
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Phenomenon:年代記 5 1960年

Phenomenon:年代記 5 1960年

Nana leaves the Athenians and Spiros is the new 4th member of the band.
She becomes Hadjidakis muse, and with his songs, the biggest star in Greece.
New contract as star is Astir club. Nana becomes Nikos Gatsos friend, one of the best greek poet.
She sings there on the fist evening with the same dress she was sacked with two years before and refuses to be the guest on direction table.


Contract in Tzaki Club, when Caramanlis, the prime minister asks Nana to come to sing to the official party for Juan Carlos and Princess Sophie' s engagment.
He often invits her to sing on friends evenings at is home. She sings one day for the official visit of Bob and Jacky Kennedy. They will both come in her tavern to listen to her later July 1960 : Nana meets Louis Hazan, Philips France company president. Nana is 26. He contacts Fidelity Greece team, because he really believes in Nana.
He obtains that she became a Fontana artist.

Tzaki クラブではカラマニリス首相がナナにファンカルロス氏とソフィー王女の婚約のための公式なパーティで歌ってくれるように頼みました。
ナナはフランスフィリップス社の社長のLouis Hazanに会いました。ナナが26歳の時でした。彼はギリシャのFidelityと契約をしました。彼はナナの才能を確かなものと信じていました。彼はナナをフォンタナのアーチストとして獲得しました。

Second greek song festival broadcasted on radio : On the 21st of September, Nana sings (with the Athenians) "To kiparissaki" and "I Timoria" by Hadjidakis. She wins the first award for the second time. This year, she also recorded in Greece the very famous "Epitaphio" rendering, directed by Manos Hadjidakis. This is the opportunity for the greek audience to discover Mikis Theodorakis. The "Epitaphio" - poems cycle written in 1936 by Yannis Ritsons, Theodorakis wrote the music in 1960 - is now a master piece in the greek comtemporary culture. There have been two recordings of the "Epitathio". The second one has been made by Theodorakis and G. Bithikotsis in 1961. It was a more populous, more "laiki" one. Greece was divided in two groups, ¨pepople who like Nana rendering, people who like the other one.
The press during this year was also divided.

9月21日に第二回ギリシャ音楽祭があるとラジオで放送がありました。ナナは(アテニアンズと一緒に)ハジダキスの"To kiparissaki" と "I Timoria"を唄いました。一等賞を再び得ました。
このことがギリシャの人々にミキス・テオドラキスの存在を知らしめました。"Epitaphio"エピタフィオスはYannis Ritsons によって1936年に書かれた 詩のサイクルで、1960年にテオドラキスが曲をつけました。これは、今ではギリシャの現代文化を代表する作品となっています。"Epitaphio"エピタフィオスは二回レコーディングされました。
二回目はテオドラキスとG. Bithikotsisによって1961年にレコーディングされました。これがよりポピュラーでより"laiki"の特長をもっていました。ギリシャの人々は二派に分かれました。つまり、ナナの解釈した歌の派と、もう一方を好むはです。

In October, Nana is invited to be given the golden lion award in the Berlin film festival, for the documentary "Greece, land of dream" because she was singing the 5 songs of the film, writen by Manos Hadjidakis and Nikos Gatsos. Manos did not want her to go, but Nikos and Louis Hazan encourage her. Nana takes also part for the first time of the Mediterraneo Festival in Barcelona. She won it.
In the evening, Louis Hazan phoned to Nana to introduce her to Michel Legrand and Quincy Jones, who gave her an appointment in Paris. She went in September and settled in the Lutetia Hotel. Philippe Weill became her artistic manager and Nana starts recording with Raymond Lefèvre orchestra her first french songs, inspired by jazz, in phonetic, in the Blanqui Studio.

10月にナナは ドキュメンタリー、「ギリシャ、夢の国」の中でマノス・ハジダキスとニコスガトソスの曲を5曲歌い、ベルリン映画祭で金のライオン賞を受賞するために招かれました。マノスはナナをベルリンに行かせたくなかったのですが、ニコスとルイスハザンは、出席するように励ましました。ナナはまた、この年初めてバルセロナでの地中海音楽祭に出場しました。そして一等をとりました。
ある夕方ルイスハザンがナナに電話してきました。ミシェル・ルグランとクィンシージョーンズに紹介するためでした。彼らはナナにパリに来るようにといいました。ナナは9月にパリに行き、Lutetiaホテルに宿泊しました。Philippe Weillがナナのマネージャーとして付き、ナナはレイモンルフェーブルオーケストラと一緒に初めて、Blanquiスタジオで発音がジャズっぽいフランス語の歌を歌いました。

Nana married on December 19th Giorgos Petsilas , the Athenians guitarist. They met eatchother 5 years ago. Nana accepted this marriage, only because of Giorgos ultimatum. As usual in Greece, Giorgos's father ask Nana's father. Manos Hadidakis is the witness. This wedding was supposed to be a very quiet one, he announces it the day before on the radio. Nana, Giorgos and Manos were so popular in Greece that the police had to avoid the crowd.

ナナは1960年12月19日にジョルジ・ペチラス(Atheniansのギタリスト)と結婚しました。 彼らは5年前からの付き合いでした。ナナはこの結婚をジョルジの熱心さにほだされて承諾しました。

Enregistrements de 1960 / Recorded this year :
Agapi pougines dikopo maxeiri
Basilepses asteri mou (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Brehi sti ftohogitonia (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Chili mou moshomiristo (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Glike mou esi (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
I prodossia
I Timoria
Issoun kalos issoun glykos (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Itan tou Mai to prosopo
Jia sena tin agapi mou
Kapou iparhi agapi mou
Kathe trello pedi
Me tin patrida tous demeni sta pania (Tora pou pas stin xenitia)
Mera mayou (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Mia mera akoma (G. Catsaros - L . Michailidis)
Na'ha t'athanaro nero (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
O imittos
O kalos kalo den exi
O karagiozis (A. Spathis - R. Zalocosta)
O lukos
Pios ap'tis triantafillies (Manos Hadjidakis)
Pou petaxe t'agori mou (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Prodossia "trahison" (Manos Hadjidakis)
Sto parathiri stekozoui (Theodorakis - Ritsos)
Ta pedia ton pirea (Manos Hadjidakis)
Thalassa platia
Thimisou kai si
To aroma sou
To fengari ine kokkino
To kyparissaki
To mikro to magazi
To pelago ine vathi
To tragoudi tis Euridikis
To tragoudi tis halimas
To tragoudi ton liston (San sfiriksis tris fores)
Triandafilo sto stithos
Xypna agapi mou (Kosta Yannidis)



Phenomenon:年代記 4 1959年

Phenomenon:年代記 4 1959年

From JasonSeaman
Melina Mercouri singing in the movie ... Melina Mercouri singing in the movie "Never On Sunday".

Melina Mercouri: Ta paidia tou Peiraia
メリナ・メルクーリの歌 YouTubeから♪♪♪

Jules Dassin was shooting his film "Never on Sunday" and Manos Hadjidakis was the music composer.
He was late and suddently one day, he phoned Nana during the night to ask her to come and sing in front of him his brand new song "the Children of Pireus" to finalize it.
She made the day after a working tape for Melima Mercouri to be abble to learn it for the film.
First greek song festival broadcasted on radio : Nana sings (with the Athenians) "Kapou i parhi i agapi mou" and "Asteri Asteraki" by Hadjidakis. She wins the first and the second award.
That is her first hit in Greece. She has now many contracts in Greece. Several singles and LPs are recorded in Greece during this year.
彼は今できたばかりの曲"the Children of Pireus"「ピレウスの子供」を仕上げるために彼の前でその歌を歌ってくれないかと頼みました。次の日、ナナは映画にでていたメリナ・メルクーリが歌うためのデモテープを作りました。
ラジオの放送で第一回ギリシャ音楽祭があることをナナは知りました。ナナはアテニアンズと一緒に"Kapou i parhi i agapi mou" と "Asteri Asteraki" by Hadjidakis.をうたいました


Enregistrements de 1959 / Recorded this year

Asteri Asteraki
Kapou iparhi i agapi mou
Kontessa kontessina mou
Ksero kapio steno
La la la
Mia mera akoma
Mia sineffia
O imittos
Xsero kapio asteri


Phenomenon:年代記 3

Phenomenon:年代記 3

Nana meets Georges Petsilas in an amateur song contest.
He is since 1953 member of a musical trio "The Athenians", born in Salonic with the help of two friends of him to pay their studies. They both become friends and meet each other often to play music and listen to records.
Nana is still a student in the Music Academy of Athen but she tries to sing jazz in amateurs shows and castings to find money for the school.
Her teacher hears that and refuses Nana to go the Music School final Exam.
Two days after she leaves school, she gets a contract in Mokalido club. She is singing rythmed jazz of Ella Fitzgerald with Babis Mavromatis Band.
Her father refuses to talk to her. The familly is disapointed and ashamed.
学校を退学した二日後、ナナはMokalidoというクラブと契約をしました。ナナはエラフィッチェゼラルドのリズミカルなジャズをBabis Mavromatisのバンドの演奏でうたい始めました。

Nana caches a big cold which hurts her voice.
She must be silent for three longs months to recover.
First engagment in clubs : Mokabolido Club, where Nana sings the jazz of Ella Fiztgerald ; Astir Club when she is sacked because she is not sexy and elegant enough.
Nana starts with her mother's help a first diet, without success.
On the 4th of July, taking the place of a singer who was sick, Nana sings "Pete Kelly Blues" (an Ella Fitzgerald's song) on the american Forestal aircraft carrier.
She records a greek translation of "Fascination" with a not very honnest compagny.
Mokabolido Clubでの最初の契約でナナはエラフィッチェゼラルドのジャズをうたいました。
Astir Clubではナナはセクシーさとエレガントさが足りないということで、数日で首になりました。
6月の4日にナナは病気で休んだ歌手の代理でアメリカの航空母艦Forestal上で、エラフィッチェゼラルドの"Pete Kelly Blues"をうたいました。

Enregistrement de 1957 / Recorded this year :

Nana joins the "Athenians", now a quartet, playing jazz on the Athens taverns.
At the Astir Club, Manos Hadjidakis remarques her.
According to the legend, Manos Hadjidakis heart her one day walking on the street under Nana's windows.
Nana meets often Manos Hadjidakis and his friends, all the intectual and artistic élite of Athens (Yannis Xenakis, Nikos Gatsos, Moralis, Ritsos, Elytis, Alexis Minotis... and Melina Mercouri).
She records 4 songs by Hadjidakis : Kapou yparhi i agapi mou, Ela pare mou ti lypi, Pame mia volta sto fengari & Hartino to fengaraki.
First contract with Fidelity, a new company who will welcome after Nana, Hadjidakis and Theodorakis.
Astir Clubでマノスハジダキスが彼女に注目しました。
ナナはマノスハジダキスや彼の友人とよく会うようになりました。彼ら(ヤニスクセナキス、ニコスガッツォス、Moralis、リッツォス、エリティス、アレクシスMinotis、... そして、メリナメルクーリ)はアテネでは知的で芸術全般のエリートたちでした。
ナナは4曲、ハジダキスの曲をレコーディングしました。Kapou yparhi i agapi mou, Ela pare mou ti lypi, Pame mia volta sto fengari & Hartino to fengaraki.です。

Enregistrements de 1958 / Recorded this year :
Annitsa mou annoula mou
Ela pare mou ti lipi
Hartino to fengaraki
I mana mou me dermi
Kanella kanellorissa
Kapou yparhi i agapi mou
Masi me sena
O Ilissos
Pame mia volta sto fengari



Nana Mouskouri "to traino"YouTubeから♪

Nana Mouskouri "to traino"
From kyo331
she has a natural beautiful voice tha... she has a natural beautiful voice that makes me sigh.



Phenomenon:年代記 2

Phenomenon:年代記 2

As soon as she can , she gets engaged to sing jazz in cabarets in Athens.
She becomes popular. She will be sacked of the Academy for that.
She keeps on singing. All kind of music.
In Tzaki club, the greek prime minister asks her to sing for King Juan Carlos and the Kennedy family.
Nana records for the first time in 1958 and started to work with Manos Hadjidakis.
She married Georg (a member of the Atheniens group) in 1960.
Nana's career is still in Grece, but she gets known in the rest of Europ (Germany first, then France and Great Britain), even in USA with Harry Belafonte and Quincy Jones.
ナナは1958年に、初めてレコーディングしましたそしてマノス ハジダキスと一緒に仕事を始めました。1960年にはアテニアンズ(ナナの伴奏をしていたバンド)のメンバーの一人、ジョルジと結婚しました。

The children came : Nicolas, born in 1968 and Helen in 1970.
Nana and Georges get divorced in 1974. Nana carries on her job, triumph all over the world.
When she is not at home, Fernande takes care of the children in Swizerland.
Nicolas and Helen see their mother on stage for the first time in Pairs in 1982, at the Olympia. The are here again when Nana comes back after 20 years in Grece : The concerts in the Herod Atticus in 1984.

ニコラスとヘレンが、母親がステージに立って歌うのを初めて観たのは1982年のパリのオランピア公演でした。その次が1984年、二十年ぶりに故国ギリシャのHerod Atticusで行ったコンサートでした。

=写真はファンクラブのHPから ニコラス、ヘレンと =


Phenomenon:年代記 1

Biography 1
Born on Saturday , 1934 October the 13th at 5 am, in Chania (Isle of Crete) in the first floor of a woodhouse where her parents lived. An older sister for Joanna : Jenny.
Soon the family moves to Athens where Dad becomes projectionnist in an open-air movie. Nana discovers a show on a stage. She finds her way. Dad is glambling. The war comes. He joins opposition.

Phenomenon:年代記 1

Mummy wanted to become an opera singer. Her daughters are going to make her dream coming true.
They both join Athen Academy of Music. Jenny has got the nicest voice but she is not fond of music. Nana has vocal cords problems but she carries on. She loves music. All kind of music. Elle finds her way again : stage and music !


Joanna Mouschouri was born in « La Canée » (Island of Creete), on Saturday, 13th October, 5 am. Jenny, her sister is 2 years old and an half.
Their parents (Alice & Constantin) work in a outdoor cinema (projectionnist and usherette).
Her daddy calls her Nana from the start.
The family goes to Athens to work in another outdoor cinema, very closed to the famous "Fix Beer" factory, in Ghouva, a very populous suburb.
1937年に家族はアテネに他の野外映画劇場で働くために引っ越しをしました。そこは有名なGhouvaの"Fix Beer"工場のそばでした。
1941 April, 6th : The germans attack Greece and bomb Athens. Mr Mouschouri is called as simple soldier.
1941 April, 27th : The germans occupy Athens.
The fix factory became an arm storage depot. Mr Mouschouri enters in the Resistance. Mrs Mouschouri has to work outside and the girls are alone at home.
During the factory daily bombings, the girls go in the cellars to be protected.
Resistants are wanted by nazis. Their families, their children are questionned.
To avoid denunciations, Mrs Mouschouri and her two daughters had to change home often.
They even lives in cellars. It's famine. Nana tries to find snails after the rain for her mother boil them as a meal.
A friend, resistant, welcome the family in the mountains.
One day, the two young girls are carried off by soldiers. They want hostages because of a sabot making. It's panic. Nana is violently hurt in the back by a soldier's grip steel. She drops on the ground.
ムスクーリさん(ナナの父親)は一兵士として召集されました。 1941年の4月27日にドイツ軍はアテネを占領しました。Fix工場は軍用の倉庫になりました。ムスクーリさんはレジスタンスに入りました。ムスクーリ夫人は仕事にでかけなくてはならなくて、娘たちは家に残されました。
ある日、2人の女の子は、ドイツの兵士によって連行されました。 彼らは人質にされました。
During the year 1942, Nana is declared myopic and astigmatic.
Between 1941 and 1944, they were 520 000 greek people dead in Greece, because of famine or Resistance.
Christmas 1944 : Nana and her familly go to eat a bean soup on Allied' soup kitchen.
End 1944 : The theatres are opened again. The familly go to watch a play, Nana can't stop crying during all the show : she is jalous not to be on the stage !
1944年の終わりに劇場は、再びオープンします。 ナナと家族は劇を観にいきましたが、ナナはショーの間、涙が止まりませんでした。ナナは自分もステージに上がりたかったのでした。
The Civil war in Greece splits all the country but fortunatly Nana's family is spared
1946 : A neighboor hears the girls singing and give them a Music School Teacher adress.
During 6 months, Nana is going to drag her sister in the course. Then, money problems, only Nana can carry on.
Nana enters in College, a medium range student. This year, Nana cought typhoid and lose a lot of weight

Nana adolescente - teenager

October 13th : Nana is 14. For her birthday, her father offers her a radio made with many old ones.
During 10 years, Nana is going to listen to Radio Tanger, to write in phonetic the lyrics of french and americans songs (Sinatra, Billie Holliday... and above all Ella Fitzgerald) and to sing them in secret.
She also sings them sometimes on the stage of the outside door cinema, when the audience is not here.
The family spends evening in front of the Acropol, on the Philopappou hill.
Her father, called by his friend "the bat", is oftne in the Xy nou Tavern, his passion is playing cards.
Nana au lycée - in college

From 1950 to 1957 : Nana studies classical music, Schubert 's lieders and many famous operas arias.
She has a passion for music and singing. Her teachers place their hopes in Nana but she carries on the got interested with all kind of music, and she is still listening to Radio Tanger on her old radio.
Nana meets friends who have pick-up and LPs and she listens music with them.
Nana begins to race radio studios. They were programs where you had to guess the title of pieces played off the cutt by Mimis Plessas, a weel-known pianist.
People who found the answerhad to sing the song. Nana often won and Nana becames close to the pianist, he allows her to stay in studio during reherseals and somtimes to sing with his band.
1950年から1957年にかけて、ナナはクラシック音楽を勉強しました。シューベルトの歌曲やほかの有名なオペラのアリアなどです。彼女は音楽と歌うことに情熱をもっていました。彼女の先生達は ナナに期待していましたが、ナナの興味は古典だけでなく、すべての音楽にあり、古いラジオでTanger放送を聴き続けていました。
ナナはラジオの放送局に出かけました。そこで、有名なピアニストのMimis Plessasが弾く曲の名前を当てる番組がありました。


Phenomenon:年代記 はじめに

N.A.N.A international Nana Mouskouri fanclub
インターナショナルナナムスクーリファンクラブのHPから 年代記:生立の記 はじめに

This work is realised with the documentation appeared in the press or in bookshops since the beginning of Nana's career.
Some details are sent to us directly by the Internet users, as well as the copies of their personal documents.
Thanks for that!
Nana published a biography in the late 80s, in French and English, under the title Chanter ma vie. Universal also took the opportunity of the Nana French complete release in 2004 to include a magnificent book Nana Mouskouri Collection in association with Nana.
Nana Mouskouri declared at the beginning of her farewell tour, that she would like to write her autobiography, to evoke her career, but also to speak about people she met her life through. Until this day, your participation in this page remains more than welcome !!

ナナは80年代の終わり頃、Chanter ma vieというタイトルの自伝 を英語とフランス語で出しています。ユニバーサルレコードが2004年に、ナナのフランス語の歌の完全収録版のNana Mouskouri Collectionを出したときその中にナナの書いた素晴らしい本を収録しています。
You will find here the chronological elements of Nana's life.
This work is ceaselessly updated and will be never really ended doubtless.
We chose to favor at first the most important or significant elements of Nana childhood until the 60s, from the difficult years of a child in the war to the first worlwide triumphs... the birth of the Mouskouri "Phenomenon".

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