ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
Even Now, from blog.daum.net
Beautiful videoclip from Korean site, no appearance of Nana
Moon in the sky, softly creeping Over the time from above
하늘의 달이 저 위로 시간을 지나 부드럽게 움직이고
And I lie awake, hardly sleeping So lonely for only your love
나는 깨어있는 채로 누워 당신의 사랑이 그리워 잠들지도 못해요
Even now, each night I remember Days of summer
지금도 매일밤 나는 기억해요 꽃들이 가지들을 수놓던 그 여름날들을
When blossoms filled each bough In the cold grey days of december
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
My darling, I miss you even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
When will I see you again Come to my arms where you belong
언제쯤 그대가 있어야 할 내 품속으로 다시 돌아온 그대를 볼 수 있을까요
My world will be empty till then For you are the words to my song
그대가 내 노래의 노랫말이기 때문에 내 세상은 그때까지 텅텅 비어있을거예요
Even now each night I remember Days of summer
지금도 매일밤 나는 기억해요 꽃들이 가지들을 수놓던 그 여름날들을
When blossoms filled each bough In the cold grey days of december
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
My darling,I miss you even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
In the cold grey days of december My darling,
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
I miss you , even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
Nana's book review form arts.independent.co.uk/books
4 December 2007 10:07
Music: Unchained melodies and rhapsodies in blue
By Liz Thomson
Published: 30 November 2007
Books on popular music rarely contain any musical insight. Nana Mouskouri's Memoirs (Weidenfeld, £18.99) are a case in point – an omission all the more disappointing given her eight years at the Athens Conservatoire. She writes movingly of an impoverished wartime childhood, but you're left longing to know more of the musical (and political) milieu in which she has moved. Nor would you guess from reading Eric Clapton: The Autobiography (Century, £20) how pivotal a role the guitarist has played in the history of rock. Clapton, too, is stronger on the early years – though it's surprising he can remember them. A must-have for those who believe "Clapton is god", this book, like many rock memoirs, becomes a litany of tour dates and recording schedules.