ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
Nana Mouskouri- Cielito Lindo,YouTubeから♪
From: luisarmandodiazfelix
Una de las mas hermosas melodias de l... Una de las mas hermosas melodias de la Sra. Mouskouri, Cielito Lindo un clasico de clasicos adornando La Cruz de Elota y Estacion Dimas, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Mi bien cuando yo muera, dejar te quiero
mi corazón al tuyo cielito lindo como un herrero
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay canta y no llores
muñequita preciosa morena virgen que amas las flores
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
De domingo a domingo, te vengo a ver
cuando será domingo cielito lindo para volver
de domingo a domingo, yo bien quisiera que
toda, la semana domingo fuera
Una flecha en el aire, tiro engreído
y al tirar esa flecha cielito lindo a mi me ha herido
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, mortal herida
que si tu no la curas cielito lindo pierdo la vida
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Dicen que no se siente, la despedida
dile al que te lo cuente cielito lindo que se despida
dicen que no se siente, la despedida
dile al que te lo cuente que se despida
Yo bien quisiera, que toda la semana, domingo fuera
muñequita preciosa morena virgen canta y no llores
muñequita preciosa morena virgen que amas las flores
muñequita preciosa cielito lindo, canta y no llores (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Cielito Lindo La cruz de Elota Estacion Dimas Sinaloa Mexico
Nana Mouskouri - I have a dream、YouTubeから♪
From: Artemisia159
Music for dream
Category Music
Tags: music nana mouskouri have dream
Tora pou pas stin xenitia - Nana Mouskouri、YouTubeから♪♪♪
From: nad001
Nana Mouskouri Live at Herod Atticus ... Nana Mouskouri Live at Herod Atticus 1984
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri live herod atticus 1984 tora pou pas stin xenitia
Kapou Iparhi I Agapi Mou - Nana Mouskouri、YouTUbeから♪♪♪
From: nad001
Live at Herod Atticus 1984
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri live herod atticus 1984 (more)
Nana Mouskouri - Comme un Soleil、YouTubeから♪♪♪
From: nad001
Nana Mouskouri Live
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri - La provence、Youtubeから♪
From: nad001
Live in berlin
Category Music
Tags: mouskouri nana provence
Perdoname ( Nana Mouskouri)、YouTubeから♪
From: Hechicera50
Una bella cancion que quien la oiga y... Una bella cancion que quien la oiga y la vea sabra que mensaje tiene oculto dentro de las imagenes. (more) (less)
Category Music
Tags: Musica Fantasia Despedidas
Nana Mouskouri - Turn on the Sun,YouTubeから♪
From: nad001
Live in Berlin
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri turn on the sun live in berlin
Nana News from SunStar Pampangaより
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Gueco: Turn On
By Malu T. Gueco
Turn on the sun,
Light up the world, tell everyone,
Good times are in, bad times are out
Turn on the sun and smile again
THESE lyrics are the materiales fuertes of the song entitled “Turn on”. Breaking out in a fast tempo, the song uplifts the spirit of writers like myself who constantly seek inspiration to capture on paper our thoughts, feelings and sentiments. Like the lone sheep seeking out the oasis on a dry desert, I belong to the group of searchers who yearn to reach their sunnum bonum (highest level) of writing, loving and living. In times of sadness, I listen to music to accompany the lonely hours and to enliven the expression of words, wit and wisdom.
Arroyo Watch: Sun.Star blog on President Arroyo
Thus, the singer of “Turn on”, Nana Mouskouri is a musician who energizes the hearts of seekers for the greatest lyrics and lines of this millenia. Who is Nana Mouskouri?
Nana Nouskouri, is a singer from Greece, who captivated the hearts of listeners from Athens to Arabia, Milan to Manila and Paris to Philippines. Soaring high on a voice of clarity, compassion and complete artistry, Nana, embraces the hearts and souls of fans like myself.
Researching her life, I opened the Internet to unlock the door to her public profile. Endearing herself to everyone who hears her songs, concerts and magnum opus, she personifies the icon of musician St. Cecilia. Herein are the known details of her extraordinary career.
Nana is a native of Greece. She was born in Chania, Cret, Greece. She recorded many of her songs in many different languages, including Greek, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese.
She is noted for her trademark squarish black-rimmed eyeglasses and straight black hair parted in the middle, and her songs of melancholy, longing, and sentimental musings upon love, for which the emotion of her voice is exceptionally suited. Mouskouri has recorded from the 1960s into the new millennium. She has tailored releases to specific international requests.
Living the code of a compassionate person, Nana reaches out to everyone in need. Mouskouri was appointed a UN International Children’s Educational Fund (Unicef) Goodwill Ambassador in October 1993. She took over from the previous ambassador, American actress Audrey Hepburn. Mouskouri's first UN mission took her to Bosnia to draw attention to the plight of children affected by Bosnian war. She was deeply moved by her experience in Bosnia and went on to give a series of fund-raising concerts in Sweden and Belgium.
She was elected a Member of the European Parliament from 1994 until 1999.
In 1993, Nana recorded a new album, Hollywood. It was produced by Michel Legrand. Hollywood was a collection of famous film songs. It served was not only a tribute to the world of cinema, but also as a personal reference to childhood memories of sitting with her father in his projection room in Crete.
From Dec. 11 to 14, 1997, Mouskouri gave four triumphant performances at the Olympia in Paris to celebrate the 40th anniversary of her singing career. Also in 1997, Mouskouri resigned from her position as a European MP. She explained that a fervent pacifist, she refused to back wars.
Mouskouri currently lives in Switzerland with her second husband, André Chapelle whom she married on Jan. 13, 2003. She still performs about 100 concerts each year. In 2004, her French record company released an unprecedented 34-CD box set of more than 600 of Mouskouri's mostly French songs.
For 2005 and 2008, she plans a farewell concert tour of Europe, Australia, Asia, South America, the United States, and Canada. During an interview with The Australian newspaper, when asked why this would be her final concert series, Mouskouri said she wanted to retire on a high note. "I never thought that I would grow that old. It is better really to stop while you are standing well on your feet. I just want to be proud and in very good form and thank the audience for all this love," she said.
In 2006 she made a guest appearance at that year's Eurovision Song Contest which was held, for the first time ever, in her native homeland of Greece. Appearing in front of an estimated television audience of 160 million she congratulated the participants on their performances and started the televoting sequence. Mouskouri has sold more than 300 million records internationally, recording about 1,500 songs in 15 languages on 450 albums. She has more than 300 gold and platinum albums worldwide, making her the best-selling female recording artist of all time.
Danke (German) or thank you to great singers like Nana Mouskouri who animates the many hours of living, many minutes of longing and the many moments of heart blossoming. Truly, she spreads light to all who listen to her songs.
To all of you dear readers, may you have a blessed time by turning on to the world of music.
For more Philippine news, visit Sun.Star General Santos.
(July 29, 2007 issue)
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Nana News、from HomeboyMediaNews
Turn on the sun,
Light up the world, tell everyone,
Good times are in, bad times are out
Turn on the sun and smile again
The singer of “Turn on”, Nana Mouskouri is a musician who energizes the hearts of seekers for the greatest lyrics and lines of this millenia. But who is Nana Mouskouri?
Nana Nouskouri, is a world famous singer from Greece, who captivated the hearts of listeners from Athens to Arabia, Milan to Washington and Paris to Sydney. Soaring high on a voice of clarity, compassion and complete artistry, Nana, embraces the hearts and souls of her worldwide fans.
Nana is a native of Greece. She was born in Chania, Crete. She recorded many of her songs in many different languages, including Greek, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. She is noted for her trademark squarish black-rimmed eyeglasses and straight black hair parted in the middle, and her songs of melancholy, longing, and sentimental musings upon love, for which the emotion of her voice is exceptionally suited. Mouskouri has recorded from the 1960s into the new millennium and has tailored releases to specific international requests.
Living the code of a compassionate person, Nana reaches out to everyone in need. Mouskouri was appointed a UN International Children’s Educational Fund, UNICEF, Goodwill Ambassador in October 1993. She took over from the previous ambassador, American actress Audrey Hepburn. Mouskouri’s first UN mission took her to Bosnia to draw attention to the plight of children affected by Bosnian war. She was deeply moved by her experience in Bosnia and went on to give a series of fund-raising concerts in Sweden and Belgium. She was elected a Member of the European Parliament from 1994 until 1999.
In 1993, Nana recorded a new album, Hollywood, produced by Michel Legrand. Hollywood was a collection of famous film songs. It was not only a tribute to the world of cinema, but also as a personal reference to childhood memories of sitting with her father in his projection room in Crete.
From December 11 to 14, 1997, Mouskouri gave four triumphant performances at the Olympia in Paris to celebrate the 40th anniversary of her singing career. Also in 1997, Mouskouri resigned from her position as a European MP. She explained that a fervent pacifist, she refused to back wars.
Mouskouri currently lives in Switzerland with her second husband, André Chapelle whom she married on January 13, 2003. She still performs about 100 concerts each year. In 2004, her French record company released an unprecedented 34-CD box set of more than 600 of Mouskouri’s mostly French songs.
For 2005 and 2008, she plans a farewell concert tour of Europe, Australia, Asia, South America, the United States, and Canada. During an interview with The Australian newspaper, when asked why this would be her final concert series, Mouskouri said she wanted to retire on a high note. “I never thought that I would grow that old. It is better really to stop while you are standing well on your feet. I just want to be proud and in very good form and thank the audience for all this love,” she said.
In May 2006 she made a guest appearance at that year’s Eurovision Song Contest which was held, for the first time ever, in her native homeland of Greece. Appearing in front of an estimated television audience of 160 million she congratulated the participants on their performances and started the televoting sequence. Mouskouri has sold more than 300 million records internationally, recording about 1,500 songs in 15 languages on 450 albums. She has more than 300 gold and platinum albums worldwide, making her the best-selling female recording artist of all time.
Lieder, die die Liebe schreibt、YouTubeから♪
From: Andgir
En duo avec Serge Lama
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Grande Grande - Julio Igleias e Nana Mouskouri,YouTubeから♪
From: eurachid
O Espanhol, Julio e a Grega,Nana em u... O Espanhol, Julio e a Grega,Nana em um musical lindo!
Category Music
Tags: amor - carinho
Nana News, from The Vancouver Sun 2007,B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame
Published: Monday, July 23, 2007
Each time this article appears I highlight one of the B.C. stars whose name is enshrined in the sidewalk along Granville Street starting at the Orpheum Theatre and also spotlighted inside the theatre on the Star Wall.
However if you were to venture to the rear of the Orpheum on Seymour Street right next to the stage door you will see eight names of Vancouver Favourites. Here on the brick wall of the theatre are plaques featuring some of Vancouver's best-loved international performers who have graced our stages at theatres and night clubs over the decades.
There is Harry Belafonte, who played the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and other venues many times. The name Victor Borge is also visible as this great Dane entertained thousands year after year in our city.
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Font: ****And who can forget Mitzi Gaynor? Was there a year she didn't appear at one of our theatres or at the Cave Supper Club? She was one of the first to break in her act here before moving it to Las Vegas.
The immortal Bob Hope is listed as a favourite, and who could argue with that? Hope also came here to help save the Orpheum Theatre in his seventies.
Next up is B.B. King. The blues legend continues to visit Vancouver on a regular basis. Yo-Yo Ma helped sell out our symphony many times and has certainly contributed to our cultural lives over the years.
It isn't just the Greek community in Vancouver who appreciates the talent of Nana Mouskouri. We flock to see her whenever she appears.
Rounding out the list of favourites is Reveen. The great illusionist holds the record for the most sold-out shows in the history of the Orpheum. His capacity to fill the theatre night after night for months is legendary.
I am sure new names will be added to these eight but it is only appropriate to not only salute our homegrown talent but to recognize those international headliners who entertained us over the years and brought us music, comedy, drama and just plain escape from our daily existence.
Visit me at www.redrobinson.com
Nana Mouskouri - Au coeur de septembre,again,YouTubeから♪
Try to Remember,9月の思い出
From: ZaaK54
Nana Mouskouri - Au coeur de septembre
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri - En recuerdo de ti,YouTubeから♪
From: Artemisia159
I love Nana...
Category Music
Tags: music nana mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri,Harry Belafonte - Erine,Dailymotionから♪
by val6210
clip 1979 nana mouskouri harry belafonte music
Duration: 02:30
Taken: 23 juillet 2007Location: France
superbe chanson
From: chibania
Pour faire un signe...
Category Music
Tags: mouskouri cygne amour ulead chibanimation
Pour Toi Arménie,Dailymotionから♪♪♪凄い顔ぶれです♪
(Nana will appear and sing a melody from 21 second on to about 49sec)by Alexis123
FranceArménieHallydayAznavourLalanneMitchellParadisRenaudSardouVoulzyeventspeopleDuration: 03:34Taken: 21 juillet 2007Location: France
En 1988, un terrible tremblement de terre tue 50 000 personnes en Arménie. Charles Aznavour, bien que né à Paris, n'a pas oublié ses racines. Sans compter, il va tout faire pour aider l'Arménie.
En 1989, Charles Aznavour écrit "Pour toi Arménie", dont la musique sera composée par Georges Garvarentz (son beau-frère), qui lui a déjà composé de très nombreuses mélodies. Et afin que cette chanson ait le maximum d'écho, Charles Aznavour fait appel à 90 chanteurs et acteurs français.
Le disque "Pour toi Arménie" sera vendu à 1 million d'exemplaires.
Liste des artistes participants:
Julien Clerc -Serge Avedikian - Marcel Amont- Charles Aznavour - Didier Barbelivien - Phil Barney - Gilbert Bécaud - Jane Birkin - Gérard Blanc - Richard Bohringer - Zani Boni - Carlos - Jean Carmet - Jean-Pierre Cassel - Alain Chamfort -Frédéric Château - Louis Chedid - Dallas - David et Jonathan - Michel Delpech - Sacha Distel - Dorothée - Michel Drucker - Yves Duteil - Elsa - Jean-Pierre Foucault - Roland Giraud - Richard Gotainer - Johnny Hallyday - Jairo - Véronique Jannot - Patricia Kaas - Kimera - David Koven - Gilles Lacoste - Jean-Luc Lahaye - Francis Lalanne - Serge Lama - Philippe Lavil - Herbert Léonard - Lio - Marie Myriam - Didier Marouani - Mireille Mathieu - Fred Mela - Macha Meryl - Eddy Mitchell - Pierre Mondy - Gilbert Montagné - Éric Morena - Nana Mouskouri - Georges Moustaki - Thierry Mutin -Nicoletta - Florent Pagny - Vanessa Paradis - Popeck - Jakie Quartz - Rachid - Serge Reggiani - Renaud - Line Renaud - Pierre Richard - Dick Rivers - Patrick Sabatier - Henri Salvador - Michel Sardou - Shushana - Alain Souchon - Jean-Marc Thibault - François Valéry - Marina Vlady - Laurent Voulzy - Jacques Weber…
Nana Mouskouri - Weiße Rosen aus Athen,Dailymotionから♪
Nana Mouskouri - Weiße Rosen aus Athen,YouTubeから♪
by antonychris
Nana Mouskouri - Weiße Rosen aus Athen - Deutsch Lied
Nana Mouskouri - White roses Athens English - Pop song
Roses blanches Athènes - Francais
Ice Cream Nanama,a song of praise,hommage to Nana Mouskouri.,YouTubeから♪
Ice Cream Nana ,hommage to Nana Mouskouri.,YouTubeから♪
なんと、日本の熊本のナナファンが2003年に、ナナへの献呈の曲、賛歌、a song of praise,hommage to Nana、オマージュとして、アイスクリームナナという曲を録音していたそうです♪
※from Sachi;Kinoko means mushrooms
From: junine
"Yogurt et Kinoko" is a pop band in K... "Yogurt et Kinoko" is a pop band in Kumamoto,Japan.influenced by brazilian music,sixties pop,french music,prog music,and world folk songs.This song is hommage to Nana Mouskouri.Recorded in 2003.i hope you enjoy it!
Category Music
yogurt kinoko yogurtkinoko music pop japan ヨーグルトキノコ
Mouskouri Cancels Seoul Concert 、The Korea Times より
Mouskouri Cancels Seoul Concert
World-renowned Greek singer Nana Mouskouri cancels the July 21 concert at the Olympic Hall, Olympic Park due to health reasons.
By Cathy Rose A. Garcia
Staff Reporter
World-renowned Greek singer Nana Mouskouri is unable to perform in Seoul this weekend.
The 72-year old singer had to cancel the July 21 concert at the Olympic Hall, Olympic Park, due to health reasons. The concert was part of her ``Farewell World Tour.
''Organizers said the concert would be rescheduled, although there is no specific date yet. On her Web site, the only upcoming concert dates are scheduled in the United Kingdom in October and November.
Mouskouri has been to Korea twice, the first time during the 1988 Olympic Games, and the second time for a Korean concert tour in 2005. She performed in four sold-out concerts in Seoul, Daegu and Pusan.
At her Web site, Mouskouri talked about her 2005 trip to Korea. She said she was delighted to learn she was popular in Korea, even though she is European and not American.
Mouskouri is known for her gentle voice singing songs such as ``Try to Remember,'' ``Over and Over'' and ``Plasir d'Amour.'' With her trademark, square black-rimmed eyeglasses and straight black hair, Mouskouri's voice has enchanted millions of fans around the world.
Born in 1934 as Ioanna Mouskouri, she has recorded over 1,300 songs in major European languages and released more than 450 albums. She is one of the best-selling female singers of all time, having sold more than 300 million copies worldwide.
Nana Mouskouri News,Scotsman.com より♪
THE long goodbye. Nay, the longest. Nana Mouskouri has embarked on a four-year global trek to say tatty bye to her regiment of fans.
Her caravan's solitary stop in Scotland will see her in Glasgow - well, you'd want to get Glasgow behind you - and no farewell to Edinburgh. Her fans here must be seething.
She tells us she's never more relaxed than when she's dusting and ironing. "I'll put on my bathing suit and do the ironing in the sunshine on the terrace."
Good thinking, Nana. Those kaftans will be dry before you can say Demis Roussos. At 73 the ashen white rose of Athens, the domestic diva, is, after all, in the autumn of her life.
Chiles is cue to turn off
I'm a learner. Still. I've learned that The One Show, in its second season plaguing BBC1 screens nightly at seven, is the one show to avoid. Like the plague.
It's a telly dustbin, again fronted by Adrian Chiles. Rhymes with piles and he'd chronically irritate mine, if I had them, if I'd not learned months ago to instantly turn him off.
Gawd, I'd go as far as to say that Autocue Adrian - only Beeb sport's Rob Bonnet can rival his autocue stare - is even more stultifying than Tony Robinson and Peter Snow and son rehashing over-familiar war footage.
Lord help me, "Gawd" will have got me deeper into Mrs Campbell's bad books. A puritan reader who voice-mailed me for using "sweet Jesus" in the column. "I was offended. I'd appreciate it if you don't use blasphemy."
Presumably Jesus no longer wants me for a sunbeam.
Quick work, Frankly
I'm strolling down the Royal Mile of a morning and I'm assailed by Man Mountain Frank Dougan from the other side of the road.
"Good morning, John," the treasurer of the Hibernian Supporters Association bellows from his car. "Morning, Frank! Tell me, is Alan O'Brien as phenomenally fast as John Collins says he is?"
Colllins claims his new signing is the fastest player he's ever seen. "He could be right, by the way," said big Frank as the lights changed. Faster than the speed of sound. And Ivan Sproule was faster than that.
Related topic
John Gibsonhttp://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=1090
This article: http://news.scotsman.com/opinion.cfm?id=1112972007
Last updated: 17-Jul-07 11:51 BST
同じ内容がEdinburgh Evening News でも報じられています。
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Even Now,韓国での人気,Korean siteから♪
Even Now という大変美しい曲である。
Moon in the sky, softly creeping Over the time from above
하늘의 달이 저 위로 시간을 지나 부드럽게 움직이고
And I lie awake, hardly sleeping So lonely for only your love
나는 깨어있는 채로 누워 당신의 사랑이 그리워 잠들지도 못해요
Even now, each night I remember Days of summer
지금도 매일밤 나는 기억해요 꽃들이 가지들을 수놓던 그 여름날들을
When blossoms filled each bough In the cold grey days of december
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
My darling, I miss you even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
When will I see you again Come to my arms where you belong
언제쯤 그대가 있어야 할 내 품속으로 다시 돌아온 그대를 볼 수 있을까요
My world will be empty till then For you are the words to my song
그대가 내 노래의 노랫말이기 때문에 내 세상은 그때까지 텅텅 비어있을거예요
Even now each night I remember Days of summer
지금도 매일밤 나는 기억해요 꽃들이 가지들을 수놓던 그 여름날들을
When blossoms filled each bough In the cold grey days of december
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
My darling,I miss you even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
In the cold grey days of december My darling,
12월의 차가운 잿빛 나날들 속에서
I miss you , even now
내 사랑, 난 아직도 그대를 그리워해요
中国でのナナの人気,Chinese site から♪ その2
Open the door
Roda Kai Triantafilla 再度Again
mofile.com から♪同じく、映像はありません。
the lonely shepherd 孤独的牧羊人
《阿兰尼兹之恋Aranjuez Mon Amour》娜娜Nana 再度、Again
コンサートニュース♪♪♪追加公演!Concert 2007
21.10.2007 | Belfast | Waterfront Hall Auditorium | GB | Order Tickets |
22.10.2007 | Dublin | National Concert Hall | IRL | info@nch.ie |
25.10.2007 | Cardiff | St. Davids Hall | GB | Order Tickets |
27.10.2007 | Gateshead | The Sage Arena | GB | Order Tickets |
29.10.2007 | London | Royal Albert Hall | GB | Order Tickets |
31.10.2007 | Manchester | Bridge Water Hall | GB | Order Tickets |
01.11.2007 | Glasgow | Royal Concert Hall | GB | Order Tickets |
03.11.2007 | Birmingham | Symphony Hall←NEW | GB | Order Tickets |
24.11.2007 | Paris | Opéra Garnier | F | Order Tickets |
Nana Mouskouri & Franco Corelli (1968),again,123vide.onlから♪♪♪♪♪
Door: Kabouter2
Omschrijving: Nana Mouskouri & Franco Corelli Tags: corelli franco mouskouri nana
nana mouskouri,Libertad,Song for liberty,123video.nlから♪
nana mouskouri 、123video.nlから♪
Omschrijving: nana sings french song Tags: french mouskouri nana song
bridge over troubled water,明日にかける橋、YouTubeから♪
From: conwaygirl2006
an inspirational song
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri - English Medley Pt 1,YouTubeから♪
From: renamouskouri
Complete English songs by Nana Mousko... Complete English songs by Nana Mouskouri, alphabetically.
This compilation doesn't include live songs.
This video contains:
A Day In The Life Of A Fool
A Foggy Day in London Town
A Place In My Heart
Adiós, My Love
After The Gold Rush
All My Trials
All Over The World
All Through The Night (Ar Hyd Y Nos)(English-Welsh Version)
All Through The Night (Ar Hyd Y Nos)(Welsh-English Version)
All Through The Night (Cindy Lauper Cover)
Almost Like Being In Love
Amazing Grace
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri english songs
Nana Mouskouri - English Medley Pt 2,YouTubeから♪
From: renamouskouri
Complete English songs by Nana Mousko... Complete English songs by Nana Mouskouri, alphabetically.
This compilation doesn't include live songs.
This video contains:
An English Country Garden
An Eriskay Love Lilt
And I Love You So
Apples Won't Grow
Are You Sure
As Time Goes By
Attic Toys
Autumn Leaves
Bad Old Days
Balm In Gilead
Beauty And The Beast
Black Coffee
Blow The Wind Southerly
Bridge Over Troubled Water
But Not For Me (more) (less)
Category Music
Tags: nana mouskouri english songs
ナナの韓国公演!KBS GLOBALより♪,,,,,はヌカヨロコビでした、、、、

''Nana Mouskouri Live in Korea'': The legendary Greek goddess of song will give her concert at Seoul Olympic Hall on July 21. Born in 1934 in Crete, Greece, She has recorded well over 1,300 songs in all the major languages of Europe and released more than 450 albums. For Korean fans, she will present such familiar songs as ''Try to Remember'' and ''Over and Over.'' Tickets range from 70,000 won to 300,000 won. Exit No. 3, Olympic Park Station on Subway Line No. 5. For more information, call (02) 02-3446-6552.
以下はKBS GLOBALからの御紹介です♪♪♪
Greek singer Nana Mouskouri, famous for her "heavenly voice," will perform in Korea for the first time in two years.
She will give two concerts July 21 at the Olympic Hall in Seoul and will tour five cities.
Mouskouri has titled her upcoming tour "Farewell" because she is not sure whether she will be able to visit Korea ever again due to her advanced age.
Mouskouri is famous in Korea for her songs that have been featured in TV commercials and TV shows. In particular, "Try to Remember" and "Plaisir D'amour" enjoy enormous popularity in Korea. The singer made headlines in 2005 when she personally sang a song for the SBS TV drama "Dear Heaven."
So far, 3500 out of 4500 of Mouskouri's album copies have reached gold or platinum status, and she has sold the most copies among female pop singers in the world.
As a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, Mouskouri will donate part of the proceeds from the upcoming tour to UNICEF Korea.
韓国のプロモーターのほうで、キャンセル(The tour was canceled by the Korean promotor yesterday!Sorry, for the bad news)が発表されたそうです。
※ Official HPのTour newsでも、すべての2007年の韓国での公演のキャンセルが発表されました(7月12日付)
Nana Mouskouri en Charles Aznavour、again,123Video.nlから♪♪♪♪♪
Aux marches du Palais,
Le temps des cerises,サクランボの実る頃
Plaisir d'amour 愛の歓び
Nana Mouskouri / Ich schreibe meine Sehnsucht in den Sand、YouTubeから♪♪♪♪♪

From: Mousketeer13
Nana Mouskouri
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri / I Can't Give You Anything But LoveYouTubeから♪♪♪♪♪1964!

Nana Mouskouri / I Can't Give You Anything But Love、YouTubeから♪♪♪♪♪1964!
From: Mousketeer13
Nana Mouskouri
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri & Franco Corelli♪♪♪♪♪

Mouskouri & Franco Corelli,123videoから♪♪♪♪♪
Door: Kabouter2
Nana Mouskouri & Franco Corelli
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Franco Corelli
Smoke gets in yours eyes,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: Andgir
The best voice of the world
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Oh Happy Day!,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: Andgir
Un rarissisme vocal et une technicité... Un rarissisme vocal et une technicité jamais entendus a ce jour.
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Avec Val Doonican、Nana Mouskouri,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: Andgir
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Enas Mythos ,Nana Mouskouri,YouTube,から♪♪♪

Enas Mythos ,Nana Mouskouri,YouTube,から♪♪♪
From: Mousketeer13
Enas Mythos
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri - La Place Vide (This empty Place),YouTubeから♪
From: republicano33
Esta canción data de más o menos cuan... Esta canción data de más o menos cuando fue a Eurovisión (1963) por Luxemburgo con "À force de prier". La versión inglesa fue cantada por The Searchers por ejemplo, supongo que sería interpretada por otras personas /grupos. (more) (less)
Category People & Blogs
Tags: Nana Mouskouri la place vide tocadiscos vinilo 45rpm EP extended play
Nana et Lénou、YouTubeから♪♪♪
Nana et Lénou
From: Andgir
En allemand
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Hit-Medley、Nana Mouskouri,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: Andgir
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Medley、Nana Mouskouri,YouTubeから♪♪♪
From: Andgir
Category Music
Tags: Mouskouri
Helena Paparizou - MAD VMA 2005 awarded by Nana Mouskouri,YouTubeから♪
From: kyprisathina
ナナが2005年のMAD Video Music Award の授賞式でHelena Paparizouに賞を渡す映像です♪♪♪
Helena Paparizou is presented MAD Video Music Award by Nana Mouskouri for Katse Kala - Best Video Clip (female)
THANKS to JOHN NYC Lover! :-)))) (more) (less)
Category People & Blogs
Tags: Elena Helena Paparizou mad awards 2005 live katse kala nana mouskouri muskuri vma video music award accepting
Nana Mouskouri & Judy Collins、again,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: Mousketeer13
Amazing Grace
Category People & Blogs
Tags: nana mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri & Julio Iglesias- La Paloma,again,YouTubeから♪
From: luisarmandodiazfelix
Un clasico de clasicos en la voz de e... Un clasico de clasicos en la voz de estos dos grandes del pop.
Una cancion que cuenta la leyenda,
por el año 1865 llega a México una habanera escrita por el compositor español José Iradier, cuyos versos, de todos conocidos y cantados, dicen:
Cuando salí de la habana, válgame dios
Nadie me ha visto salir sino fuí yo
Y una linda guachinanga como una flor
Se vino detrás de mí, que si señor
Si a tu ventana llega una paloma
Trátala con cariño que es mi persona
Cuéntale tus amores bien de mi vida
Corónala de flores que es cosa mía
Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo
Y una linda guachinanga como una flor
Se vino detrás de mí, que si señor
Si a tu ventana llega una paloma
Trátala con cariño que es mi persona
Cuéntale tus amores bien de mi vida
Corónala de flores que es cosa mía
Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo
Ay chinita que si, ay que darme tu amor
Ay que vente conmigo chinita
A donde vivo yo
Por entonces está de moda en el país la voz de Concha Méndez, celebrada, no sólo como tiple por sus condiciones para el canto, sino como actriz dramática, destacando, de entre tantos papeles en las tablas, en el de Ciutti en Don Juan Tenorio.
Por ese tiempo ocupanEl Trono del del imperio Mexicano Maximiliano y Carlota, a quienes entusiasman los conciertos de Concha Méndez, de la que se hacen amigos, no dejando pasar actuación pública en la que Concha no cierre con la canción «La paloma» dedicada a sus protectores.
Andan los días, triunfa la Reforma , es preso El Emperador Maximiliano y Carlota emprende un desesperado viaje por las naciones de Europa pidiendo ayuda para su marido, al que cree vivo. Súplica inútil.
Los contrarios a la ex emperatriz, a sabiendas de su gusto por la habanera de Iradier, inventa una parodia burlesca, algo así como:
Si a tu ventana llega
un burro flaco
trátalo con cariño
que es mi retrato,
...versión llamada «La paloma liberal», que pasa a ser tarandilla murguera de la tropa republicana.
Concha Méndez, ajena al laberinto político, ya remansada el agua revuelta en el país, vuelve a cantar en el Teatro Nacional de la capital de México. Y el día de su regreso, domingo por más señas, el público, entregado a su arte incondicionalmente, tras el aplauso final, le pide a gritos que cante «La paloma liberal». Ella queda callada en el escenario, inmóvil como una estatua. Y ante la insistencia, confiesa emocionada: «No voy a cantarla. Llevo en mi muñeca la pulsera que me regaló una infeliz mujer la primera vez que actué ante ella, y quiero respetar su recuerdo ya que hoy vive sola lejos de aquí. Ni yo ni mi pueblo mexicano hemos de insultar la memoria del marido, fusilado en Querétaro, ni la de una mujer a la que sólo la adorna el martirio. ¡Matadme, si queréis. Prefiero la muerte a ser ingrata e infame!».
En este lance besó la pulsera y se cubrió la cara con las manos. El público gritó al unísono: «¡Viva Concha Méndez!», y nunca más volvió a pedirle que cantase la habanera, ni la original, ni la versión bufa. Sólo con el correr del tiempo, la canción volvió a sentirse en labios de otra gran voz, Dolores del Río, en la película La Paloma, hecha en USA (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags: Nana Mouskouri julio iglesias la paloma
BBC catalogue and French INA,from Yahoo group news!
→BBC catalogue
Eurovision Song Contest News

Eurovision Song Contest News
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Nana Mouskouri on British Television
oikotimes.com reports:
The much loved, and much famed, Nana Moskouri made an appearance on ITV1's popular morning show 'This Morning' earlier today. She was introduced by host Philip Scofield who said that ''the word legend is often overused these days... but this lady certainly is one''.
Nana, who speaks five languages but has sung in eleven, was complimented on this idea as a way of reaching out to people. ''It was never planned that way'' said argueably the most famous Greek musician of all time. ''I wanted to learn other languages and culture to learn more about singing''.
In total, Nana has recorded over 1350 songs in 11 different languages over her carear that has spanned 50 years. She is currently touring the world on a four-year ''Farewell Tour''. ''Life helped me to be a singer... I became a stage person, wonderful things don't last forever. It's better to say thank you to the audience, because if the audience weren't here to listen to me I wouldn't be here'' she said.
Nana was praised for never giving notice to those who said she should change who she was. Indeed, she revealed that at the 1963 Eurovision Song Contest- where she entered for Luxembourg- she was told by Harry Belafonte to lose her glasses and change her hair!
As a little bit of fun, hosts Fearne and Phil asked Nana to try on some new, more modern, glasses, which she duly did, with Philip then telling er that her original ones looked best. Nana will be back in the UK in October as part of her 'Farewell Tour'.
You can see photos of Nana on the Show here
Posted by ellytza at 4:10 PM
Labels: Greece, Nana Mouskouri, UK
Nana Mouskouri - Why did I choose you?、YouTubeから♪♪♪
From: markier1980
from the BBC shows 1976
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Why did I hoose you
Nana Mouskouri - Going home,Youtubeから♪♪♪
From: markier1980
Another song from het BBC shows
Category Music
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Going home
昨日の記事の、ナナがitvの番組This Morningに6月26日に出演したニュースがitvのサイトにも掲載されていました♪
Nana Mouskour
The most successful female singer in history, she has sold over 350 million records world-wide, outselling the Beatles and Elvis combined. Now, after 45 years of touring and aged 72, she has decided to call it a day and is part way through her 4 year Farewell Tour.
Farewell Tour
This October Nana Mouskouri comes to the UK to play a handful of selected dates including the Royal Albert Hall. The performances are part of her mammoth 4 year tour saying farewell to her many devoted and loyal fans. The tour is taking her to 5 continents and began two years ago in Scandinavia. Since then she has played Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Asia as well as parts of Europe.
In 2006 she toured across Canada and this year as well as the UK she has played key dates in the USA, South America and Greece. She says: "I never thought that I would grow that old. It is better really to stop while you are standing well on your feet. I just want to be proud and in very good form and thank the audience for all this love."
Nana's fluency in multiple languages; Greek, French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese has enabled her to reach audiences all over Europe, the Americans and even Asia. She is known for her distinctive, angelic soprano voice, she has more than once been described as Europe's answer to Barbara Streisand. Her repertoire is hugely varied which has also added to her huge success from jazz, pop, French cabaret chansons, film soundtrack, classical, operatic and folk songs from her native Greece.
Nana Mouskouri - Agapisa (I Have Loved),YouTubeから♪
From: renamouskouri
Video clip from 1998
Category People & Blogs
Tags: Nana Mouskouri Agapisa Greek Music
どうも1998年、Herod Atticus劇場での公演に先立ってのリハーサルの映像かと想像されます♪♪♪
Eurovision Square,Nana appears on TV ♪

Vision in red and black
Update: Nana Mouskouri on This Morning ITV
Eurovision Squareによると、ユーロビジョンソングコンテスト、ルクセンブルグ1963年で優勝したナナムスクーリが、テレビの番組にでると紹介されています。
=写真は© nana.mouskouri.online.fr から=
Nana Mouskouri who came 8th the Eurovison Song Contest for Luxembourg in 1963, appeaerd on ITV 1 at 12:15 - 12:30 Today. Nana is considered to be one of the most successful female singers in history, reportedly having sold over 350 million records world-wide. Now, the 72 year old legend, after 45 years of stage , has decided to say Farewell with an extensive world wide tour.
Her appearance on today's This Morning show, was to promote her performances this October in the UK as part of her 4 year farewell tour. The tour began two years ago in Scandinavia and it will take her all over the globe. She has played Germany, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Asia as well as parts of Europe.
Nana came on in a Black dress with a red jacket, She was introduced with a exclusive clip of her performance back in 1963, at the Eurovision Song Contest. She then was interviewed by the 2 hosts which commented on her fluency in 5 languages, and her 1350 songs all in 11 different languages!
She then talked about her Fairwell tour, which Nana described more as a Thank you tour. The tour started in Germany and will end in Greece.
Nana then talked about her childhood and growing up in Nazi occupied Greece. "Children need to be heard and by singing I was heard".
Nana was congradulated by the hosts, for not changing her image to fit with modern sterotypes, but as a one off, Nana tried on several new pairs of designer glases for the show, including DKNY and a nice pair of Red spectacles.
Nana said "I never thought that I would grow that old. It is better really to stop while you are standing well on your feet. I just want to be proud and in very good form and thank the audience for all this love." Nana's fluency in manylanguages; Greek, French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese has enabled her to reach audiences all over Europe, the Americas and even Asia.
The Show ended with a quick reminder about Nana's Thank you tour, coming to London in October. At various dates at the Royal Albert Hall. You can book tickets on Nana's Website.
Nana Mouskouri tous les arbres sont en fleurs,Youtubeから♪
PARIS VILLE tous les arbres sont en fleurs (honey)
Category Music
Tags: music oldies
Nana Mouskouri la fille d'ipanema、Youtuveから♪
From: soulcargo
PARIS VILLE la fille d'ipanema
(the gi... PARIS VILLE la fille d'ipanema
(the girl from ipanema) (more) (less)
Category Music
Tags: music oldies