
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 9,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 9,


This sad event have been followed by an happy one : Bruno Coquatrix asked me totake Gilbert Becaud's place in the Olympia in 1967 during 3 weeks. It was sowonderfull for me ! I saw here so many great artists : Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel,Gilbert Becaud, Charles Aznavour and Oum Kalsoum. Olympia was for me a musictemple and I was frightened to be on stage there.

この悲しい事件は、最後には(私にとっては)いい結果となりました。Bruno Coquatrixが私にジルベール・べコーの1967のオランピア劇場でのコンサートに3週間出演しないかと尋ねてきました。私にとっては、それは巣晴らし事でした!オランピアで、それまでに私はとても素晴らしい偉大なアーチスト達を見てきました。ジャック ブレルや、ジルベール ベコーーや、シャルル アズナブールやOum Kalsoumなど、私にとってオランピア劇場は音楽の殿堂であり、そこのステージに上がるということは飛び上がるほどびっくりすることでした。

I was expecting a baby and of course, it was not easy to make my opinion. I don't have anything to loose so I accepted. I was the first woman singing in Olympia wearing glasses and expecting a baby : a real revolution !


In october 1967, I was finally accepted as a star in french family of artists.All the country called me "LIttle dear Nana". My son Nicolas was born threemonths after. It was the most beautiful thing in my life.


= 写真はfrom theDIETER ROMBERGさんの HP から67年オランピアのLP  =

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