly the biggest-selling female vocalist in history. That may be hard to prove, but the fact is she has been consistently successful recording in Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, German and English since the early '60s. In Phoenix, she can fill Symphony Hall, but you never will hear her on the radio. One key to her success: a series of commercials in the '80s that marketed her music via an 800 number.


Over and Over by Nana Mouskouri ,Youtube

Over and Over
by Nana Mouskouri
From: krisfaun


Nana Mouskouri - Weiße Rosen aus Athen ,Youtube

From: johnweege
Deutsche und internationale Schlager der Griechin Nana Mouskouri, darunter "Weiße Rosen aus Athen", "La Provence", "Plaisir d'amour", "Die Welt ist voll Licht" u.a.m.
Nana Mouskouri ist ein Stück Unterhaltungsgeschichte, - hierzulande ebenso wie international. Mit dem Titel "Weiße Rosen aus Athen" wurde die 1936 auf Kreta geborene griechische Sängerin vor fast 40 Jahren in Deutschland bekannt. Wer ihr Schaffen aber allein auf diesen Titel begrenzt, wird der Sängerin in keinster Weise gerecht. Obwohl Nana Mouskouri nur ein Stimmband hat - was ihrer Stimme im übrigen den besonderen Reiz gibt - nahm sie ein klassisches Gesangsstudium in Athen auf. Nach einem Rundfunkauftritt als Jazz-Sängerin wurde sie vom Konservatorium verwiesen. 1959 veröffentlichte sie ihr erstes Album mit griechischen Chansons und wurde zur "neuen Stimme Griechenlands". Ein Jahr später gelang ihr mit der Filmmusik zu "Traumland der Sehnsucht" der erste Erfolg in Deutschland. 1961 folgte dann ihr legendärer Song "Weiße Rosen in Athen". Dies war der Beginn einer einzigartigen Weltkarriere: Mehr als 1350 Titel, über 100 Konzerte pro Jahr, 200 Millionen weltweit verkaufte Platten in 11 Sprachen sprechen für sich.

Weiße Rosen aus Athen
Sagen dir Auf Wiedersehn
Der Tag erwacht
Die Sonne, sie kommt wieder
Und wieder kommt nun auch
Der Abschied für uns zwei
Nun fährt dein Schiff
Hinaus mit Wind und Wogen
Doch es sind Grüße
Aus der Heimat mit dabei

Weiße Rosen aus Athen
Sagen dir komm recht bald wieder
Sagen dir Auf Wiedersehn
Weiße Rosen aus Athen

Weiße Rosen blüh'n an Bord
In der weiten, weiten Ferne
Blüh'n für dich allein so schön
Weiße Rosen aus Athen

Im fernen Land
Wo keiner auf dich wartet
Da seh'n die Sterne in der Nacht
Ganz anders aus
Dort ist die Welt so fremd
Und du bist einsam
Darum begleiten dich heut'
Blumen von zu Haus

Weiße Rosen aus Athen
Sagen dir komm recht bald wieder
Sagen dir Auf Wiedersehn
Weiße Rosen aus Athen

Auf Wiedersehn
Auf Wiedersehn

Nana Mouskouri - Pauvre Rutebeuf ,Youtube

Nana Mouskouri - Pauvre Rutebeuf
from jan 1981


Medley Beliebter Schlager der 60er Jahre (5) ,Youtube

Medley Beliebter Schlager der 60er Jahre (5) ,Youtube
From 1:30-to 3:00,Nana appears

2. Nana Mouskouri - Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach 1962
Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach
Und fange an zu träumen
Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach
Und träume du bist bei mir

Wenn du die weißen Wolken siehst
Dann sollst du an mich denken
Auch wenn du in der Ferne bist
Ist meine Liebe bei dir

Wenn im Abendwind der Regen rinnt
Ja dann sieht keiner meine Tränen
Ich sag mit lächelndem Gesicht
Mein Herz vergisst dich nicht

Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach
Und fange an zu träumen
Ich schau den weißen Wolken nach
Und träume du bist bei mir

Wenn du die weißen Wolken siehst
Dann sollst du an mich denken
Auch wenn du in der Ferne bist
Ist meine Liebe bei dir
From: fritz51129

Nana Fan of the world, from

Also visit、San Jose 72

nana mouskouri---ou'va l;amour、

Door: Willemijntje1

Nana Mouskouri - A Day in the Life of a Fool ,Youtube

From: rutebeuf2

Dec 1993 (more)
Added: March 25, 2008
Dec 1993


Nana Mouskouri & Harry Belafonte - Try to remember (1979 live) ,

Nana Mouskouri & Harry Belafonte - Try to remember (1979 live)

Nana Image from


1965 MONTAGE MS Singer Nana Mouskouri, Julie Robinson (wife of Harry Belafonte), Harry Belafonte and unidentified woman at premiere of The Sound of Music at the Rivoli Theater/ MS unidentified couple in front of theater/ New York, New York/ AUDIO

Nana Fan from

Feom Nana Fan of China 分享快乐
“雅典白玫瑰”美誉的希腊国宝歌后Nana Mouskouri(娜娜),

The Lonely Shepherd 孤独的牧羊人(更多)


Nana News from

Nana News from
Read this in English
Nana Mouskouri - Das Abschiedsjahr 2008
Von Stefan Santos
Im Sommer 2008 wird Nana Mouskouri in Griechenland ihre Abschiedstournee beenden. Die 73 Jahre alte Sängerin verspricht ihren Fans aber weiterhin bei dieser und jener Gelegenheit zu singen. Ihr Erfolg begann einst im Jahre 1961. Da feierte diese den Durchbruch mit dem Titel “Weiße Rosen aus Athen”. Dieser wurde in Deutschland innerhalb eines Jahres 1,5 Millionen Mal verkauft. Heute gehört Nana Mouskouri mit 250 Millionen (!) Tonträgern zu den erfolgreichsten Sängerinnen der Welt. Das Besondere ist, nur durch Zufall kam sie zur Musik.

Wer nun “Abschiedstränen” weint, dem sei Trost gespendet, denn Mouskouris Tochter tritt in die Fußstapfen der Mutter. Eine der erfolgreichsten Interpretinnen - Storys hat somit die Chance fortgesetzt zu werden.

Zu erwähnen sei hierbei auch, das sich die mehr als erfolgreiche Interpretin in der Vergangenheit auch einen Namen in der Politik gemacht hatte.

Nana Mouskouri gehört heute schon zu den Legenden der Musikgeschichte und dies weltweit.

Tags:Musik, Nana Mouskouri, Sänger, Sängerin, Sängerinnen, Tonträger, Tour, Tournee

Adieu Angelina Nana Mouskouri,dailymotion,again

From moriganne

adieu angelina nana mouskouri joan baez farewell

Nana Mouskouri with George Zamfir - Lonely Shepherd、Youtube

From: rutebeuf2

Lonely Shepherd, with Zamfir on panflute, Holland, August 19

Nana Mouskouri - The Guests ,youtube

Nana Mouskouri - The Guests ,youtube

from July 1984 Herodes Atticus, Athnes, song by Leonard Cohen
From: rutebeuf2

Nana Mouskouri - Stou Othona ta Khronia ,Youtube

From: rutebeuf2

from 1987 Greek TV, with Stavros Xarchakos on piano, singing one of his compositions

DVD News from、 Les fabuleuses annees  60-70

DVD Les fabuleuses années 60-70 - DVD N. 7

Actuellement en vente
chez votre marchand de journaux

Nana Mouskouri - Quand tu chantes ,

from incubus
Buna dimineata!

Bijuterie muzicala :Nana Mouskouri - Quand tu chantes
Tag-uri: nana mouskouri


Nana Mouskouri - Gloria Eterna (in Greek) ,Youtube

Nana Mouskouri sings Gloria Eterna in Greek in her Zénith concert, 1989.
From: missboulay

Multilingual Nana! ,youtuve

Nana Mouskouri speaks four European languages in less than a minute. My personal multilingual hero
From: missboulay


A place in my heart - Nana Mouskouri

A place in my heart - Nana Mouskouri

Nana mouskouri - A place in my heart
From: peervandeven

Cliff Richard on The Nana Mouskouri show ,youtube

Cliff Richard on The Nana Mouskouri show ,youtube

for this clip I searched my DVDs, you have already seen what else there is on. I know that a lot of people like it, that was before UT deleted my account.
Give me back that old familiar feeling
We believe in Music (Duet mit Nana)
From: 999Uschi
From 5;54,Nana appears and sings together♪

Nana Mouskouri in Barcelona - Concert recap. ,Youtube

From: missboulay
Includes a bit of "Recuerdos de la Alhambra" and "She Moved Through the Fair". The first two songs she sang in the Palau de la musica concert on March 14th, 2008 in Barcelona.

"I have a dream" - Nana Mouskouri -

Again, Nana Mouskouri's wonderful singing inspired me to fit an artistic video around the music and lyrics.
This video is about the part of the lyrics that continue with ..."I believe in Angels"
This is my 2nd video - learning - with my new movie maker program... hope you like it.
From: FlowersBirdArtist


Nana fan from

El sonido de la brisa
Beautiful site♪

De Colores - Nana Mouskouri ,Youtube

Y por eso los Grandes Amores de Muchos Colores me gustan a mi- (Folklor Mexicano) Cancion Mexicana de Dominio Publico interpretada por Nana Mouskouri
From: MexicoMusica


Nana's voice from

Nana's voice from
March 17, 2008
Codpaste with People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz download time! (mp3)
This just in from Vicki Bennett, the people in People Like Us:
Our "Codpaste" podcast series is now drawing to an end, and as a celebration this we're following what is almost a tradition for Vicki and Ergo - to put the Finale show, a 96 minute MEGAMIX of the Best of Codpaste, as a download on the WFMU blog! Do not play while operating machinery or trying to count.
Codpaste Megamix (MP3)
If you enjoy this great slab of joy, maybe you'd like to listen to the other shows, which are archived below.
Episode 1 - Cartoon Music: Archive / Playlist PageVicki and Ergo ride their little bicycles with square wheels and honky hooters and tell you about their love of this funny music. Features, amongst others, the music of Carl Stalling, Roger Roger and BBC Radiophonic Workshop, all collaged with conversation and ridiculously pointless repetitions.
Episode 2 - The Chase: Archive / Playlist PageErgo and Vicki show you how fast they can juggle without dropping everything, or at least make very fast music. They play you some of their very favourite speedy rhythms, generally all at the same time, then when it's finished they start it all over again. Features amongst others, different versions of William Tell Overture and Hungarian Rhapsody, and also the misc of Spike Jones, The Comedian Harmonists and Offenbach.
Episode 3 - Hooked On Classics: Archive / Playlist PageIn which Vicki and Ergo revisit the 1970's phenomenon of Hooked On Classics, classical cover versions as well as all things light, orchestral and popular. Features a medley of the best of this fine mulch of classical music with a disco beat, as well as some tangential visits to the world of amateur orchestras. Features Portsmouth Sinfonia, The Swingle Singers, John Oswald and Wendy Carlos, amongst others.
Episode 4 - ThEdit: Archive / Playlist PageAll about the wonderful world of editing and cutting up of sounds. Ergo and Vicki talk about their favourite editors of life, and demonstrate how one can mess up sound so easily and to such good effect. Features the work of William Burroughs, Negativland, Language Removal Services and cut ups of BBC Radio.
Episode 5 - Fwms Bo Wo: Archive / Playlist PageFeatures some of the best explorers of sound poetry, and general transformers of the spoken word. Is this nonsense? Is it music? Are we serious? Ultimately we don't know but we really enjoy it, and this is a fun introduction to a kind of audio art that all too often is alienating. Features, amongst others, the work of Jaap Blonk, Leif Elggren & Thomas Liljenberg, Christian Bok and Stanley Unwin.
Episode 6 - Snow Day: Archive / Playlist PagePeople Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz examine their obsessions with the classical piece Troika (Sleigh Ride), Queen, Rod McKuen and songs about the weather, plus Vicki tries to mix Mrs Miller with B.J.Thomas and wonders why it didn't turn out too well.
Episode 7 - Banjos, Pots, Pans and Squeezeboxes: Archive / Playlist PageIn which Vicki and Ergo discuss the combination of sampling, live instrumentation and voices. Features Wendy Carlos, Sun Ra and Esquivel, amongst others.
Episode 8 - Collage: Archive / Playlist PageWhen does it stop being completely isolated from the rest of the universe and step into the world of collage, adding another patch to the huge quilt of sounds that have gone before? People Like Us "start at the very beginning" and try to find out. Features sounds from Noah Creshevsky, DJ Earlybird, Brion Gysin and Kid Koala, amongst many others.
Episode 9 - I Can't Tell A Waltz From A Tango: Archive / Playlist PageCan you? Vicki and Ergo offer a masterclass in the key of E Minor on all things that you can't dance to. Features the swinging sounds of Percy Faith, Charles Barlow & His Orchestra, Johann Strauss II and Ferrante & Teicher.
Episode 10 - Nana Mouskouri: Archive / Playlist PageWhy on earth is it called this? Well, this episode is all about those themes and songs that are just so catchy that we just keep returning to them. Includes such delights as Bert Kaempfert, Lenny Dee, The Swingle Singers, The Comedian Harmonists, and of course Nana Mouskouri.
Episode 11 - Song Song: Archive / Playlist PageIn which Ms. Us and Mr. Phizmiz play all their favourite songs and think about how artists fit in with the world of popular music, almost by accident at times. Features, amongst others, the fabulous works of Noel Coward, Winifred Atwell, The Ronettes and Xper. Xr.
Episode 12 - Comedy: Archive / Playlist PageFunny ha ha or funny peculiar, either way, we love that music with a sense of humour, a sense of the surreal and absurd. Vicki and Ergo reflect on the aftermath of chancing a visit to a village hall full of leaping lederhosen. Listen to, amongst others, Mary Schneider, Liszt, The Goons and a bunch of WFMU DJs.
Episode 13 - Easy Listening: Archive / Playlist PageNo, don't switch off, you like it really, don't you. Easy Listening, it's nice. Hear the beautiful noises of Glen Campbell, Esquivel, Nelson Riddle and Martin Denny.
Episode 14 - Finale - Ta Da! Giant MP3 Megamix 99 minutes of pure mayhem.. the best of the best, and some of the rest of the entire Codpaste series.


Nana Mouskouri in Barcelona - Hartino to Fengaraki

From: missboulay
About This Video
Palau de la musica catalana (Barcelona) - 14/03...(more)
Added: March 15, 2008
Palau de la musica catalana (Barcelona) - 14/03/2008After an excelent 2.30h show with no intermission, she came back with an encore: Hartino to Fengaraki, sung with just a guitar and no microphone.Sadly, my camera refused to record the whole song, so I've wrapped it up with her Herod Atticus final notes. Her performance was so absolutely thrilling that I started crying and I wouldn't have been able to record much more anyway.


Nana News from

6일 그리그 출신의 세계적인 가수 나나 무스쿠리가 스페인 바르셀로나에서 선보일 'Great Farewell World Tour' 콘서트 홍보 행사에 참석하여 환하게 웃고있다. 나나 무스쿠리의 바르셀로나 콘서트는 오는 3월 14일에 열릴 예정이다. Greek singer Nana Mouskouri smiles during the presentation of her concert of the 'Great Farewell World Tour' in Barcelona, Spain, 06 March 2008. The concert will be performed on 14 March in Barcelona within the Festival Mil.lenni. EPA/ALBERT OLIVE

See also

Guten morgen Sonnenschein ,again,Youtube

Em alemao. Conhecem de algum lugar a melodia??? Pois é: "Canta, canta, minha gente", de Martinho da Vila. Interpretada por Nana Mouskouri.
Creditos: Video do usuario do youtube Hughx1979
From: mgglopes

Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri se despediò ayer 14 de marzo del público español en un concierto en el Palau de la Música de Barcelona. La artista griega, que ha grabado 1.500 canciones en 11 idiomas y ha vendido más de 300 millones de discos, ha decidido poner punto final a las giras tras medio siglo en activo con The farewell tour, que culminará en Grecia el próximo mes de julio.

Texto y foto: Marco Valentino

Nana Fans of the world, from

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nana Mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri sings the "Hartino to Feggaraki" (Papermoon) by the incredible Manos Hatzidakis, Nana will perform this summer in Athens her last concert. A great career comes to an end....


From Nana Mouskouri Group site, press conference Barcelona - 06 March 2008 2008/3/15 15:02

レビュー press conference Barcelona - 06 March 2008 2008/3/15 15:02
カテゴリ: その他
Greek singer Nana Mouskouri says farewell to stage in Barcelona because she needs to
"learn to live without it".

EFE PRESS - Barcelona 06/03/2008

Greek singer Nana Mouskouri has explained today that she's leaving the stage after fifty years because she needs to although she has confessed that she needs music "like breathing".

Her farewell to Spain will take place in Barcelona's Palau de la Música on March 14th as part of the Mil.leni festival.

In the press conference, the Greek singer had nothing but praise for the city that marked the begining of her international career: "In 1960 I participated in the Festival Mediterráneo that took place here; No one knew me but it was a wonderful surprise to win".

The warm singer also explained that it was after that recital that producers Michel Legrand and Quincy Jones came to her, intrigued by the "Greek singer that didn't take her glasses off".

Few artists can surpass Mouskouri's success after 300 albums and more than 1.500 songs in eleven different languages, including French, Spanish, Greek, German, Italian, Japonese, English or Hebrew.

It was the artist who explained that though the years she's taken an interest in learning from other cultures to enrich her knowledge and expand her way to express what music means to her.

A very emotional Mouskouri has revealed that music allowed her to realize that love exists, that tenderness is omportant to communicate with others and that dreams are necessary to go on living.

However, the singer has declared that she is not tired of singing, but that she felt "it was time to let the younger artists do what I have been doing for so long" and give to music as much - or more - than she's given.

"For 50 years, the stage has been my family, my husband, my lover and I am grateful that the audience has loved me until today because they have given me the strength to keep on going in this business"

Her repertoire for the concert is yet to be decided, but she has explained that it will be "very Latino": "I always try to sing more songs in the language of the country I am visiting but Spanish is, along with Greek, the language in which I am more comfortable to express what I feel, it's optimistic even when the lyrics are sad".

Her last concert will take place in July in her natal Greece and from there she will commit herself to her foundations, destined to help the youngsters and from which she wants to state that art is essential in human relations and needed in every inter-personal exchange.

She will also continue with her work in UNICEF and the work the organization is doing in the education fields, rights for boys and girls and health "because life is a journey and it's destination is to help children".


see the original text in Spanish

El Ángel de la Guarda - early Spanish song by Nana Mouskouri ,Youtube

El Ángel de la Guarda - early Spanish song by Nana Mouskouri

From: renamouskouri
About This Video Nana recorded very few songs in Spanish during ...

Added: March 13, 2008
Nana recorded very few songs in Spanish during the 60's, this is one of them, El ángel de la guarda, from 1965. It's a rare one, enjoy!


Someone is with you, night and day
Someone that is taking care of you
He sees you from the sky
He talks to you silently
And he wants you to be happy

He's the guardian angel
the one you used to call as a child with love
He's the guardian angel
He's the angel who took care of you while you were sleeping

The one who takes your life away from the evil and the one who gives you happiness
The one that will always be by your side and the one who will take care of your life

He's the guardian angel
The one mom used to talk about incesstanly
The guardian angel, the one that you someday imploring will call out

He's the guardian angel
He's the angel who took care of you while you were sleeping

The one who takes your life away from the evil and the one who gives you happiness
The one that will always be by your side and the one who will take care of your life

He's the guardian angel
The one mom used to talk about incesstanly
The guardian angel, the one that you someday imploring will call out (less)
Added: March 13, 2008
Category: Music
Tags: nana mouskouri spanish el ángel de la guarda 1965

From: renamouskouri
Subscribe Unsubscribe Joined: 1 year ago
Videos: 101

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About This Video Nana recorded very few songs in Spanish during ...
Added: March 13, 2008
Nana recorded very few songs in Spanish during the 60's, this is one of them, El ángel de la guarda, from 1965. It's a rare one, enjoy!


Someone is with you, night and day
Someone that is taking care of you
He sees you from the sky
He talks to you silently
And he wants you to be happy

He's the guardian angel
the one you used to call as a child with love
He's the guardian angel
He's the angel who took care of you while you were sleeping

The one who takes your life away from the evil and the one who gives you happiness
The one that will always be by your side and the one who will take care of your life

He's the guardian angel
The one mom used to talk about incesstanly
The guardian angel, the one that you someday imploring will call out

He's the guardian angel
He's the angel who took care of you while you were sleeping

The one who takes your life away from the evil and the one who gives you happiness
The one that will always be by your side and the one who will take care of your life

He's the guardian angel
The one mom used to talk about incesstanly
The guardian angel, the one that you someday imploring will call out
Added: March 13, 2008
Category: Music
Tags: nana mouskouri spanish el ángel de la guarda 1965
From: renamouskouri


song for liberty ,again,Youtube

english version of Je chante avec toi liberte
From: rbultje

Nana Mouskouri: Milise mou,Youtube

About This Video Στίχοι: Νίκος Γκάτσος

Μουσική: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις

Π... (more)
Added: March 13, 2008
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γκάτσος
Μουσική: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης
Άλλες ερμηνείες: Βασίλης Παπακωνσταντίνου

Άνοιξα στον κήπο μου πηγάδι,
να ποτίζω τα πουλιά,
νάρχεσαι κι εσύ πρωί και βράδυ
σα μικρή δροσοσταλιά.
Ήρθες μια βραδιά με τον αγέρα, αναστέναξ' η καρδιά,
σου' πα με λαχτάρα "καλησπέρα"
και μου είπες "έχε γεια".

Μίλησέ μου, μίλησέ μου,
δε σε φίλησα ποτέ μου.
Μίλησέ μου, μίλησέ μου,
πώς να σε ξεχάσω πες μου.
Μίλησέ μου, μίλησέ μου,
δε σε φίλησα ποτέ μου.
Μίλησέ μου, μίλησέ μου,
μόνο στ' όνειρό μου σε φιλώ.

I opened a well in my garden,
so that the birds could drink from,
so that you will come day and night
like a small water drop.
You came one night with the wind, and my heart sighed,
I eagerly told you "good morning"
and you told me "good bye".

Talk to me, talk to me,
I have never kissed you.
Talk to me, talk to me,
tell me how to forget you.
Talk to me, talk to me,
I have never kissed you.
Talk to me, talk to me,
I only kiss you in my dreams.

Abrí en mi gardín pozo
Para dar de beber a los pajaros
(para) que vengas tú tambien de mañana y de noche
como pequeña gota de rocío
Viniste una noche con el viento y suspiró el corazón
Te dije con ansia "buenas tardes"
Y me dijiste "(tenga) adios"

Habla a mí, habla a mí
No te besé nunca (en mi vida)
Habla a mí, habla a mí
Cómo olvidarte? ¡Dios mío!
Hablá a mí, hablá a mí
No te besé nunca (en mi vida)
Habla a mí, habla a mí
Sólo en mi sueño te beso

Ho aperto un pozzo nel mio giardino
per dar da bere agli uccelli,
vieni anche tu mattina e sera
come una gocciolina di rugiada.
Arrivasti una sera con il vento, il cuore sospirava,
ti dissi con trasporto " Buona sera",
e mi dicesti "Salute a te".

Parlami, parlami
mai mai io t'ho baciata.
Parlami, parlami
dimmi tu come ti posso dimenticare.
Parlami, parlami
mai mai io t'ho baciata.
Parlami, parlami
io ti bacio solo in sogno

From: zeena61


Nana News from

IX Festival del Mil·lenni: Concert ‘The Great Farewell World Tour’.
13 de March, 2008
An emotional concert in Barcelona.

Nana Mouskouri recalls her links with the city. “Barcelona has a very important place in my life,” she says, referring to her appearance at the 1960 Festival Mediterrani, adding: “It was a surprise to win the first prize in Barcelona with Despierta mi amor in Greek”.

In a career spanning fifty years she has sold 350 million records and says: “Barcelona marks the start of my international career.” Following her Festival Mediterrani appearance, she was invited to sing in France and the United States.

She is a really global artist. Capable of singing in eleven different languages, including Chinese, she has made songs by Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan her own.

Once the tour is over, Mouskouri will devote herself to her cultural foundation to help young artists, musicians as well as others.

IX Festival del Mil·lenni: Concert ‘The Great Farewell World Tour’, amb Nana Mouskouri
Date: 14/03/2008
Palau de la Música Catalana - c/Sant Francesc de Paula, 2

Nana News from /

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Nana Mouskouri: "Barcelona has a very important place in my life"
posted 10/03/2008 at 17:30 h. Letícia Castellsaguer

The Greek diva is giving just one performance with a very Latin selection of songs

"Music is what has kept me young," says Nana Mouskouri, who, at the age of 73 and with a life dedicated to singing, has decided to quit the stage. Her farewell tour only has one stop in Spain and that is at Barcelona's Palau de la Música.

For Mouskouri this has not been an easy decision. "The stage is my family, my husband, my child, my everything," she confesses. Nevertheless, having recorded over 1,500 songs, she believes it is time to give way to a new generation of artists.

And she continues: "I want to get used to living without singing or going on tour, because I'm 73. I am incredibly strong to be able to sing till now with the same enthusiasm as in my early years. My voice is more mature but I sing the same, I have the same tone as when I was 25. This is a miracle that will not last forever."

An emotional concert in Barcelona

Mouskouri recalls her links with the city. "Barcelona has a very important place in my life," she says, referring to her appearance at the 1960 Festival Mediterrani, adding: "It was a surprise to win the first prize in Barcelona with Despierta mi amor in Greek".

In a career spanning fifty years she has sold 350 million records and says: "Barcelona marks the start of my international career." Following her Festival Mediterrani appearance, she was invited to sing in France and the United States.

She is a really global artist. Capable of singing in eleven different languages, including Chinese, she has made songs by Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan her own.

For the Barcelona concert she will perform a good part of the songs in Spanish. "I haven't decided on the repertoire but in my heart I know what it is. It will be a very Latin show," she says. So, it could include María Dolores or Llegó con tres heridas.

Once the tour is over, Mouskouri will devote herself to her cultural foundation to help young artists, musicians as well as others. "I believe art is very important for the spirit, for education, integration and to have an identity," she explains.

Event information:

» IX Festival del Mil·lenni: Concert 'The Great Farewell World Tour', amb Nana Mouskouri
Date: 14/03/2008
Palau de la Música Catalana
C Sant Francesc de Paula, 2
Ciutat Vella


Πάμε μια Βόλτα στο Φεγγάρι - Νάνα Μούσχουρη (Μ.Χατζιδάκις)

Από συναυλία στο Καστελόριζο το 1992.

Συνθέτης: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις
Στιχουργός: Νότης Περγιάλης

Τρεις μέρες χώ-
τρείς μέρες χώρισα από σένα
τρεις νύχτες μέ-
τρεις νύχτες μένω μοναχή
σαν τα βουνά
που στέκουν τώρα δακρυσμένα
όταν τα βρέ-
όταν τα βρέχουν οι ουρανοί Δίς

Διώξε τη λύπη παληκάρι
πάμε μια βόλτα στο φεγγάρι Ρεφραίν

Πως να 'βγω και
πως να 'βγω και να περπατήσω
τα λόγια του
τα λόγια του να θυμηθώ
με το φεγγάρι
πως αχ πως να τραγουδήσω
με το φεγγάρι
πως να παρηγορηθώ

Let's take a walk to the moon

three days I was se-, three days I was separated from you
threes nights I sta-, three nights I stay on my own
like the mountains, that stand now in tears
when they get ra-, when they get rained (by) the heavens

chase away the sorrow, young lad
let's take a walk to the moon

how may I go out and, how may I go out and walk
his words, his words to remember?
with the moon how, oh how may I sing
with the moon, how may I be solaced
Added: March 10, 2008
Category: Music
Tags: manos hadjidakis nana mouskouri

From: semelicorfu

Nana Mouskouri - AVANT TOI,Dailymotion,again!

Avant toi le bonheur
Je savais pas ce que c'était
Avant toi les beaux jours
Devant moi défilaient
L' amour c'est précieux
Mais pour moi c'est nouveau
À partir d'aujourd'hui
Moi je pars à zéro

Toutes les choses qu'on connait pas encore tous les deux
On va les découvrir, ce sera merveilleux
Alors donne-moi la main , sur le chemin
Ce que je ne savais pas
Je le saurai demain

Avant toi le bonheur
Je savais pas ce que c'était
Avant toi les beaux jours
Devant moi défilaient
L'amour c'est précieux
Mais pour moi c'est nouveau
À partir d'aujourd'hui
Moi je pars à zéro

Avec toi je n'aurai jamais plus peur de rien
Je verrai se lever le soleil du matin
Sachant qu'il viendra m'apporter la joie
Que je n'avais jamais pu trouver avant toi

Du du du, du du du, du du du ou ou
Du du du, du du du, du du du ou ou
Du du....

Nana Mouskouri - Ich will Heim zu dir (Blue Bayou) ,Youtube

The German version of this classic song originally recorded in English by Linda Ronstadt.

My favorite part is at the very end of the song when Nana sings that high note "und blue Bayooouuuu" haha :) just awesome :D

Ich schreibe dir weil ich sehr einsam bin
für ein Leben ohne Sinn
In Gedanken zieht es mich hin
Nach Blue Bayou
Als ich damals von dir gehe
Wusste ich nicht wie Heimweh klingt
Das ist einem nach Hause zwingt
Nach Blue Bayou
Ich will heim zu dir fort von hier
Nach Blue Bayou
Will an deiner Hand an den Märchenstrand
Von Blue Bayou
Auf dem Fischerboot durch das Abendrot
Zum Regenbogen fahr'n
Oh es tut mir so weh
Wenn ich heute seh'
Wie glücklich wir war'n

Ich weiß auch nicht was mich erhält
Diese Stadt die mir nicht gefällt
Ist so anders als unsere Welt
In Blue Bayou

Als ich damals von dir ging
Wusste ich nicht wie Heimweh klingt
Das einem nach Hause zwingt
Nach Blue Bayou
Ich will heim zu dir fort von hier
Nach Blue Bayou
Will an deiner Hand an den Märchenstrand
Von Blue Bayou
Auf dem Fischerboot durch das Abendrot
Zum Regenbogen fahr'n
Oh es tut mir so weh
Wenn ich heute seh'
Wie glücklich wir war'n

Lass mich nie allein
Im Sonnenschein
Im Silbermond
Und im Kerzenschein
Oh, es gibt mir Mut
Denn es tut so gut
Wieder glücklich zu sein
Denn was ich auch tu'
Mein Ziel bist du
Und Blue Bayou (less)
Added: March 10, 2008
Category: Music
Tags: nana mouskouri blue bayou Linda Ronstadt

From : renamouskouri


From: JavierWestern
Very Beautiful♪♪♪


Foire du Livre 2008 - Nana Mouskouri 、Youtube

Foire du Livre 2008 - Nana Mouskouri
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Nana Mouskouri foire livre 2008 nostalgie christophe delire

Nana Mouskouri sur seesmic
From: nostalgieTV


Demis Rousos and Nana Mouskouri ,Again,Youtube

Demis Rousos and Nana Mouskouri
Bouzouki Music
From: 123LPM

Elvis Presley - Nana Mouskouri - And I Love you So ,Youtube

El rey del rock y la grandísima cantante griega nos deleitan con este clásico.
From: Grandescanciones

Corelli Mouskouri TV-show ,Youtube

FAREWELL WORLD TOUR - BARCELONA - SPAIN 14th March 2008,from Nana Mouskouri Group

ブログFAREWELL WORLD TOUR - BARCELONA - SPAIN 14th March 20082008/3/10 19:10

Nana Mouskouri - Farewell World Tour - Barcelona-Spain - 14th March 2008

Palau de La Musica

Barcelona - Spain


Friday 14th March 2008



The Palau de la Música Catalana (Palace of Catalan Music) is a concert hall designed in the Catalan modernisme style by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner. It was built in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, between 1905 and 1908 for the Orfeó Català, a choral society founded in 1891 that was a leading force in the Catalan cultural and political independence movement that came to be known as the Renaixença (Catalan Rebirth) (Benton 1986, 56; Fahr-Becker 2004, 199). it was inaugurated February 9 1908.

The project was financed primarily by the society, but important financial contributions also were made by Barcelona's wealthy industrialists and bourgeoisie. The Palau won the architect an award from the Barcelona City Council in 1909, given to the best building built during the previous year. Between 1982 and 1989, the building underwent extensive restoration, remodeling, and extension under the direction of architects Oscar Tusquets and Carles Díaz (Carandell et al. 2006, 138). In 1997, the Palau de la Música Catalana was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with Hospital de Sant Pau. Today, more than half a million people a year attend musical performances in the Palau that range from symphonic and chamber music to jazz and Cançó (Catalan song).

The concert hall is one of the most beautiful in the world (...) without exaggeration. It is one of its most important architectural treasures. Its pace, simple, complex, mystical and paradoxical, defies accurate description.
-David Mackay
(Quoted in Carandell et al. 2006, 62)

The concert hall of the Palau, which seats about 2,200 people, is the only auditorium in Europe that is illuminated during daylight hours entirely by natural light. The walls on two sides consist primarily of stained-glass panes set in magnificent arches, and overhead is an enormous skylight of stained glass designed by Antoni Rigalt whose centerpiece is an inverted dome in shades of gold surrounded by blue that suggests the sun and the sky.

The architectural decoration in the concert hall is a masterpiece of creativity and imagination, yet everything has been carefully considered for its utility in the presentation of music. The hall is not a theater, because the massive sculptures flanking the stage make the use of scenery nearly impossible. Likewise, even though a noble pipe organ graces the apse-like area above and behind the stage, the hall is not a church. If it is religious at all, it can only be described as pagan.


The dominant theme in the sumptuous sculptural decor of the concert hall is choral music, something that might be expected in an auditorium commissioned by a choral society. A choir of young women surrounds the "sun" in the stained-glass skylight, and a bust of Anselm Clavé, a famous choir director who was instrumental in reviving Catalan folk songs, is situated on the left side of the stage, under a stone tree. Seated beneath this statue are sculpted girls singing the Catalan song Les Flors de Maig (The Flowers of May).

This is the left basis of the great arch over the front of the stage. The whole arch was sculpted by Dídac Masana and Pablo Gargallo. On the right side is depicted the ride of the valkyries in Wagner's opera Die Walküre (The Valkyries), an opera in which the female choir sings with great musical power. Under the valkyries and among two Doric columns—symbol of classical art—is a bust of Beethoven that many think was placed there in honor of the beautiful choral composition in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony known as the Ode to Joy.

So, the arch represents folk music on the left and classical music on the right, both united at the top of the arch.

In a semicircle on the sides of the back of the stage are the figures of 18 young women popularly known as the muses (although there are only nine muses in Greek mythology). The monotone upper bodies of the women protrude from the wall and their lower bodies are depicted by colorful mosaics that form part of the wall. Each of the women is playing a different musical instrument, and each is wearing a different skirt, blouse, and headdress of elaborate design. In the early days of the Palau, many critics found these figures unsettling or even eerie, but today they are widely regarded as perhaps the best sculptural work in the concert hall. The upper bodies were sculpted by Eusebi Arnau, and the mosaic work of their lower bodies was created by Lluís Bru.

The sculptures of winged horses that enjoy a commanding position in the upper balcony are said to honor Pegasus, the horse of Greek mythology that is the symbol of high-flying imagination. Pegasus was ridden by the muses when called by their father Zeus to be by his side on Mount Olympus.

source: Wikipedia

Palau de La Musica (english)

Palau de La Musica (francais)

Palau de La Musica (deutsch)

Palau de La Musica (espanol)

Website Palau de La Musica

Photos of The Palau de la Musica


From Nana Mouskouri Group,Nana signs her book in Brussels today.....09 March 2008

Nana signs her book in Brussels today.....09 March 20082008/3/08 14:06
"Les Mots en Colère ! "

La Foire du Livre rassemblera pour la 38ème fois, tous les acteurs du monde du livre, tous les hommes et femmes soucieux de dialogue, allergiques au repli sur soi. Auteurs, illustrateurs, éditeurs, libraires, critiques, offriront une diversité de voix, de points de vue, d’expressions artistiques, véhiculés par un support commun : Le Livre.

Nana is signing her book in Brussels at the 38th fair of the "Book in Brussels"

Sunday 09 March 2008 14.30 - 17.00 (stand 302)

Nana in Brussels today..............signing her book "Mémoires"




Dernier ouvrage


9 mars

14h00 - 17h00

Antoine Filisiadis

Surtout n't aller pas (Guy Trédaniel/Le Souffle d'or)


9 mars

14h00 - 17h00

David Merveille

Le Nid (Rouergue)


9 mars

14h00 - 17h30

Anaclet Kasama Chongo

Parcours d'un noir africain, Acteurs loc (Publibook)


9 mars

14h00 - 17h30

Frédéric Emmanuel Charles

Images post morthem (Publibbok)


9 mars

14h00 - 17h30

Ibrahim N'Kombe

Les chemins de la démocration en RDC (Publibook)


9 mars

14h00 - 17h30

Philippe Démotier

La maison près de la fontaine (Publibook)


9 mars

14h00 - 18h00


Les Blagues corses (Delcourt)


9 mars

14h00 - 18h00


Les Blagues corses (Delcourt)


9 mars

14h30 - 15h30

Anne Herbauts

De temps en temps ((Esperluète)


9 mars

14h30 - 15h30

Julian Press

Opération Dragon jaune (Actes Sud Junior)


9 mars

14h30 - 16h00

Jean-Luc Wauthier

Au-delà des frontières (Editions d'écarts)


9 mars

14h30 - 16h30

Philippe-Henri Turin

Tendres dragons (Belin)


9 mars

14h30 - 17h00

Nana Mouskouri

La fille de la chauve-souris (XO)


9 mars

14h30 - 17h30

Amélie Nothomb

Ni d'Eve, ni d'Adam (Albin Michel)


9 mars

14h30 - 18h00

Anne Wilsdorf

M'Toto - Philomène (Kaleidoscope)


9 mars

14h30 - 18h00

Carl Norac

Lola reine des princesses (Pastel - Ecole des Loisirs)


9 mars

14h30 - 18h00

Claude K.Dubois

Lola reine des princesses ((Pastel - Ecole des Loisirs)


9 mars

14h30 - 18h00

Michel Van Zeveren

La porte (Pastel - Ecole des Loisirs)


9 mars

15h00 - 16h00

Jessica Grasso

Comment créer son emploi en ASBL (Edi Pro)


9 mars

15h00 - 16h00

Claire Ruwet

Blanc foncé (Editions Couleur Livres)