ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
Nana Mouskouri-Toi qui t'en vas、again、YouTubeから♪♪
From igneaflaviustimisoar
Category Music
Tags Nana Mouskouri Toi qui t'en vas Flavius Romania Timisoara
Nana Mouskouri-Pour mieux t'aimer,againYouTubeから♪
From igneaflaviustimisoar
Category Music
Tags Nana Mouskouri Pour mieux t'aimer
Nana Mouskouri returns to Halifax for her final Maritime performance as part of her Farewell Tour
One Last Song…from Nana with Love!!!
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Nana Mouskouri possesses one of the most beautiful voices of our lifetime. She is one of the most successful singers in history, selling more recordings than any other female artist. Nana has collected an astonishing 350 Diamond, Platinum, and Gold recordings from around the world. And for one last time she will be performing at Halifax Metro Centre on Friday June 8, 2007 at 8:00pm.
Nana is unquestionably a superstar, yet she has no fancy press agents, or a big staff that follow her around the world. Nana simply touches the hearts of her loyal fans, who have been listening to her sing, in six languages, all their lives. Unlike todays popular recording artists who come and go like the seasons, Nana Mouskouri has maintained her superstar status for decades.
To millions of adoring fans, there is a special connection with the Greek goddess of song. She is one of the most respected pop singers, by other singers as well. From Bob Dylan to Harry Belafonte, Nanas fan club includes some of pop musics most legendary performers. And now after forty years of traveling the world performing to adoring audiences, Nana says farewell to Canada. For her fans, one more concert, one last song, one last chance to share the experience of a Nana Mouskouri performance. For Nana, it is one last chance to command the stage and connect with her fans that she loves so well. Its truly an equal love affair; perhaps that is the reason this goodbye is so hard for her fans and for Nana. The first leg of her farewell tour took Nana through Europe. Fans devoured the tickets for these concerts as soon as they went on sale. Each night after two and a half hours of music, the audience rushed the stage trying to get as close as they could to Nana. There are no guards to keep a barrier between the star and her audience. Quite to the contrary, Nana relishes the opportunity to be that close. Nanas farewell performances in Australia, New Zealand, and the Far East met with the same complete adoration. But in Nanas mind Canada is a very special place, almost like a second home. In Nanas words Year after year I looked forward to my tours in Canada. One year the west and the next year the east. I will miss Canada, the wonderful people and the beautiful cities.
First and foremost, Nana Mouskouri loves to sing; she loves the connection she shares with her audience. Nana and her fans share a common bond that fulfills them both. So why give up touring? Simply Nana says the time has come. Yet there is no sadness in the singers eyes. She loves performing every night, and the audience leaves even more in love with Nana. When the time came for Nana to plan her farewell tour, Canada was left till after Europe, Asia and Australia. Canada may be the hardest for Nana to say goodbye to. Before the lights go out and the bags are put away, one last concert, one last song, and one more beautiful memory, for those lucky enough to get tickets and of course to see Nana one last time.
Love Story,Song by Nana Mouskouri,YouTubeから♪
From punkrocker58
It is A Love Story
Category Music
Tags Love Nana Mouskouri if only knew where you were need peace happiness the it hope hug kisses kiss
Nana Moskouri- Song of joy 9th Simphony Coral、映像はイメージです♪♪♪
From armandodiazfelix
Esta es la musica del alma, la musica... Esta es la musica del alma, la musica del espiritu, la musica de los angeles de Diosito.. esto es otro homenaje. al mas grande regalo de Dios su majestad el amor, y a la sonrisa y ojitos robacorazones mas veloz del universo entero, es un orgullo enorme compartir esto que fue creado con tanto carino y amor, para alguien como tu ....
UN FAVOR.. si te gusto esto.. puedes sonreir...
sera un mundo mas hermoso, lleno de sonrisas, porque estoy seguro sera de tu agrado...thanks
This is a goods gift, enjoy!!!
Smile, forever smile...
this is TQM FM in live in at Eldorado Sinaloa Mexico broadcsting for you........... (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags nana mouskouri song of joy
Yesterday once more、YouTube から♪
TV番組です!YouTube から♪
ナナの娘さんとLaurent Voulzy がデュエットでYesterday Once Moreを唄います♪
From jpln57
TV show
Category Entertainment
Tags lenou voulzy cauet