
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Athen Concert,Polish video,Nana Mouskouri Froup


Athen Concert,Greek video,NananMouskouri Group


Nana News from

Newsroom : Nana Mouskouri neemt afscheid van podium.
De Griekse zangeres Nana Mouskouri (ESF 1963) heeft gisterenavond in Athene afscheid genomen van het podium. De inmiddels 73-jarige zangeres gaf in het Herodes Atticus theater aan de voet van de Akropolis het laatste concert van haar 'Farewell world tour'.

Ze bracht nummers uit haar uitgebreide repertoire. De zangeres is één van de best verkopende artiesten ooit en heeft wereldwijd meer dan driehonderd miljoen albums verkocht en ze zong onder meer in het Frans, het Engels, het Grieks, het Portugees en zelfs in het Japans.

Drie jaar geleden kondigde ze reeds aan dat ze ging stoppen met optreden. Enkele uren voor het concert werd Mouskouri nog geëerd door de stad. "Ik wilde niet stoppen zonder het publiek te bedanken", zei de zangeres. "Ik heb zo lang kunnen optreden omdat zij naar mij luisterden." Naast zangeres was Mouskouri ook ambassadeur voor UNICEF en ze zetelde in de jaren negentig voor Griekenland in het Europees Parlement. (bron :

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Nana topics from

Wowereit war auch da
Nana Mouskouri gibt Abschiedskonzert...
... an der Akropolis
Ein letzten mal „Weiße Rosen“: Mit einem ergreifenden Konzert am Fuße der Athener Akropolis hat sich die 73-jährige griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri von ihren Fans aus aller Welt verabschiedet. Zu dem Musikereignis im Herodes-Attikus-Theater erschienen am Mittwochabend unter anderem der Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit und sein Pariser Kollege Bertrand Delanoë.

Hören Sie Musik rund umNana MouskouriMit ihrem Evergreen „Weiße Rosen aus Athen“ und unzähligen anderen Titeln, die sie immer in zig verschiedenen Sprachen aufnahm, zählt Mouskouri weltweit zu den bekanntesten Sängerinnen. Sie verkaufte laut ihrer Plattenfirma Universal Music inzwischen mehr als 300 Millionen Platten.

Nana Mouskouri kam 1934 auf Kreta zur Welt. Sie ist mit dem Produzenten André Chapelle verheiratet, der seit den 60er-Jahren alle ihre Platten herausgab.

Neben der Musik betätigte sich Mouskouri in den 90er-Jahren auch als Europaabgeordnete und Botschafterin des UN-Kinderhilfswerks UNICEF. Vor dem Konzert nahm Mouskouri die Goldmedaille der Stadt Athen entgegen. Nun will sich die Sängerin von der Bühne verabschieden. Alles Gute, Nana!

Abschiedskonzert von Nana Mouskouri Prominente Gäste beim Abschiedkonzert: Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis (re.) und der Pariser Bürgermeister Bertrand Delanoë ( sowie Klaus Wowereit und sein Lebensgefährte Jörn Kubicki (li.)Foto: AFP 1/8

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VIDEO International Diva Nana Mouskouri Calls It Quits,from


VIDEO International Diva Nana Mouskouri Calls It Quits
Thursday, 24 July 2008 12:19

Farewell Song

Internationally renowned singer Nana Mouskouri gave her last stage concert in her native country Greece after 50 years of performing. Watch the video story.

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Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri says farewell with final Athens concert
Last Updated: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:30 PM ET Comments3Recommend17CBC News
Nana Mouskouri performs Wednesday at the restored ancient stone theatre Odeon of Herodes Atticus in Athens. Her final concert was Thursday. (Losmi Chobi/Associated Press) Nana Mouskouri took her last bow after 50 years in music Thursday with a farewell concert in her native Greece.

An estimated audience of 10,000 people filled the ancient Odeon of Horodes Atticus at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens to hear her final concert.

Mouskouri, 73, announced her plans to retire three years ago and has completed a worldwide tour.

"I have been known to sing in a certain way and my fear is to lose this way of singing which will disappoint a lot of people," said Mouskouri, explaining her retirement to Reuters.

"It's not that I abandon singing or that I will never sing again in my life anywhere now, but I will not go on tours anymore. I don't want to have this fear all the time when you go on stage, this stage fright."

On Wednesday, in the first of two concerts in Athens, Mouskouri wore her trademark black glasses and a red dress and sang from her wide repertoire.

Mouskouri has sold more than 300 million records worldwide, and is one of the world's best-selling artists.

Born in Crete, she sings in French, English, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Hebrew and Japanese, her record company Universal says.

Mouskouri trained as a singer in Athens and sang in her first Greek music festival at 25.

Since then she has recorded 1,500 songs and toured with artists such as Harry Belafonte.

Her life has been a "fairy tale," she said, and the farewell tour was a way to express her gratitude to her legions of fans.

"This tour was the opportunity to say thank you to the people," she said.

"I wouldn't really go without saying thank you because, thanks to the audience, I have been around for so many years because they listen to me."

Mouskouri, who has been a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, said she now wants to involve herself more closely with humanitarian causes. She may also mentor young singers

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Nana Topics from

Nana Mouskouri - concert de adio
25.07.2008, 00:00

Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cântăreţe de origine greacă din întreaga lume, a susţinut, miercuri seară, ultimul său concert din carieră, în faţa publicului grec, la teatrul Odeon din Atena, potrivit AFP.

Nana Mouskouri a interpretat multe arii clasice, piese de jazz, folclor şi pop, la final mulţumindu-le spectatorilor pentru primirea călduroasă de care a avut parte. La eveniment au participat multe personalităţi politice din Grecia şi străinătate, printre care s-a numărat premierul grec Costas Caramanlis. Cu câteva ore înainte de spectacol, artista a primit din partea primarului Atenei o medalie de aur, în prezenţa primarilor oraşelor Berlin şi Luxembourg. După anunţul retragerii de pe scena muzicală, Mouskouri a plecat într-un turneu internaţional, care a durat trei ani, pentru a-şi lua adio de la fani.

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