
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Phenomenon:年代記 はじめに

N.A.N.A international Nana Mouskouri fanclub
インターナショナルナナムスクーリファンクラブのHPから 年代記:生立の記 はじめに

This work is realised with the documentation appeared in the press or in bookshops since the beginning of Nana's career.
Some details are sent to us directly by the Internet users, as well as the copies of their personal documents.
Thanks for that!
Nana published a biography in the late 80s, in French and English, under the title Chanter ma vie. Universal also took the opportunity of the Nana French complete release in 2004 to include a magnificent book Nana Mouskouri Collection in association with Nana.
Nana Mouskouri declared at the beginning of her farewell tour, that she would like to write her autobiography, to evoke her career, but also to speak about people she met her life through. Until this day, your participation in this page remains more than welcome !!

ナナは80年代の終わり頃、Chanter ma vieというタイトルの自伝 を英語とフランス語で出しています。ユニバーサルレコードが2004年に、ナナのフランス語の歌の完全収録版のNana Mouskouri Collectionを出したときその中にナナの書いた素晴らしい本を収録しています。
You will find here the chronological elements of Nana's life.
This work is ceaselessly updated and will be never really ended doubtless.
We chose to favor at first the most important or significant elements of Nana childhood until the 60s, from the difficult years of a child in the war to the first worlwide triumphs... the birth of the Mouskouri "Phenomenon".

※ 追記 管理人から
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