
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana Mouskouri & Julio Iglesias- La Paloma,again,YouTubeから♪

Nana Mouskouri & Julio Iglesias- La Paloma,again,YouTubeから♪

From: luisarmandodiazfelix
Un clasico de clasicos en la voz de e... Un clasico de clasicos en la voz de estos dos grandes del pop.
Una cancion que cuenta la leyenda,
por el año 1865 llega a México una habanera escrita por el compositor español José Iradier, cuyos versos, de todos conocidos y cantados, dicen:
Cuando salí de la habana, válgame dios
Nadie me ha visto salir sino fuí yo
Y una linda guachinanga como una flor
Se vino detrás de mí, que si señor

Si a tu ventana llega una paloma
Trátala con cariño que es mi persona
Cuéntale tus amores bien de mi vida
Corónala de flores que es cosa mía
Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo

Y una linda guachinanga como una flor
Se vino detrás de mí, que si señor

Si a tu ventana llega una paloma
Trátala con cariño que es mi persona
Cuéntale tus amores bien de mi vida
Corónala de flores que es cosa mía
Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo

Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo

Por entonces está de moda en el país la voz de Concha Méndez, celebrada, no sólo como tiple por sus condiciones para el canto, sino como actriz dramática, destacando, de entre tantos papeles en las tablas, en el de Ciutti en Don Juan Tenorio.

Por ese tiempo ocupanEl Trono del del imperio Mexicano Maximiliano y Carlota, a quienes entusiasman los conciertos de Concha Méndez, de la que se hacen amigos, no dejando pasar actuación pública en la que Concha no cierre con la canción «La paloma» dedicada a sus protectores.

Andan los días, triunfa la Reforma , es preso El Emperador Maximiliano y Carlota emprende un desesperado viaje por las naciones de Europa pidiendo ayuda para su marido, al que cree vivo. Súplica inútil.

Los contrarios a la ex emperatriz, a sabiendas de su gusto por la habanera de Iradier, inventa una parodia burlesca, algo así como:

Si a tu ventana llega
un burro flaco
trátalo con cariño
que es mi retrato,

...versión llamada «La paloma liberal», que pasa a ser tarandilla murguera de la tropa republicana.

Concha Méndez, ajena al laberinto político, ya remansada el agua revuelta en el país, vuelve a cantar en el Teatro Nacional de la capital de México. Y el día de su regreso, domingo por más señas, el público, entregado a su arte incondicionalmente, tras el aplauso final, le pide a gritos que cante «La paloma liberal». Ella queda callada en el escenario, inmóvil como una estatua. Y ante la insistencia, confiesa emocionada: «No voy a cantarla. Llevo en mi muñeca la pulsera que me regaló una infeliz mujer la primera vez que actué ante ella, y quiero respetar su recuerdo ya que hoy vive sola lejos de aquí. Ni yo ni mi pueblo mexicano hemos de insultar la memoria del marido, fusilado en Querétaro, ni la de una mujer a la que sólo la adorna el martirio. ¡Matadme, si queréis. Prefiero la muerte a ser ingrata e infame!».

En este lance besó la pulsera y se cubrió la cara con las manos. El público gritó al unísono: «¡Viva Concha Méndez!», y nunca más volvió a pedirle que cantase la habanera, ni la original, ni la versión bufa. Sólo con el correr del tiempo, la canción volvió a sentirse en labios de otra gran voz, Dolores del Río, en la película La Paloma, hecha en USA (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags: Nana Mouskouri julio iglesias la paloma

BBC catalogue and French INA,from Yahoo group news!

Yahoogroupsに寄せられた情報から、イギリスのBBCとフランスのINAのNana Mouskouriのデータベースをご紹介いたします。

BBC catalogue



Eurovision Song Contest News

Eurovision Song Contest News

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Nana Mouskouri on British Television reports:
The much loved, and much famed, Nana Moskouri made an appearance on ITV1's popular morning show 'This Morning' earlier today. She was introduced by host Philip Scofield who said that ''the word legend is often overused these days... but this lady certainly is one''.
Nana, who speaks five languages but has sung in eleven, was complimented on this idea as a way of reaching out to people. ''It was never planned that way'' said argueably the most famous Greek musician of all time. ''I wanted to learn other languages and culture to learn more about singing''.
In total, Nana has recorded over 1350 songs in 11 different languages over her carear that has spanned 50 years. She is currently touring the world on a four-year ''Farewell Tour''. ''Life helped me to be a singer... I became a stage person, wonderful things don't last forever. It's better to say thank you to the audience, because if the audience weren't here to listen to me I wouldn't be here'' she said.
Nana was praised for never giving notice to those who said she should change who she was. Indeed, she revealed that at the 1963 Eurovision Song Contest- where she entered for Luxembourg- she was told by Harry Belafonte to lose her glasses and change her hair!
As a little bit of fun, hosts Fearne and Phil asked Nana to try on some new, more modern, glasses, which she duly did, with Philip then telling er that her original ones looked best. Nana will be back in the UK in October as part of her 'Farewell Tour'.
You can see photos of Nana on the Show here
Posted by ellytza at 4:10 PM

Labels: Greece, Nana Mouskouri, UK

Nana Mouskouri - Why did I choose you?、YouTubeから♪♪♪

Nana Mouskouri - Why did I choose you?、YouTubeから♪♪♪

From: markier1980
from the BBC shows 1976
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Why did I hoose you

Nana Mouskouri - Going home,Youtubeから♪♪♪

Nana Mouskouri - Going home,Youtubeから♪

From: markier1980
Another song from het BBC shows
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Going home

昨日の記事の、ナナがitvの番組This Morningに6月26日に出演したニュースがitvのサイトにも掲載されていました♪
Nana Mouskour

The most successful female singer in history, she has sold over 350 million records world-wide, outselling the Beatles and Elvis combined. Now, after 45 years of touring and aged 72, she has decided to call it a day and is part way through her 4 year Farewell Tour.


Farewell Tour
This October Nana Mouskouri comes to the UK to play a handful of selected dates including the Royal Albert Hall. The performances are part of her mammoth 4 year tour saying farewell to her many devoted and loyal fans. The tour is taking her to 5 continents and began two years ago in Scandinavia. Since then she has played Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Asia as well as parts of Europe.


In 2006 she toured across Canada and this year as well as the UK she has played key dates in the USA, South America and Greece. She says: "I never thought that I would grow that old. It is better really to stop while you are standing well on your feet. I just want to be proud and in very good form and thank the audience for all this love."


Nana's fluency in multiple languages; Greek, French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese has enabled her to reach audiences all over Europe, the Americans and even Asia. She is known for her distinctive, angelic soprano voice, she has more than once been described as Europe's answer to Barbara Streisand. Her repertoire is hugely varied which has also added to her huge success from jazz, pop, French cabaret chansons, film soundtrack, classical, operatic and folk songs from her native Greece.




Nana Mouskouri - Agapisa (I Have Loved),YouTubeから♪

Nana Mouskouri - Agapisa (I Have Loved),YouTubeから♪

From: renamouskouri
Video clip from 1998
Category People & Blogs
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Agapisa Greek Music
どうも1998年、Herod Atticus劇場での公演に先立ってのリハーサルの映像かと想像されます♪♪♪