
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana video from

Τις δύο τελευταίες συναυλίες της, δίνει στο Ηρώδειο η Νάνα Μούσχουρη
Πηγή: Mega

Τις δύο τελευταίες συναυλίες της καριέρας της δίνει στις 23 και 24 Ιουλίου στο Ηρώδειο η Νάνα Μούσχουρη.

Το πρωί ο δήμαρχος Αθηναίων Νικήτας Κακλαμάνης τίμησε τη διεθνούς φήμης ερμηνεύτρια με το χρυσό Μετάλλιο Αξίας της Πόλεως των Αθηνών, σε ένδειξη τιμής προς το πρόσωπό της και σε αναγνώριση της πολυετούς προσφοράς της στη μουσική και τον πολιτισμό.

Κατηγορίες βίντεο:

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Nana Mouskouri - Oudeis Anamartitos II,again,Youtube

From: Lakis2

Category: Music
nana mouskouri biography interview tv tribute 2006 clips greek greece

Nana Mouskouri - Oudeis Anamartitos,again,Youtube

From: Lakis2

Greek News report on Nana's 2007 biography.
Category: Music
nana mouskouri greek greece france french biography 2007 tv news report

Nana Mouskouri - A Place In My Heart,youtube

From: youralone

Nana Mouskouri (in Greek, Nάνα Μούσχουρη), born as Ioanna Mouskhouri on October 13, 1934, in Chania, Crete, Greece, is a singer of Greek origin. She was known as Nana to her friends and family as a child. (Note that in Greek her surname is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable rather than the second.) She has recorded in many different languages, including Greek, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, among others.
Mouskouri's family lived in Chania, Crete, where her father, Constantine, worked as a film projectionist in a local cinema. Her mother, Alice also worked in the same local cinema as an usherette. When Mouskouri was three, her father moved the family to Athens. Mouskouri's family worked extremely hard in order to send Nana and her elder sister, Jenny, to the prestigious Athens Conservatoire. Mouskouri had displayed exceptional musical talent from the age of 6. However her sister, Jenny, initially appeared to be the more gifted of the two. In fact Mouskouri has one vocal cord that is thicker than the other. This unusual condition accounts for her unique voice, both speaking and singing.

Mouskouri's childhood was stamped by the Nazi occupation of Greece. Her father became part of the anti-Nazi resistance movement in Athens. Mouskouri began singing lessons at age 12. Despite the flaw in her vocal cords, Mouskouri took singing lessons regularly. As a child, she listened to radio broadcasts of singers such as Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Édith Piaf.
In 1950, she was accepted at the Conservatoire. She studied classical music with an emphasis on singing opera. After eight years at the Conservatoire, Mouskouri was encouraged by her friends to experiment with jazz music. She soon began singing with her friends' jazz group at night and they even managed to get a radio slot. However, when Mouskouri's Conservatory professor found out about Mouskouri's involvement with a genre of music that he considered to be absolutely worthless, he flew into a fury and prevented her from sitting her end-of-year exams.[citation needed] Mouskouri left the Conservatoire and began performing at the Zaki club in Athens.
Self Meda Slide
Category: Music
mouskouri nana slide

Nana Mouskouri - Les Parapluies De Cherbourg,Youtube

From: Deotyma7

Nana Mouskouri - Les Parapluies De Cherbourg
Parasolki z
Cherbourga (fr. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg) - francusko-niemiecki film muzyczny z 1964 w reżyserii Jacques'a Demy'ego. Główne role zagrali Catherine Deneuve i Nino Castelnuovo. Muzykę do filmu napisał Michel Legrand.

Parasolki z Cherbourga to film nietypowy, nawet jak na musical, albowiem wszystkie dialogi, także zwykłych rozmów, są śpiewane przez aktorów. Innym w całości śpiewanym filmem Demy'ego był Pokój w mieście z 1982.

Film zdobył Złotą Palmę na festiwalu w Cannes w 1964. Otrzymał też 3 nominacje do Oscara: za najlepszą muzykę, za najlepszy scenariusz oryginalny oraz za najlepszy film obcojęzyczny.
Category: Music
Nana Mouskouri Les Parapluies De Cherbourg


Nana Mouskouri - L´enfant au tambour,again,Youtube


No se quien es la otra cantante, pero es un dueto muy bonito de esta canción.
Category: Music
nana mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri - Serenade de Schubert,again,Youtube

From: maxgladiac

My favorite soprano version...Enjoy!
Category: Music
classical Schubert Serenade Soprano Nana Mouskouri