Nana Mouskouri Coucurrucu Paloma in french,youTubeから♪♪♪
From armandodiazfelix
Esta melodia mas Mexicana que los nopale Esta melodia mas Mexicana que los nopales, un simbolo musical de Mexico en el mundo, ahora en la hermosa Voz de la Sra. Mouskouri, con las imagenes de uno de los mas lindos paraisos del mundo Cabo San Lucas Baja California Mexico, enjoy ...
Category Travel & Places
Tags Cabo San Lucas Nana Mouskouri Cucurrucu Paloma Eldorado Sinaloa Mexico
ナナさん、ナナ ムスクーリのファンの皆様、本当に永らくありがとうございました。。感動と情報をご一緒に共有できた喜びに感謝いたします。 Nanaさんは2008年ステージ活動から一度引退宣言されましたが、ヒット曲アテネの白いバラによる世界的なデビュー【50周年】の2011年、記念する数々の企画が発表され、2018年現在もヨーロッパ,カナダを中心にテレビ出演やステージ活動が予定されています。ご興味をもたれた方は、是非、リンク先のニュースや、素晴らしい映像や歌声をお楽しみくださいますように。 ナナさんには、これまでの美しい唄の数々のプレゼントを一ファンとして、心から感謝します。どうぞお元気でお幸せに。これからも娘さんとのご活躍をお祈りしております。 なお、本ブログは、2018年10月をもって更新をお休みさせていただきます。どうぞ、これからはサウンドギャラリーさんの情報を共有させていただきましょう。有難うございました。
I agree with the policy of Youtube.
Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web.
Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed.
We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974!
In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial.
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 12, 70s memories
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 12, 70s memories
I had been welcomed as a queen when I arrived with my children, their housekeeper and my band.
Red carpet ! !
I gave a concert in Sidney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide.
I remember a concert inChristchurch in New-Zeland. The concerts were broadcasted on radio and I received one day a very touching telegram from a south-pole basis : The teem wrote : 《 dear Nana, we are sorry not to be with you for your concert tonight, but we are however happy you are only three hours flying far away from us 》.
After new-Zeland, we went to Japan.
My first big concert in Asia took place in Tokyo.
During this travel, we learned with happiness that democraty was back in Greece.
We organized this day the nicest greek party to show our joy.
The travel crried on to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapour and Hong Kong.
We went after to Mexico where we gave three cocnerts in “ Bellas Artes Theater“.Everywhere, the public was touching and full of enthusiasm.From Mexico, we flew to Los Angeles where I sung in Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
We went back to Canada where we played a week long in Vancouver and Montreal. It was sold out every evening.
私達はこの日、自分達の喜びを現わすために、ギリシャ式の最高のパーティをしました。演奏旅行はタイ、マレイシア、シンガポール、香港と続きました。その後、メキシコに行ってBellas Artes劇場で三回の公演をしました。どこでも、聴衆は大変熱狂的で、感動的でした。メキシコから、私達は空路ロサンゼルスへ飛び、ここのDorothy Chandler Pavilionで私は唄いました。それからカナダに戻り、一週間バンクーバーとモントリオールで公演しました。どこでも満員でチケットは売り切れでした。
Nana Mouskouri-Les anges du Mexique - seven spanish angels,YouTubeから♪♪♪
Nana Mouskouri-Les anges du Mexique - seven spanish angels,YouTubeから♪♪♪
From armandodiazfelix
Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, co Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, con esta melodia, que no ocupa palabras para describirla, esto es la musica, la musica del espiritu ... (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags Eldorado Sinaloa Nana Mouskouri seven espanish angels les anges du mexique
From armandodiazfelix
Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, co Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, con esta melodia, que no ocupa palabras para describirla, esto es la musica, la musica del espiritu ... (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags Eldorado Sinaloa Nana Mouskouri seven espanish angels les anges du mexique
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 11 70s memories
Olympia 97 Memories、,Part 11 70s memoriesファンクラブのHPから
When I was having success in the world of music, the years have passed et I was surprised realising what happened to me.
Singing had albays been my best wish and I really put all my heart in my songs. Helen my daughter was born in 1970.
My children are becoming the center of my life. I was carrying on the TV shows in the BBC and I was on stage many time for memorable concerts in Royal Albert Hall (London) and tours in Great Britain and Ireland. I was 《 number one 》female-singer in 1970, 1971 and 1972.Many of my albums were in the same times in the charts of Australia, New-Zeland, South Africa and Canada.
I started european tours. I was on stage in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bruxels, Anvers, in many big or smaller tows.
I have been on tour in France many times and on stage during two weeks in Olympia and in Champs-Elysees Theatre in Paris.
Ex-president Karamanlis and Melina Mercouri, who were in hard struggle against greek junta, were also living in Paris. They went often in my concerts.
My repertoire was composed with many greek songs which brought us many hope. Robert Paterson and David Frost asked me to come for the first time in Australia and it was for me a big challenge.
カラマンリス前大統領とメリナ メルクーリは二人とも(当時)パリに住んでいましたが、ギリシャの暫定軍事政権と激しく戦っていました。
When I was having success in the world of music, the years have passed et I was surprised realising what happened to me.
Singing had albays been my best wish and I really put all my heart in my songs. Helen my daughter was born in 1970.
My children are becoming the center of my life. I was carrying on the TV shows in the BBC and I was on stage many time for memorable concerts in Royal Albert Hall (London) and tours in Great Britain and Ireland. I was 《 number one 》female-singer in 1970, 1971 and 1972.Many of my albums were in the same times in the charts of Australia, New-Zeland, South Africa and Canada.
I started european tours. I was on stage in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bruxels, Anvers, in many big or smaller tows.
I have been on tour in France many times and on stage during two weeks in Olympia and in Champs-Elysees Theatre in Paris.
Ex-president Karamanlis and Melina Mercouri, who were in hard struggle against greek junta, were also living in Paris. They went often in my concerts.
My repertoire was composed with many greek songs which brought us many hope. Robert Paterson and David Frost asked me to come for the first time in Australia and it was for me a big challenge.
カラマンリス前大統領とメリナ メルクーリは二人とも(当時)パリに住んでいましたが、ギリシャの暫定軍事政権と激しく戦っていました。
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 10、 60s memoriesの写真をネットでさがしていたら、
Yvonne Littlewoodさんの隣に、なんだか、見覚えのある写真!
なんと、2002年度の Euro Song News No82の表紙はナナ ムスクーリでした!!!
Contains a feature on French versions of Eurovision Song Contest entries and interviews with Nana Mouskouri and Kristjan Gislason. Also features record reviews and Eurovsion obituaries. Cover features Nana Mouskouri.
この年のユーロビジョンソングコンテストは、フランスであったらしく、エントリー曲の紹介とナナムスクーリとKristjan Gislasonへのインタビューなどが、載っているらしいです♪♪
Life Biography,
News and miscellaneous,
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 10, 60s Memories
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 10,
60s Memories
from the fanclub HP
European song contest brought me another thing.
Yvonne Littlewood, BBC producer of the evening, asked me to present weekly TV shows called "Nana and guests".
These shows became quickly very popular in Great Britain, Ireland, but also in all the Commonweath, including Australia, Canada and even Asia.
ヨーロッパソングコンテストに出演したおかげで、もう一つのチャンスがめぐってきました。BBCの夜の番組プロデューサーだったイヴォンヌ リトルウッドが訪ねてきて、毎週テレビで【ナナとお客様たち】という番組の企画を提供してくれました。
Yvonne became a very closed friend of mine and she had an important place in my career.
From 1964 till 1966, Harry Belafonte and I did many popular tours in Canada and USA.
My first tour alone with my band was in 1967 in Canada.
Since this one, I did a lot of concerts all over Canada. Candian public is always enthousiastic and I find many friends there.
Here are some of the most importants things which happened in my first 10 years of career.
Time after time, I find myself far away from Greece, my country, my home, my family and my friends.
Beeing an nternational singer changed my life, brought me a new musical life, intended to grow up and carry on."
(以上で 60年代の思い出を終わります 次回から70年代の思い出になります)
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 9,from the fanclub HP
Olympia 97 Memories、Part 9,
This sad event have been followed by an happy one : Bruno Coquatrix asked me totake Gilbert Becaud's place in the Olympia in 1967 during 3 weeks. It was sowonderfull for me ! I saw here so many great artists : Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel,Gilbert Becaud, Charles Aznavour and Oum Kalsoum. Olympia was for me a musictemple and I was frightened to be on stage there.
この悲しい事件は、最後には(私にとっては)いい結果となりました。Bruno Coquatrixが私にジルベール・べコーの1967のオランピア劇場でのコンサートに3週間出演しないかと尋ねてきました。私にとっては、それは巣晴らし事でした!オランピアで、それまでに私はとても素晴らしい偉大なアーチスト達を見てきました。ジャック ブレルや、ジルベール ベコーーや、シャルル アズナブールやOum Kalsoumなど、私にとってオランピア劇場は音楽の殿堂であり、そこのステージに上がるということは飛び上がるほどびっくりすることでした。
I was expecting a baby and of course, it was not easy to make my opinion. I don't have anything to loose so I accepted. I was the first woman singing in Olympia wearing glasses and expecting a baby : a real revolution !
In october 1967, I was finally accepted as a star in french family of artists.All the country called me "LIttle dear Nana". My son Nicolas was born threemonths after. It was the most beautiful thing in my life.
= 写真はfrom theDIETER ROMBERGさんの HP から67年オランピアのLP =
This sad event have been followed by an happy one : Bruno Coquatrix asked me totake Gilbert Becaud's place in the Olympia in 1967 during 3 weeks. It was sowonderfull for me ! I saw here so many great artists : Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel,Gilbert Becaud, Charles Aznavour and Oum Kalsoum. Olympia was for me a musictemple and I was frightened to be on stage there.
この悲しい事件は、最後には(私にとっては)いい結果となりました。Bruno Coquatrixが私にジルベール・べコーの1967のオランピア劇場でのコンサートに3週間出演しないかと尋ねてきました。私にとっては、それは巣晴らし事でした!オランピアで、それまでに私はとても素晴らしい偉大なアーチスト達を見てきました。ジャック ブレルや、ジルベール ベコーーや、シャルル アズナブールやOum Kalsoumなど、私にとってオランピア劇場は音楽の殿堂であり、そこのステージに上がるということは飛び上がるほどびっくりすることでした。
I was expecting a baby and of course, it was not easy to make my opinion. I don't have anything to loose so I accepted. I was the first woman singing in Olympia wearing glasses and expecting a baby : a real revolution !
In october 1967, I was finally accepted as a star in french family of artists.All the country called me "LIttle dear Nana". My son Nicolas was born threemonths after. It was the most beautiful thing in my life.
= 写真はfrom theDIETER ROMBERGさんの HP から67年オランピアのLP =
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