
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana Mouskouri - I PRÓTI MAS FORÁ (Our first time)

20 November 2009

Miłość jest jak kwiat, wymaga dużo opieki i cierpliwości.
Jeśli kwiaty i krótszym czasem zapomnimo, traci pięknosc.
Tak i miłość, wszelkiego rodzaju ...
Jest to najpiękniejsze i najbogatsze, najsilniejsze uczucie ktore nam jest darowane...
Często przynosi nam cierpienie, smutek, cierpienie, łzy ... ale nic nam nie dają tak dużo radości i entuzjazmu, jak daje miłość!
Tak delikatne i kruche, a jednocześnie silne.
Miłośćjest muzyka Wszechświat (space music), to jego AMEN!
To slowa piosenke:
...It walks steadily our first time
the well-known happiness, the heartbeat.
You see no difference in her that walks on.
She opens her wings for me
And goes towards sorrow.
Loves all have
Anather destination after parting!
They all have some secret flights,
They do not speak, some do not return!
They wait until they are justified
And then to be given to two others!

Love is like a flower, it requires much care and patience.
If the flowers are not nurtured, it loses its beauty. It is the same with love, any kind of love.... ...It is the most beautiful and richest sense that we are given.
Love often brings us suffering, sorrow, suffering, tears ... but nothing can give us so much joy and enthusiasm as can Love.
So gentle and fragile, and at the same time strong. Because of it we are born, live for it, with love we die.
Love the music of the universe. It is the Great AMEN of the universe!
Ljubav je kao cvijeće, zahtjeva puno njege i strpljenja.
Ako cvijeće i na kraće vrijeme zapustimo, ono gubi na svojoj ljepoti. Tako i ljubav, bilo koje vrste...
To je najljepši i najbogatiji osjećaj koji nam je darovan.
Ona nam donosi često patnju, tugu, trpljenje, suze ... ali ništa nam ne pruža toliko radosti i poleta kao što pruža ljubav!
Tako je nježna i krhka,a istodobno i jaka. Zbog nje smo rođeni, za nju živimo, uz nju trebamo i umrijeti.
Ljubav je glazba svemira, ona je njegov AMEN!
Category: Music

Tags: Love

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