
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Odos Oniron /// Nana Mouskouri Live in Berlin (2006),Youtube

From: nad001

Kathe dromos echi mia kardia yia ta pedia
Kathe kipos echi mia folia yia ta poulia

Ma kira mou esy, san ti na les me tin avyi
Ke kitas t'asteria pou olo peftoun sa vrohi
Dos mou ta mallia sou na ta kano proseichi
Yia na xanarhiso to tragoudi ap' tin arhi
Kathe spiti kryvi ligi agapi sti siopi
Ke ena agori echi tin agapi yia dropi

Ma kira mou esy, san ti na les me tin avyi
Ke kitas t'asteria pou olo peftoun sa vrohi
Dos mou ta mallia sou na ta kano proseichi
Yia na xanarhiso to tragoudi ap' tin arhi
Category: Music

Tags: nana mouskouri live in berlin odos oniron 2006 manos hadjidakis

NANA MOUSKOURI MIKE BRANT - Erev Shel Shoshanim,again,Youtube

From: macstras

Nana Mouskouri and Mike Brant singing the Hebrew song Erev Shel Shoshanim in 1971. (Sorry about the poor transition to the video part at the end)
Erev shel shoshanim
Netzenah el habustan
Mor b'samim ulevonah
L'raglech miftan

Shachar homah yonah
Roshech maleh tlalim
Pich el haboker shoshana
Ektefenu li.

Laila yored l'at
V'ruach shoshan noshvah
Hava el chash lach shir balat
Zemer shel ahava
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri Mike Brant Erev Shel Shoshanim

Nana Mouskouri - La Andaluza -,Youtube

From: pepsilas
Nana Classique - 1988 -
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri


Nana Mouskouri: LAURA,Youtube

From: jpo51

Nana doesn't sing it in the movie, but her voice sure goes well with these scenes. Features the great Bud Shank on sax.
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri laura bud shank

NANA MOUSKOURI - Yia sou khara sou Venetia,Yoytube

From: macstras

Nana in 1976 singing a composition by Stavros Xarchakos
Category: Music

Tags: Nana Mouskouri Xarchakos

Le jour où la colombe... /// Nana Mouskouri、Youtube

From: nad001

1967. From the album of the same name with which Nana won her first gold record in France
Category: Music

Tags: nana mouskouri le jour ou la colombe 1967 lp gold france

This is a video response to Mon gentil pêcheur /// Nana Mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri - Why worry,youtube


Concert in "De Doelen" - Rotterdam (Netherlands)Febr. 18 - 1988 Parte 3 - 6. The group BZN as guest singing La primavera.
Category: Music

Tags: nana mouskouri