Athen ehrt Nana Mouskouri
Die griechische Hauptstadt Athen hat die griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri (73) mit der Goldenen Medaille der Stadt geehrt. Mouskouri lebt seit über 40 Jahren in der Westschweiz.
(sda) "Der Beifall für Dich, Nana Mouskouri, wird in unseren Herzen nie enden", sagte Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis bei der feierlichen Übergabe.
Am Mittwoch- und Donnerstagabend will Nana Mouskouri mit zwei Konzerten im antiken Amphitheater Herodion unterhalb der Akropolis ihre weltweite Abschiedstournee beenden. Alle 10 000 Eintrittskarten der beiden Abschiedsabende waren schon Wochen vorher ausverkauft.
"Ich wollte hier in der Hauptstadt meines Landes endgültig Abschied von allen meinen Fans nehmen", sagte Mouskouri im griechischen Fernsehen. "Es ist Zeit, zur Seite zu treten und jüngeren Menschen Platz zu machen."
Im Gegensatz zu vielen älteren Sängern und Bands hätte Mouskouri es nicht nötig, im hohen Alter wieder verdienen zu gehen. Bei 250 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern wird ihr Vermögen auf 100 bis 200 Millionen Franken geschätzt. Seit letztem Jahr rangiert die Griechin auf der "Bilanz"-Liste der 300 reichsten Schweizer.
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ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
I agree with the policy of Youtube.
Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web.
Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed.
We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974!
In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial.
Nana Mouskouri_月亮代表我的心、Youtube
From :carmen16102007
聽聽希臘歌后Nana Mouskouri唱"月亮代表我的心"
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri Teresa Teng 鄧麗君
Nana Mouskouri - Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach 1962、Youtube
Nana Mouskouri - Ich schau den weissen Wolken n...
追加日: 2008年07月21日 (情報を減らす)
Nana Mouskouri - Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach 1962
Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach
und fange an zu traeumen.
Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach
und traeume, Du bist bei mir.
Wenn Du die weissen Wolken siehst,
dann sollst Du an mich denken.
Auch wenn Du in der Ferne bist
ist meine Liebe bei Dir.
Wenn im Abendwind der Regen rinnt,
ja, dann sieht keiner meine Traenen.
Ich sag' mit laechelndem Gesicht:
"Mein Herz vergisst Dich nicht."
Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach
und fange an zu traeumen.
Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach
und traeume, Du bist bei mir.
Wenn Du die weissen Wolken siehst,
dann sollst Du an mich denken.
Auch wenn Du in der Ferne bist
ist meine Liebe bei Dir.
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Schlager 60s GR DE Nana Mouskouri Ich schau den weissen Wolken nach 1962
Nana News from
Nana Mouskouri: Wowereit besucht Abschiedskonzert
22. Juli 2008
Am Mittwoch wird Berlins Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit auf Einladung seines Athener Amtskollegen das Abschiedskonzert der griechischen Sängerin Nana Mouskouri besuchen.
Ein Senatssprecher teilte dies am Dienstag in Berlin mit. Im Herodes-Attikus-Theater in der griechischen Hauptstadt findet das Abschiedskonzert der Sängerin statt. Klaus Wowereit würdigte die Künstlerin als eine der «großen Figuren der europäischen Unterhaltungsmusik».
Mehr als 1500 Lieder hat Nana Mouskouri in mehr als zehn Sprachen aufgenommen und über 300 Millionen Tonträger verkauft. Die 73-jährige Sängerin war außerdem noch zwischen 1994 und 1999 Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlaments. Berlins Bürgermeister Wowereit macht derzeit am Mittelmeer Urlaub.(ddp/sh)
22. Juli 2008
Am Mittwoch wird Berlins Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit auf Einladung seines Athener Amtskollegen das Abschiedskonzert der griechischen Sängerin Nana Mouskouri besuchen.
Ein Senatssprecher teilte dies am Dienstag in Berlin mit. Im Herodes-Attikus-Theater in der griechischen Hauptstadt findet das Abschiedskonzert der Sängerin statt. Klaus Wowereit würdigte die Künstlerin als eine der «großen Figuren der europäischen Unterhaltungsmusik».
Mehr als 1500 Lieder hat Nana Mouskouri in mehr als zehn Sprachen aufgenommen und über 300 Millionen Tonträger verkauft. Die 73-jährige Sängerin war außerdem noch zwischen 1994 und 1999 Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlaments. Berlins Bürgermeister Wowereit macht derzeit am Mittelmeer Urlaub.(ddp/sh)
Nana News from
Nana Mouskouri bids farewell World-popular Greek vocalist to give two sold-out performances at the Herod Atticus Theater
The voice. Nana Mouskouri comes to Athens this week for two farewell concerts which are part of a farewell tour around the world.
Some goodbyes are tougher than others. In the case of Nana Mous-kouri, it signifies bidding farewell to half a century of live appearances, countless recordings and the kind of adulation by world audiences that very few artists experience in their – short or long – careers.
The veteran vocalist is in Athens this week for two farewell concerts tomorrow and Thursday at the Herod Atticus Theater. Part of the Greek Festival, the sold-out concerts are also part of the singer’s farewell tour which will take her from Europe to Australia, followed by Asia, South America, the United States and Canada.
From Manos Hadjidakis to Bob Dylan via jazz, gospels and so many more music genres, Mouskouri’s distinctive voice has sold more than 300 million albums around the world.
Born Ioanna Mouskouri in Hania, Crete, in 1934, Nana’s musical gifts were apparent from early on. Along with her sister, she enrolled at the Athens Conservatory at the age of 12 to train in classical music and opera. Soon afterward, she discovered jazz and began singing on the radio.
In 1958, she met Hadjidakis. Impressed by her voice, the composer started writing songs for her. “Kapou yparchei i agapi mou” (My Love is Somewhere out There), co-written by Hadjidakis and Nikos Gatsos (lyrics), won first prize at the first ever Greek Song Festival. Two years later, Mouskouri earned top spot at the Mediterranean Song Festival, resulting in a recording contract with a French label.
A year later, Mouskouri’s voice accompanied a German documentary on Greece, singing “Weisse Rosen aus Athen” (The White Rose of Athens), her first recording in the German language. Translated into various languages, it became a signature Mouskouri tune – along with so many more.
In 1962, the singer met Quincy Jones, who persuaded her to record a jazz album in New York. A year later, Mouskouri left her homeland behind and established her residence in Paris where she collaborated with local composer Michel Legrand. Four years later, she embarked on a US tour with Harry Belafonte.
Besides music, the singer has embraced the world through other activities: Appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1993, Mouskouri visited Bosnia and was deeply affected by the living conditions of the children. The following year, she was elected as a member of the European Parliament – only to resign in 1999.
At the Herod Atticus Theater, Mouskouri will be accompanied by Luciano Di Napoli (piano and vocals), Yannick Deborne (guitar, bouzouki and vocals), Lucien Zerrad (guitar), Philippe Pregno (saxophone, keyboards, percussion and vocals), Jean-Philippe Roux (bass) and Christophe Gallizio (drums).
Both concerts will run the gamut of Mouskouri’s repertory, including Hadjidakis and Dylan, of course, but also Irish ballads and polyphonic folk songs from Epirus.
For more information go to
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The voice. Nana Mouskouri comes to Athens this week for two farewell concerts which are part of a farewell tour around the world.
Some goodbyes are tougher than others. In the case of Nana Mous-kouri, it signifies bidding farewell to half a century of live appearances, countless recordings and the kind of adulation by world audiences that very few artists experience in their – short or long – careers.
The veteran vocalist is in Athens this week for two farewell concerts tomorrow and Thursday at the Herod Atticus Theater. Part of the Greek Festival, the sold-out concerts are also part of the singer’s farewell tour which will take her from Europe to Australia, followed by Asia, South America, the United States and Canada.
From Manos Hadjidakis to Bob Dylan via jazz, gospels and so many more music genres, Mouskouri’s distinctive voice has sold more than 300 million albums around the world.
Born Ioanna Mouskouri in Hania, Crete, in 1934, Nana’s musical gifts were apparent from early on. Along with her sister, she enrolled at the Athens Conservatory at the age of 12 to train in classical music and opera. Soon afterward, she discovered jazz and began singing on the radio.
In 1958, she met Hadjidakis. Impressed by her voice, the composer started writing songs for her. “Kapou yparchei i agapi mou” (My Love is Somewhere out There), co-written by Hadjidakis and Nikos Gatsos (lyrics), won first prize at the first ever Greek Song Festival. Two years later, Mouskouri earned top spot at the Mediterranean Song Festival, resulting in a recording contract with a French label.
A year later, Mouskouri’s voice accompanied a German documentary on Greece, singing “Weisse Rosen aus Athen” (The White Rose of Athens), her first recording in the German language. Translated into various languages, it became a signature Mouskouri tune – along with so many more.
In 1962, the singer met Quincy Jones, who persuaded her to record a jazz album in New York. A year later, Mouskouri left her homeland behind and established her residence in Paris where she collaborated with local composer Michel Legrand. Four years later, she embarked on a US tour with Harry Belafonte.
Besides music, the singer has embraced the world through other activities: Appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1993, Mouskouri visited Bosnia and was deeply affected by the living conditions of the children. The following year, she was elected as a member of the European Parliament – only to resign in 1999.
At the Herod Atticus Theater, Mouskouri will be accompanied by Luciano Di Napoli (piano and vocals), Yannick Deborne (guitar, bouzouki and vocals), Lucien Zerrad (guitar), Philippe Pregno (saxophone, keyboards, percussion and vocals), Jean-Philippe Roux (bass) and Christophe Gallizio (drums).
Both concerts will run the gamut of Mouskouri’s repertory, including Hadjidakis and Dylan, of course, but also Irish ballads and polyphonic folk songs from Epirus.
For more information go to
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Nana Mouskouri to bid farewell in Athens ,NananNews from
Nana Mouskouri to bid farewell in Athens
Jul 19th, 2008 | By grhomeboy | Category: Music
Nana Mouskouri shot to the top with ‘My Love is Somewhere’ > Nana Mouskouri is bidding farewell to an almost 50-year international career in song with two concerts in Athens this coming week, on Wednesday and Thursday.
The girl with the long dark hair and glasses, who learned to sing in the cinema in Koukaki where her father was a projectionist, began her meteoric rise in 1959 when she sang “My Love is Somewhere”, with music by Manos Hadjidakis and lyrics by Nikos Gatsos, at the first Thessaloniki Song Festival. This meeting between Mouskouri, Hadjidakis and Gatsos changed the music scene in Greece. In 1960, with “Awake, My Love” by Costas Yiannidis (the pseudonym of the Smyrniot classical composer Yiannis Constantinidis), she won first prize at the Mediterranean Song Festival, gaining a passport to Europe. There she met Michel Legrand and Quincy Jones.
With Hadjidakis’s “White Rose of Athens” she met with great international success and Nana Mouskouri became established on the world stage. She sang with Charles Aznavour and Harry Belafonte. Her concerts at the Olympia in Paris became major events. Nana Mouskouri was Hadjidakis’s favorite singer, and she was also President Constantine Karamanlis’s favorite. He attended her triumphal concert at the Herod Atticus Theater in 1974 after the restoration of Democracy.
More than 350 of her records have gone gold and platinum, making Greek song known across five continents. According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, she has sold more than 300 million records internationally, putting her on a par with the Beatles and Elvis Presley. She has served as a member of the European Parliament and supported the return of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum. She is also an envoy for peace, along with former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
Nana Mouskouri Heraklion Jul 16 2008,Youtube
A video made by 3 songs that Nana sung in her concert in Heraklion
カテゴリ: ブログと人
タグ: Κρήτη Crete Creta Heraklion Ηράκλειο Nana Mouskouri Νάνα Μούσκουρη
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