
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Nana News from

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Mouskouri honoured by the mayor

NANA Mouskouri (photo), the famed Greek singer, was given a Gold Merit Medal on July 23. Mayor Nikitas Kaklamanis presented her with the award at a ceremony at city hall and praised her "inspirational" talent and "extensive contribution to the music and culture" of Greece. Upon presentation of the medal, a saxophonist played Mouskouri's classic song "Paper Moon", which was sung by a female choir. Speaking without prepared notes, the visibly moved singer told the group she was "proud to be in our country and honoured by you".

(Athens News)

ATHENS NEWS , 25/07/2008, page: A31
Article code: C13297A314

Fan of the world from nabukoanastasia,アナスタシアさんのパリ便りから、、その②

フランスシャンソン界のナナ ムスクーリ引退4.

まずは、フランスのシャンソン”LE TEMPS DE CERISES"をどうぞ。

ナナ をだますフランスのTV番組で、昔アテネコンセルバトワールのナナ先生だったという年取ったちょっとぼけた(認知症らしい)女性が現れ、ナナは、まんまと、だませれる。そういえば、そんな先生もいたかと本気にするナナ。


ナナと女優アニー ジラルドー

歌”アデュー アンジェリーナ” -

歌”AMAZNG GRACE”(本田美奈子も歌っていた歌),LA-VAGUE,103060105.html




15歳ごろ、ラジオ番組に応募したとき、NIKOS GATSOSとMANOS HADJIDAKISと知り合いました。



私は、可能な限りあちこちで歌い、その後、LOUIS HAZANや多くのアーティストたちから、招待を受け、大きなホールで歌えるチャンスを得たのです。


BBCのディレクターでプロデューサーのYVONNE LITTLEWOODが特に多くの援助をしてくださいました。








Nana fan of the world, from

nana mouskouris last concert in athens.
Beautiful photos!

Nana fan of the world, from

plastic paradise

Now let us praise Nana Mouskouri. The polyglot Cretan-born songstress with only one vocal chord is currently on a farewell tour. Though Cher has had more than one farewell tour, so perhaps I can still hope to see Ms. Mouskouri live.

I became enchanted with Ms. Mouskouri when I was 16. In a local Salvation Army, I found an LP with a cover photo of a beautiful woman wearing an evening gown and black thick-framed glasses. And I remember thinking: any woman who proudly wears her glasses (and with an evening gown no less) is totally awesome, I must have this record. I bought it despite the outrageously expensive price of two dollars. (This was 1985, goslings, and I was accustomed to buying 70's photo print shirts and gold lamé suits for 25 cents.) The record was called something like International Songs, and it is long gone now alas. But I remember that there were beautiful, lushly orchestrated songs in French, German, and Greek, and it was in high rotation during my last two years of high school. I could still hum the opening song for you, a traditional Greek melody.

Her music always makes me feel like I'm living in Europe (with free health care and the entire month of August off) and I'm having a dinner party at my summer home (with a mod pop art decor) serving delicious things including vegetables from my own garden for witty, multi-lingual friends and no one is in a hurry to get home.

Ms. Mouskouri beautifully demonstrates Andy Warhol's dictate to find a style of your own and stick with it. The last photo shows her concert at the Acropolis on July 24, 2008, still lovely and proud at 73 years old. That's what attracts me to her style the most. It's marvelously dignified. I'd keep her around as a style icon even if she didn't sing.

Of course the early 70s are her strongest influence. Just look at her in the Yves Saint Laurent Mondrian dress. But I still think she makes it her own.
Labels: with a song in my heart

posted by samsara at 9:17 AM

Nana Mouskouri - Withe Rose of Athens ,Youtube


Other great theme, the same voice!
カテゴリ: エンターテイメント
タグ: Great Voices Nana Mouskouri


Nana Mouskouri - Un Roseau Dans Le Vent,Youtube


Time for a French song, this is one of the prettiest, I think.
Recorded circa 1961, enjoy!!
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: nana mouskouri un roseau dans le vent french song chanson

Nana Mouskouri - Only Love,Youtube

From: joseartur

The Best voice in the World (for me)Concert digitalized and restored colors made by me
カテゴリ: エンターテイメント
タグ: Great Voices

Nana Video and News from

Le concert d'adieu de Nana Mouskouri (24 juillet 2008)Crédit Photo : TF1/LCI

27 juillet 2008 - 15h00
Chanson : Le concert d'adieu de Nana Mouskouri
Nana Mouskouri a donné mercredi soir son dernier concert devant le public grec, à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus, au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes.
→Visit also
Nana Mouskouri quitte la scène, l'amour de son public en héritage. La chanteuse grecque la plus connue à l'étranger, a donné, mercredi soir, son concert d'adieu devant le public grec, à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus, au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes. Dans un théâtre rempli, en présence du Premier ministre grec Costas Caramanlis et de plusieurs personnalités politiques grecques et étrangères, Nana Mouskouri a remercié ses compatriotes pour leur chaleureux accueil, après avoir chanté plusieurs airs classiques, jazz, folklore et pop, suivant son répertoire habituel.

Quelques heures auparavant, le maire d'Athènes lui avait décerné la médaille d'or de la ville d'Athènes, en présence des maires de Berlin et de Luxembourg. Après l'annonce de son retrait de la scène musicale, Nana Mouskouri a entamé, depuis trois ans, une tournée internationale pour dire adieu à ses nombreux admirateurs.

Née à la Canée, en Crète, au sud de la Grèce, en 1934, "Nana" comme l'appellent souvent les Grecs, a fait ses premières études au Conservatoire d'Athènes, avant de poursuivre une carrière internationale, surtout en France où elle a collaboré, pendant plusieurs années, avec le compositeur Michel Legrand. Mariée avec le producteur André Chapelle, lequel a produit tous ses disques depuis les années 1960, elle vit actuellement en Suisse. Elle a un fils, Nicolas.

Fan of the world from nabukoanastasia

シャンソン界のナナ ムスクーリ引退1.
フランス シャンソン界での大きな話題であった、NANA MOUSKOURI引退アテネコンサートが23日、無事終わりました。







2008-07-29 07:09:41


フランスシャンソン界ナナ ムスクーリ引退2





ですから、私は、たくさんのハリウッド ミュージカル映画を観ることができたのです。







フランス シャンソン界のナナ ムスクーリの引退3.

23日、アテネのアクアポリスの丘のパルテノンのふもとのヘロデ アティクス オデオン劇場には、ギリシャ首相をはじめ、ギリシャの政治家や有名人、または、ヨーロッパ各国の政治家や著名人、一般客など、会場は満席でした。


1934年、クレタ島で生まれ、アテネコンセルヴァトワールで歌を学び、その後、パリで脚光を浴び、ミッシェル ルグランなどとコラボレーションを組み、世界中で、コンサートを行ってきました。


レコード製作者、アンドレ シャペルと結婚してから、長男ニコラ誕生、それ以来、家族とは、ずっと、仲良く平和な日々を送ってきたナナ。




懐かしい動画、レイモン ルフェーブル オーケストラとナナ ムスクーリ


サチさんのサイト”ソングス オブ ジョイ ナナ、NANA MOUSKOURI"










视频: Nana Mouskouri:Schubert Serenade(舒伯特小夜曲) ,

Original Page
《小夜曲》是舒伯特短促的一生中最后完成的独唱艺术歌曲之一,也是舒伯特... 全部视频信息
标签: 艺术歌曲 小夜曲 舒伯特 >>


Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri erhält Goldene Medaille der Stadt Athen

Athen. sda. Die griechische Hauptstadt Athen hat die griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri (73) mit der Goldenen Medaille der Stadt geehrt. Mouskouri lebt seit über 40 Jahren in der Westschweiz.

"Der Beifall für Dich, Nana Mouskouri, wird in unseren Herzen nie enden", sagte Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis bei der feierlichen Übergabe.

Am Mittwoch- und Donnerstagabend will Nana Mouskouri mit zwei Konzerten im antiken Amphitheater Herodion unterhalb der Akropolis ihre weltweite Abschiedstournee beenden. Alle 10 000 Eintrittskarten der beiden Abschiedsabende waren schon Wochen vorher ausverkauft.

"Ich wollte hier in der Hauptstadt meines Landes endgültig Abschied von allen meinen Fans nehmen", sagte Mouskouri im griechischen Fernsehen. "Es ist Zeit, zur Seite zu treten und jüngeren Menschen Platz zu machen."


Im Gegensatz zu vielen älteren Sängern und Bands hätte Mouskouri es nicht nötig, im hohen Alter wieder verdienen zu gehen. Bei 250 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern wird ihr Vermögen auf 100 bis 200 Millionen Franken geschätzt. Seit letztem Jahr rangiert die Griechin auf der "Bilanz"-Liste der 300 reichsten Schweizer.

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Nana topics from

Taking Names

Monday, July 28, 2008
Nana Mouskouri — one of the best-selling recording artists of all time — bid adieu to fans Wednesday with a farewell concert at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens in her native Greece.

Fans filled the ancient Odeon of Herodes Atticus to hear the 73-year-old songstress perform from her wide repertoire from her 50-year career. Earlier, the city of Athens bestowed its gold medal on Miss Mouskouri, who has been on a worldwide farewell tour since she announced her plans to retire three years ago, Agence France-Presse reports.

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Nana topics from

Nana Mouskouri gibt Abschiedskonzert in Athen
Ein letztes Mal: "Weiße Rosen"! Mit einem ergreifenden Konzert am Fuß der Akropolis von Athen verabschiedete sich Nana Mouskouri von ihren Fans und Freunden aus alles Welt. Zu dem Musikereignis im Herodes-Attikus-Theater erschienen am Mittwoch unter anderem Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit und sein Pariser Kollege Bertrand Delanoe. Nana Mouskouri gehört zu den bekanntesten Sängerinnen der Welt und hat mehr als 300 Millionen Platten verkauft. Vor dem Konzert nahm Nana als besondere Ehrung die Goldmedaille der Stadt Athen entgegegen.

Artikel wurde von KOCH UNIVERSAL MUSIC eingesendet!

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Medley Gerhard Wendland & Manuela & Nana Mouskouri,Youtube

Greek video, 23th,July

video from the concert in Athens July 23 - 2008
from Greek TV


Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri’s final stage performance in Athens
Jul 28th, 2008 By grhomeboy Category: Music
Greek singer Nana Mouskouri has given her final stage performance following a music career spanning half a century.

Fans filled the ancient Herodes Atticus Theatre, in Athens, to hear the 73-year-old perform from her wide repertoire for the last time. Mouskouri has been on a worldwide farewell tour since she announced her plans to retire three years ago. She is one of the best-selling recording artists of all time and has sold more than 300 million records.

The singer said she had decided to stop performing because she feared singing in a way “which will disappoint a lot of people”.

“I wouldn’t really go without saying thank you because, thanks to the audience, I have been around for so many years because they listen to me”
Nana Mouskouri

“This tour was the opportunity to say thank you to the people,” she said. “I wouldn’t really go without saying thank you because, thanks to the audience, I have been around for so many years because they listen to me.”

Hours earlier, the city of Athens bestowed its gold medal on Mouskouri, who has been on a worldwide farewell tour since she announced her plans to retire three years ago. Among the crowd at the ancient Odeon was Greece’s Prime Minister and the Mayors of Berlin, Paris and Luxembourg.

Mouskouri, who was born on the island of Crete, has recorded 1,500 songs in seven languages during her career including her 1986 hit Only Love which went to number two in the UK. She toured with Harry Belafonte, recorded with Quincy Jones and Julio Iglesias, and had a song written for her by Bob Dylan.

Related Links >

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Sakis Rouvas & Nana Mouskouri,Youtube


Sakis Rouvas singing along with Nana Mouskouri at "Koita ti ekanes" Greek TV Show
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: sakis rouvas roubas greece greek eurovision shake ellada love me tender nana mouskouri koita ti ekanes

Nana Mouskouri - Chante et Danse le Sirtaki,again,Youtube

メンバー登録: 5 か月前

sur générique de l'emission Top A Nana du 10/111973
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri - Comme un soleil - Live,again,Youtube

カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri


nana mouskouri farewell tour irodio、Youtube

αποχεραιτηστήρια παρασταση στο ηρώδιο
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: nnana mouskouri

Nana topics from

Nana Mouskouri, ki je v karieri posnela preko 1500 pesmi ... (Foto: Reuters)
... je v Atenah priredila pravi poslovilni koncertni spektakel ... (Foto: Reuters)
... na katerem se je svoji zvesti publiki zahvalila za dolgoletno podporo. (Foto: Reuters)
Slovo Nane Mouskouri
Atene, 27.07.2008, 10:55 B.T.
Legendarna grška pevka Nana Mouskouri se je od svojih poslušalcev poslovila na veličastnem koncertu v grški prestolnici.

Nana Mouskouri, ki je v karieri posnela preko 1500 pesmi ... (Foto: Reuters)
73-letna pevka Nana Mouskouri, ki je v bogati karieri posnela preko tisoč petsto pesmi v sedmih jezikih, je za konec svoje veličastne kariere pred dnevi priredila koncertni spektakel v Herodovem amfiteatru v Atenah.
Mouskourijeva je zapela največje uspešnice iz njenega bogatega repertoarja pesmi, obenem pa je bil to zaključek njene poslovilne turneje, v okviru katere je nastopala zadnja tri leta.

... je v Atenah priredila pravi poslovilni koncertni spektakel ... (Foto: Reuters)
Grška pevka spada med najbolj prodajane izvajalke vseh časov, saj je prodala več kot tristo milijonov plošč. Razlog za njeno upokojitev pa je, po njenih besedah, "strah, da bo začela peti na način, ki bi razočaral večino ljudi".
"S to turnejo sem se želela zahvaliti svoji publiki, saj sem ravno zaradi nje toliko časa vztrajala na glasbenem prizorišču," je povedala Mouskourijeva.
Med publiko je bilo tudi nekaj eminentnih gostov, med drugim grški premier ter župani Berlina, Pariza in Luksemburga.

... na katerem se je svoji zvesti publiki zahvalila za dolgoletno podporo. (Foto: Reuters)
Nana Mouskouri je bila rojena na Kreti, v karieri pa je nastopala s Harryjem Belafontejem, snemala s Quincyjem Jonesom in Juliom Iglesiasom, eno od pesmi pa je posebej zanjo napisal tudi Bob Dylan.

Nana News from

23. Juli 2008 - 13:01
Nana Mouskouri erhält Goldene Medaille der Stadt Athen
Athen - Die griechische Hauptstadt Athen hat die griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri (73) mit der Goldenen Medaille der Stadt geehrt. Mouskouri lebt seit über 40 Jahren in der Westschweiz.

"Der Beifall für Dich, Nana Mouskouri, wird in unseren Herzen nie enden", sagte Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis bei der feierlichen Übergabe.

Am Mittwoch- und Donnerstagabend will Nana Mouskouri mit zwei Konzerten im antiken Amphitheater Herodion unterhalb der Akropolis ihre weltweite Abschiedstournee beenden. Alle 10 000 Eintrittskarten der beiden Abschiedsabende waren schon Wochen vorher ausverkauft.

"Ich wollte hier in der Hauptstadt meines Landes endgültig Abschied von allen meinen Fans nehmen", sagte Mouskouri im griechischen Fernsehen. "Es ist Zeit, zur Seite zu treten und jüngeren Menschen Platz zu machen."

Im Gegensatz zu vielen älteren Sängern und Bands hätte Mouskouri es nicht nötig, im hohen Alter wieder verdienen zu gehen. Bei 250 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern wird ihr Vermögen auf 100 bis 200 Millionen Franken geschätzt. Seit letztem Jahr rangiert die Griechin auf der "Bilanz"-Liste der 300 reichsten Schweizer.

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Nana News from

Athen ehrt Nana Mouskouri
Athen (dpa) - Die griechische Hauptstadt Athen hat am Mittwoch die griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri (73) («Weiße Rosen aus Athen») mit der Goldenen Medaille der Stadt geehrt.

Unter den geladenen Gästen war auch Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit (SPD). «Ich bin glücklich, dass wir Gäste sein dürfen. Wir alle sind große Fans von Nana», sagte Wowereit der Deutschen Presse-Agentur dpa. Die Medaille verlieh Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis mit den Worten: «Der Beifall für Dich, Nana Mouskouri, wird in unseren Herzen nie enden.»

Am Mittwoch- und Donnerstagabend sollte Nana Mouskouri mit zwei Konzerten im antiken Amphitheater Herodion unterhalb der Akropolis ihre weltweite Abschiedstournee beenden. Alle 10 000 Eintrittskarten der beiden Abschiedsabende waren schon Wochen vorher ausverkauft. «Ich wollte hier in der Hauptstadt meines Landes endgültig Abschied von allen meinen Fans nehmen», sagte Mouskouri im griechischen Fernsehen. «Es ist Zeit, zur Seite zu treten und jüngeren Menschen Platz zu machen.»

erschienen am 23.07.2008 um 12:10 Uhr
© Hamburger Abendblatt
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Nana Mouskouri-Ich schau' den weissen Wolken nach,Youtube ,again

From: Luxkhana

Nana Mouskouri singt eines der schönsten Liebeslieder
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri Wolken träumen Manila Cebu Bangkok denken

Nana fan from

27 juillet 2008
Nana Mouskouri, c'est fini.
Alors bien sur, la chanteuse ne faisait plus la une des rubriques people mais quand même, le fait qu'une figure de la chanson populaire donne son dernier concert, après plus de cinquante ans de carrière ne laisse pas indifférent.

C'est au pied de l'Acropole à Athènes, sans doute sous le regard bienveillant de la déesse guerrière, que Nana a fait ses adieux à son public.

A 73 ans, la chanteuse garde des fans de choix, comme le maire de PAris Bertrand Delanoé, venu exprès pour elle.

Source : Gala

Posté par 0_____0 à 00:40 - Les petits potins made in France - Commentaires [1] - Rétroliens [0] - Permalien [#]
Tags : Bertrand Delanoé, music, Nana Mouskouri

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Nana News from www.greecetravelblog

Sat 26 Jul 2008
City of Athens Gold Medal of Merit to Nana Mouskouri
Posted by Greece Travel Blog under Athens Send it to a friend Send a
Nana Mouskouri was presented with the City of Athens Gold Medal of Merit at the City Hall. A few hours before Nana Mouskouri was to appear at the Herod Atticus theatre for her farewell concert, bringing to a close a 50-years career featuring more than 350 gold and platinum albums and 300 million album sales globally. Athens was the final venue of Mouskouri’s Farewell World Tour that she embarked on in June 2007.

In the ceremony at Athens City Hall Mouskouri said: “I believe that if music did not exist, I would not be here today… Mr Mayor and dear friends, I would like to say that I was honoured the moment I was born in this land and began to live with this love within me. I loved our country very much because it endured a great deal…”

“Music lent me wings so I could dream and find the love I was searching for in this world… I always dreamed of something better, about love, happiness and even the happiness we could give to others. So I exchanged and shared, and the honour I am receiving today is something I will never forget…”

Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit and Luxembourg Mayor Paul Helminger attended the ceremony, as guests of the Mayor of Athens, as well as the Ambassadors of France, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Slovenia, and the charges d’ affaires of Spain, Germany, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland and Sweden. The dignitaries also attended Nana Mouskouri’s final farewell concert Thursday night.

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nana mouskouri-roses blanches de corfou(45t)、Youtube


j'ai trouvé ce 45 tour dans le grenier de mes ne sais absolument pas de quelle année il est un peu rayé,mais encore écoutable
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: nana mouskouri roses blanche corfou 1960

Nana News from 

© Nana Mouskouri
The artist says goodbye
Greece: Nana Mouskouri’s farewell concert

© Nana Mouskouri

Last Wednesday, July 23rd, Nana Mouskouri gave her farewell concert in her homeland, Greece, more precisely at the Odeon Herodes Atticus, close to the Acropolis in Athens.

French website reports about this very special moment in the career of an artist: “A lot of politicians, including Greek Prime minister Kostas Karamanlis, were there. Nana thanked her fellow citizens and performed a selection of classical, jazz, traditional and pop pieces as well as her own biggest hits".

Earlier the same day, she was awarded a golden medal from Athens’ mayor, in presence of the Berlin and Luxembourg mayors.

Since she declared she wants to give an end to her carer, Nana Mouskouri got involved in a three-years international tour to say bye-bye to all of her fans.

Nana Mouskouri represented Luxembourg at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1963, with the song A force de prier and placed 8th.

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Nana Mouskouri la Gala Unicef in Romania,Youtube


She began by visiting UNICEF projects in Mexico (1994), Chile (1995) and Viet Nam (1996). Following her return from Viet Nam, she joined UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Harry Belafonte at a benefit concert in Chicago, during which he presented her with the World of Children Award from the US Fund for UNICEF.
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: nana mouskouri unicef gala romania

Mouskouri bows out,google video

Jul 24 - After 50 years of song international diva Nana Mouskouri has given her last stage performance in Greece, the country of her birth.

The sold out crowd erupted in cheers and applause, giving Mouskouri a standing ovation as she stepped out onto the marbles of the five thousand seat Herod Atticus ancient theatre below the Acropolis in Athens, in her trademark black glasses.

Among the crowd was Greece's prime minister and the mayors of Berlin, Paris and Luxembourg.

Sonia Legg reports.

IRODIO (HERODES),google video

IRODIO (HERODES) - 2 min - Jul 25, 2008


Nana mouskouri -Quand tu chantes,youtube


Voici un morceaux touchant qui met la larme à l'oeil.
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana mouskouri -Quand tu chantes musique

Nana Mouskouri - La Violetera,Youtube

From: isamargi

La Violetera interpretée par la extraordinaire chanteuse Nana Mouskouri.
Compositeurs:José Padilla Sanchez et E. Montesinos Lopez

Como aves precursoras de primavera
en Madrid aparecen las violeteras
que pregonando parecen golondrinas
que van piando, que van piando.

Llévelo usted señorito que no vale más que un real
cómpreme usted este ramito
cómpreme usted este ramito
pa' lucirlo en el ojal.

Son sus ojos alegres, su faz risueña
lo que se dice un tipo de madrileña
me trae castiza que siento horná los ojos
que cauteriza, que cauteriza.

Llévelo usted señorito que no vale mas que un real
cómpreme usted este ramito
cómpreme usted este ramito
pa' lucirlo en el ojal.

Cómpreme usted este ramito
cómpreme usted este ramito
pa' lucirlo en el ojal.
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: la violetera Nana Mouskouri musique du monde

Nana Mouskouri - concert Komotini - N°2,Youtube


concert Komotini le 18/06/2005 live
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri

Habanera - Nana Mouskouri,Youtube

From :cramirezg1

Canción (ópera "Carmen") de la lista "Sin sentido" con escenas de "La Selva", de BBC Lionheart, dirigida por Perry Miller.
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana-Mouskouri Habanera cramirezg1 Transtopica Transcomarca Carmen Sin-sentido

NANA MOUSKOURI 1964 Deux pour une chanson,Youtube


カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri 1964 Deux pour une chanson

Nana Mouskouri - le ciel est noir - Live,Youtube


Concert in live Grece 18/06/2005
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri - concert Komotini - N°1,Youtube

From; pepsilas

concert Komotini du 18/06/2005 live
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Nana Mouskouri

Almost like being in love - Nana Mouskouri,Youtube


Produced by Quincy Jones with orchestra conducted by Torrie Zito. Recorded In 1962 at 42 Street & Broadway Studios (New York)
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: nana mouskouri almsot like being in love jazz quincy jones torrie zito new york broadway

Nana Mouskouri Diamonds (Διαμάντια),Youtube

From: apollion

A song from the last Nana's Mouskouri Greek personal disk [Moni Perpato "Μόνη Περπατώ"] (i m Walking alone..) at 2006!
Music : Nikos Antipas
Lyrics: Lina Nikolakopoulou
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: nana mouskouri diamonds antipas nikolakopoulou greece musik Νάνα Μούσχουρη Νίκος Αντύπας Νικολακοπούλου 2006

Die Welt ist voll licht,Youtube


Nana Mouskouri "mein Athen"
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: nana mouskouri mein athen die welt ist voll licht pop world music

Kieuseta Yume,Youtube 

kieuseta yume
Dokokara tomonaku watashini kitahito
fushigina hanashi wo oshiete kureta wa
ano hitoga umini nokoshite kitanoha
mazushii kurashito aisuru kokoro
kono koi minoranu mama,
miokuru ushiro sugata
kono koi,minoranu mama
omoide ni shite shimau
sametemo mituzukeru yume

itsumoto kawaranu hitoyono yado nara
koko kara saru noga tabibito no sadame,
akino yuugureni hada wo atatameyou

kono koi,minoranu mama,
miokuru ushiro sugata,
konokoi,minoranu mama,
omoide ni shite shimau
samete mo mituzukeru yume
A. Goraguer / C. Lemesle - K. Hayakawa
sorry poor dictation,Sachi
Il est passé
(Er ist lang her)
(He's Gone Away)
(Kie uselta yu me)

Il venait d'une autre ville
Il disait d'un air tranquille
Des paroles un peu folles
Sur le vent, les gens, les îles
Il n'avait de port d'attache
Que son rêve et l'air du large
De frontières que la misère
Et d'amour qu'un ciel d'été

Il est passé
Il n'a fait que passer
N'y pense plus
Les saisons l'ont dépassé
Il est passé
Il n'a fait que passer
N'y pense plus
C'est un rêve démodé
Il est passé
Et tu ne fais qu'y penser

Pas du genre à se soumettre
Pas du genre à te promettre
Des mariages, des mirages
Qu'il ne voulait pas connaître
Mais il a été si tendre
Qu'il t'arrive de l'attendre
Quand l'automne t'abandonne
A tes nostalgies cachées

Il est passé
Il n'a fait que passer
N'y pense plus
Les saisons l'ont dépassé
Il est passé
Il n'a fait que passer
N'y pense plus
C'est un rêve démodé
Il est passé
Et tu ne fais qu'y penser
(A. Goraguer / C. Lemesle)

Nana News from

Thứ Bảy, 26/7/2008, 9:23 (GMT+7)
Nana Mouskouri hát từ biệt khán giả

In trang này 0 bình luận Gửi cho bạn 1 lượt xem Đánh giá:0

(TT&VH) - Màn trình diễn cuối cùng của nữ ca sĩ Hy Lạp Nana Mouskouri đã chật cứng khán giả khi được tổ chức vào hôm 23/7 tại nhà hát Herodes Atticus cổ đại ở Athens.

Nữ ca sĩ 73 tuổi này đã thực hiện chuyến lưu diễn thế giới từ biệt kể từ khi bà thông báo nghỉ diễn cách đây 3 năm. Mouskouri là một trong những nghệ sĩ thu âm ăn khách nhất mọi thời đại và trong sự nghiệp trải dài nửa thế kỷ của mình lượng đĩa bán ra của bà đã tiêu thụ được hơn 300 triệu bản. Bà đã thu âm 1.500 ca khúc bằng 7 ngôn ngữ. Nữ ca sĩ cựu trào này quyết định ngừng trình diễn vì sợ “nhiều khán giả thất vọng. Chuyến lưu diễn này là cơ hội để cám ơn tất cả các bạn. Tôi không để ra đi nếu không nói lời cảm ơn các bạn, vì nhờ khán giả mà tôi mới đứng vững trong sự nghiệp chừng ấy năm”.

Bảo Nguyên

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Nana news from

Nana Mouskouri ngừng cuộc chơi (Tuổi Trẻ)

TT - Nữ danh ca người Hi Lạp Nana Mouskouri (ảnh) đã chính thức rời xa ánh đèn sân khấu sau nửa thế kỷ làm say đắm lòng người.

Tại rạp hát cổ Herodes Atticus ở Athens đã có rất đông người mộ điệu đến để lắng nghe lần cuối giọng ca 73 tuổi này, trong đó có sự xuất hiện của thủ tướng Hi Lạp và thị trưởng của các thành phố lớn như Berlin, Paris và Luxembourg.

Kế hoạch nghỉ hưu của Mouskouri đã được công bố cách đây ba năm cùng chuyến lưu diễn tri ân khán giả trên toàn cầu lần cuối.

Bà là một trong những nghệ sĩ có số lượng đĩa bán chạy nhất mọi thời đại với hơn 300 triệu bản ghi âm đã bán ra.

Bà cho biết quyết định ngừng biểu diễn là do sợ nếu tiếp tục ca hát sẽ "khiến mọi người thất vọng".

Mouskouri, vốn là người gốc đảo Crète, đã ghi âm tổng cộng 1.500 ca khúc với bảy ngôn ngữ khác nhau trong suốt sự nghiệp của mình. Một trong những ca khúc ăn khách nhất của bà là Only love (1986) đã được xếp hạng nhì ở Vương quốc Anh.

Bà cũng từng lưu diễn với Harry Belafonte, ghi âm chung với Quincy Jones và Julio Iglesias, kể cả một ca khúc do đích thân vua nhạc phản chiến Bob Dylan viết tặng riêng.



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Nana News from

Concierto de adiós de Nana Mouskouri en Grecia
Fuente: AFP

Nana Mouskouri, una de las cantantes griegas más conocidas en el extranjero, dio el miércoles por la noche su concierto de adiós ante el público griego, en el Odeon de Herodes Atticus, junto a la Acrópolis de Atenas.

En un teatro lleno, en presencia del primer ministro griego, Costas Caramanlis, y de varias personalidades políticas griegas y extranjeras, Nana Mouskouri agradeció a sus compatriotas la calurosa acogida tras haber cantado varias canciones clásicas o de jazz, folklore y pop, según su repertorio habitual.

Unas horas antes, el alcalde de Atenas le entregó la medalla de oro de la ciudad en presencia de los alcaldes de Berlín y Luxemburgo.

Tras el anuncio de su retirada de la escena musical, Mouskouri inició hace tres años una gira internacional para despedirse de sus numerosos admiradores.

Nacida en Canée, en Creta (sur), en 1934, ‘Nana’ como la llaman los griegos, hizo sus primeros estudios en el Conservatorio de Atenas antes de continuar una carrera internacional en especial en Francia, donde colaboró durante varios años con el compositor Michel Legrand.

Casada con el productor André Chapelle, que produjo todos sus discos desde 1960, vive actualmente en Suiza. Tiene un hijo, Nicolas.

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Nana Topics from a board of

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Videoclips and News from

25. 07. 2008. 17:43

Nana Mouskouri održala posljednji koncert u karijeri

Nakon pedesetogodišnje međunarodne karijere pjevačka diva Nana Mouskouri održala je zadnji koncert i to u Grčkoj, zemlji u kojoj se rodila. Ispred ushićenih više od pet tisuća obožavatelja koji su je došli posljednji put poslušati u Herodovu kazalištu podno drevne Akropole u Ateni, pojavila se sa svojim zaštitnim znakom – tamnim naočalama.
U mnoštvu okupljenih na posljednjem koncertu bio je i grčki premijer kao i gradonačelnici Berlina, Pariza i Luksembura. Dojam je bio impresivan – povjesna pozornica za legendarnu pjevačku izvedbu posljednji put. Mnogi su bili presretni što su mogli nazočiti ovome glazbenom spektaklu. U svojoj pola stoljeća dugoj glazbenoj karijeri objavila je više od 1500 pjesama na sedam svjetskih jezika i prodala više od 300 milijuna nosača zvuka.

Posljednji nastup u Ateni

Pjevala je s poznatim glazbenim imenima poput Quincyja Jonesa, Julija Iglesisasa i Boba Dylana, koji je o njoj napisao i pjesmu. Punila je vrhove glazbenih ljestvica diljem Europe, posebno u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj i Britaniji. Prije konačnog "zbogom" aktivnoj glazbenoj karijeri, grčka umjetnica održala je oproštajnu turneju u 85 gradova koja je trajala gotovo četiri godine i završila na spektakularni način – koncertom u Ateni.

No, njezina glazbena karijera nije njezin jedini uspjeh – Nana Mouskouri bila je TV voditeljica, UNICEF-ova ambasadorica dobre volje, a bila je izabrana i za zastupnicu u parlamentu EU.

Sada, kada se oprostila od glazbe, u sedamdeset i trećoj godini života, želi se više posvetiti humanitarnom radu i svojoj obitelji.


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Nana News from

Friday, July 25, 2008
Nana Mouskouri bids farewell with Athens concert

Nana Mouskouri has bid adieu to a remarkable half-century in music with a farewell concert in her native Greece at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens.

Fans filled the ancient Odeon of Herodes Atticus on Wednesday evening to hear the 73-year-old songstress -- one of the best-selling recording artists of all time -- perform from her wide repertoire.

Hours earlier, the city of Athens bestowed its gold medal on Mouskouri, who has been on a worldwide farewell tour since she announced her plans to retire three years ago.

Born on the island of Crete, the bespectacled Mouskouri has sold more than 300 million records in French, English, Germany, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Hebrew and Japanese, her record company Universal says.

She was also engaged in humanitarian work, serving as a UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) ambassador, and served as a Greek member of the European Parliament in the 1990s.

photo: Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP

Publicat de ellytza la 6:52 PM

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TEATRO IRODIO (HERODES) - 2 min - Jul 25, 2008



Nana News from

Nana's goodbye
Updated: 20:23, Friday July 25, 2008
Nana Mouskouri has bid farewell to half a century in music with a farewell concert in her native Greece.

Fans filled the ancient Odean of Herodes Atticus to hear the 73 year old who's one of the best selling recording artists of all time.

Before the concert the city of Athens bestowed its gold medal on Mouskouri who's been on a worldwide farewell tour since announcing her plans to retire three years ago.

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Nana Topics from

Nana Mouskouri održala posljednji koncert u karijeri
25.07. 2008

Nakon pedesetogodišnje međunarodne karijere pjevačka diva Nana Mouskouri održala je zadnji koncert i to u Grčkoj, zemlji u kojoj se rodila. Pred ushićenih više od 5.000 ...

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Nana Topics from

Badeschiff & Mouskouri
Juli 25, 2008
Vorgestern in einer SMS: “Bin am Badeschiff. Da steht ja davor zur Deko so ein alter Linienbus ohne Scheiben. Nur die Aufkleber zeigen, wo er früher rumfuhr: NATÜRLICH in … Bielefeld!”

Wenig später in den Tagesthemen: Zwei deutsche Besucher des Abschiedskonzerts von Nana Mouskouri in Athen werden interviewt. Die beiden Damen kamen aus Bielefeld.

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Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri fait ses adieux à la scène musicale avec un dernier concert en Grèce
Publié le 25 juillet 2008 à 14:23 par Yopadato
Nana Mouskouri, qui est surement l’une des chanteuses grecques les plus connues sur la scène internationale, a donné mercredi soir son concert d’adieu devant le public grec, à l’Odéon d’Herodes Atticus au pied de l’Acropole d’Athènes. Dans un théâtre qui affichait complet et en présence du Premier ministre grec Costas Caramanlis et de plusieurs personnalités politiques, Nana Mouskouri les a remercié pour leur accueil après avoir chanté plusieurs airs classiques, jazz, folk et pop en retraçant son répertoire habituel.

Quelques heures avant ce concert d’adieu, le maire d’Athènes lui offrait la médaille d’or de la ville d’Athènes en présence des maires de Berlin et du Luxembourg. Mariée avec le producteur André Chapelle, qui produit tous ses albums depuis les années 1960, elle vit actuellement en Suisse.

Suite à l’annonce de son retrait de la scène musicale il y a trois ans, Nana Mouskouri a entamé une tournée internationale pour dire adieu à ses nombreux admirateurs partout dans le monde.

Cet article a été publié le Vendredi 25 juillet 2008 à 14:23 et est classé dans Actualité, Musique. Vous pouvez en suivre les commentaires par le biais du flux RSS 2.0. Vous pouvez laisser un commentaire, ou faire un trackback depuis votre propre site.

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Nana Topics from

vrijdag 25 juli 2008 Bron: ats, afp
Nana Mouskouri neemt afscheid

ATHENE - De 73-jarige Nana Mouskouri heeft donderdag in Athene afscheid genomen van het podium. De Griekse zangeres gaf in het Herodes Atticus theater, aan de voet van de Akropolis, het laatste concert van haar 'Farewell World Tour'. Mouskouri draaide vijftig jaar mee in de internationale muziekscène.

Mouskouri bracht donderdag nummers uit haar uitgebreide repertoire. De zangeres is een van de best verkopende artiesten ooit. Ze heeft wereldwijd meer dan 300 miljoen albums verkocht en zong onder meer in het Frans, het Engels, het Grieks en het Portugees.

De afscheidstournee van Mouskouri begon in 2004 en bracht haar naar maar liefst 85 steden in Europa, Amerika en Azië. jns

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Nana Mouskouri geeft laatste concert
De 73-jarige Nana Mouskouri heeft gisteravond in Athene afscheid genomen van het podium. De Griekse zangeres gaf in het Herodes Atticus theater, aan de voet van de Akropolis, het laatste concert van haar 'Farewell World Tour'. Mouskouri draaide vijftig jaar mee in de internationale muziekscène.

300 miljoen albums
Mouskouri bracht tijdens haar laatste concert nummers uit haar uitgebreide repertoire. De zangeres is een van de best verkopende artiesten ooit. Ze heeft wereldwijd meer dan 300 miljoen albums verkocht en zong onder meer in het Frans, het Engels, het Grieks en het Portugees. De afscheidstournee van Mouskouri begon in 2004 en bracht haar naar maar liefst 85 steden in Europa, Amerika en Azië. (belga/bf)
25/07/08 13u15
Lees ook: Nooit meer Nana

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Nana Topics from

Jul. 25, 2008
Nana Mouskouri se despide de los escenarios
Categorías: Música
Escrito por: argelia

La cantante griega Nana Mouskouri de 74 años nacida en Creta, ofreció el miércoles pasado su último concierto en el antiguo teatro herodes de Atenas, Grecia, con el que dijo adiós a una carrera de más de 50 años, tiempo en el que deleitó al mundo con su extraordinaria voz. La cantante decidió retirarse desde hace tres años, mismos que utilizó para hacer una gira por todo el mundo a manera de despedida.

A éste último concierto asistieron entre otros, el primer ministro de Grecia, Kostas Karamanlis, y los alcaldes de Berlín, Luxemburgo y París.

Nana se dió a conocer en el mundo entero, y dentro de los países de habla hispana por haber grabado en castellano y con algunos famosos como Julio Iglesias y Mercedes Sosa.

Durante su larga carrera grabó cerca de 1.500 canciones en siete idiomas, y ha vendido alrededor de 230 millones de discos.

Según palabras de Nana Mouskouri decidió retirarse antes de tener que “decepcionar a mucha gente” y “Esta gira fue la última oportunidad para agradecerle al público“.

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Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri päätti pitkän uransa
Julkaistu 25.07.2008, klo 13.23 (päivitetty 25.07.2008, klo 13.28)

Kuva: EPA/Martin Schutt

Laulaja Nana Mouskouri on pitänyt jäähyväiskonserttinsa kotimaassaan Kreikassa. 73-vuotias Mouskouri päätti puoli vuosisataa kertäneen uransa komeasti, muinaisen amfiteatterin raunioilla Ateenassa. Yleisön joukossa oli muun muassa Kreikan pääministeri Kostas Karamanlis.

Mouskourin levyjä on myyty yli 300 miljoonaa. Kreikan lisäksi hän on levyttänyt ranskaksi, englanniksi, saksaksi, espanjaksi, italiaksi, hollanniksi, portugaliksi, hepreaksi ja japaniksi.

Kappaleita kertyi puolitoista tuhatta, joista suurin hitti oli 1980-luvun puolivälin Only Love.

Mouskouri ilmoitti jo kolme vuotta sitten aikovansa vetäytyä eläkkeelle. Hän kertoi, että hänellä ollut enää uutta annettavaa, joten oli aika kiittää ja kumartaa. Sen hän teki pitkällä jäähyväiskiertueella, joka huipentui Ateenaan.

AFP, YLE Uutiset

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Nana Topics from

Nana Mouskouri s-a retras din muzica
Stil Feminin - Vineri, 25 Iulie 2008

Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cantarete de origine greaca din intreaga lume, a sustinut, miercuri seara, ultimul sau concert din cariera, in fata publicului grec, la teatrul Odeon din Atena, potrivit AFP.

Nana Mouskouri a interpretat multe arii clasice, piese de jazz, folclor si pop, la final multumindu-le spectatorilor pentru primirea calduroasa de care a avut parte. La eveniment au participat multe personalitati politice din Grecia si strainatate, printre care s-a numarat premierul grec Costas Caramanlis.

Cu cateva ore inainte de spectacol, artista a primit din partea primarului Atenei o medalie de aur, in prezenta primarilor oraselor Berlin si Luxembourg. Dupa anuntul retragerii de pe scena muzicala, Mouskouri a plecat intr-un turneu international, care a durat trei ani, pentru a-si lua adio de la fani.

Nana Mouskouri s-a nascut si a crescut in Grecia si a facut studii de pian si canto la Conservatorul din Atena. Ea este artista cu cele mai multe albume vandute din toate timpurile, primind mai mult de 300 de discuri de aur si platina. Cantareata este casatorita cu impresarul ei, Andre Chapelle, si locuieste in prezent in Elvetia. Anul acesta, Mouskouri a venit in Romania sa sprijine strangerea de fonduri pentru maternitati, in cadrul unei gale organizata de UNICEF in mai.


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Videoclips and news from

Graikų primadona N.Mouskouri surengė paskutinį koncertą

2008 liepos mėn. 25 d. 12:50 Nusiųsti
Informuokite apie klaidas
Skaityti komentarus (3)
Versija spausdinimui

Po 50 metų trukusios karjeros graikų primadona Nana Mouskouri gimtojoje šalyje surengė paskutinį savo koncertą. Visus bilietus išpirkę žiūrovai tryško gera nuotaika ir pasitiko scenoje pasirodžiusią atlikėją griausmingomis ovacijomis.

Tradiciškai, su akiniais nuo saulės, N. Mouskouri koncertavo penkis tūkstančius sėdimų vietų turinčiame antikiniame Herod Atticus amfiteatre, esančiame ant pietinio Akropolio šlaito. Pasirodymą stebėjo Graikijos premjeras, Berlyno, Paryžiaus ir Liuksemburgo miestų merai.

Daugiau apie tai žiūrėkite vaizdo reportaže.

DELFI video
Video medžiagai peržiūrėti reikalingas Flash Player 8, jį galite atsisiųsti iš čia.

Ieškoti DELFI paieškoje:

Nana Mouskouri




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Nana Topics from

Nana Mouskouri - concert de adio : Cultura
Vi 25 iul 2008 11:11:09 +0300

Cultura : Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cântăreţe de origine greacă din întreaga lume, a susţinut, miercuri seară ...

Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cântăreţe de origine greacă din întreaga lume, a susţinut, miercuri seară, ultimul său concert din carieră, în faţa publicului grec, la teatrul Odeon din Atena, potrivit AFP.

Nana Mouskouri a interpretat multe arii clasice, piese de jazz, folclor şi pop, la final mulţumindu-le spectatorilor pentru primirea călduroasă de care a avut parte. La eveniment au participat multe personalităţi politice din Grecia şi străinătate, printre care s-a numărat premierul grec Costas Caramanlis. Cu câteva ore înainte de spectacol, artista a primit din partea primarului Atenei o medalie de aur, în prezenţa primarilor oraşelor Berlin şi Luxembourg. După anunţul retragerii de pe scena muzicală, Mouskouri a plecat într-un turneu internaţional, care a durat trei ani, pentru a-şi lua adio de la fani.

Sursa : Crisana

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Nana News from mazel.canalblog

25 juillet 2008
Grèce - Nana Mouskouri offre un concert d'adieu aux Grecs

NOUVELOBS.COM 25.07.2008 10:42

La chanteuse grecque la plus connue dans le monde, Nana Mouskouri a donné mercredi soir un concert d'adieu au public grec à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes.

Après avoir chanté sur les scènes du monde entier pendant 50 ans, la chanteuse grecque Nana Mouskouri fait ses adieux définitifs à la scène (c) Reuters

Nana Mouskouri a fait, mercredi soir 24 juillet, ses adieux à la scène. La chanteuse qui figure parmi les artistes grecques les plus connus à l'étranger a ravi son public à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes.

Dans un théâtre rempli et en présence du Premier ministre grec Costas Caramanlis et de plusieurs personnalités politiques grecques et étrangères, Nana Mouskouri a remercié ses compatriotes pour leur chaleureux accueil après avoir chanté plusieurs airs classiques, jazz, folklore et pop suivant son répertoire habituel.

La médaille de la ville

Quelques heures auparavant, le maire d'Athènes lui avait décerné la médaille d'or de la ville d'Athènes en présence des maires de Berlin et de Luxembourg.

Après l'annonce de son retrait de la scène musicale, Nana Mouskouri a entamé depuis trois ans une tournée internationale pour dire adieu à ses nombreux admirateurs.

Née à la Canée en Crète (sud) en 1934, "Nana" comme l'appellent souvent les Grecs, a fait ses premières études au Conservatoire d'Athènes avant de poursuivre une carrière internationale, surtout en France où elle a collaboré pendant plusieurs années avec le compositeur Michel Legrand.

Mariée avec le producteur André Chapelle, lequel a produit tous ses disques depuis les années 1960, elle vit actuellement en Suisse. Elle a un fils, Nicolas

Posté par mazel à 10:46 - *revue de presse - Commentaires [0] - Rétroliens [0] - Permalien [#]
Tags : grèce, mouskouri-nana, musique

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Herod Atticus, Athens - 23 & 24 Jul. 2008 ,International Fan Club

Wonderful reports of Herod Atticus, Athens - 23 & 24 Jul. 2008 !
Please do visit!

Athen Concert,Polish video,Nana Mouskouri Froup


Athen Concert,Greek video,NananMouskouri Group


Nana News from

Newsroom : Nana Mouskouri neemt afscheid van podium.
De Griekse zangeres Nana Mouskouri (ESF 1963) heeft gisterenavond in Athene afscheid genomen van het podium. De inmiddels 73-jarige zangeres gaf in het Herodes Atticus theater aan de voet van de Akropolis het laatste concert van haar 'Farewell world tour'.

Ze bracht nummers uit haar uitgebreide repertoire. De zangeres is één van de best verkopende artiesten ooit en heeft wereldwijd meer dan driehonderd miljoen albums verkocht en ze zong onder meer in het Frans, het Engels, het Grieks, het Portugees en zelfs in het Japans.

Drie jaar geleden kondigde ze reeds aan dat ze ging stoppen met optreden. Enkele uren voor het concert werd Mouskouri nog geëerd door de stad. "Ik wilde niet stoppen zonder het publiek te bedanken", zei de zangeres. "Ik heb zo lang kunnen optreden omdat zij naar mij luisterden." Naast zangeres was Mouskouri ook ambassadeur voor UNICEF en ze zetelde in de jaren negentig voor Griekenland in het Europees Parlement. (bron :

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Nana topics from

Wowereit war auch da
Nana Mouskouri gibt Abschiedskonzert...
... an der Akropolis
Ein letzten mal „Weiße Rosen“: Mit einem ergreifenden Konzert am Fuße der Athener Akropolis hat sich die 73-jährige griechische Sängerin Nana Mouskouri von ihren Fans aus aller Welt verabschiedet. Zu dem Musikereignis im Herodes-Attikus-Theater erschienen am Mittwochabend unter anderem der Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit und sein Pariser Kollege Bertrand Delanoë.

Hören Sie Musik rund umNana MouskouriMit ihrem Evergreen „Weiße Rosen aus Athen“ und unzähligen anderen Titeln, die sie immer in zig verschiedenen Sprachen aufnahm, zählt Mouskouri weltweit zu den bekanntesten Sängerinnen. Sie verkaufte laut ihrer Plattenfirma Universal Music inzwischen mehr als 300 Millionen Platten.

Nana Mouskouri kam 1934 auf Kreta zur Welt. Sie ist mit dem Produzenten André Chapelle verheiratet, der seit den 60er-Jahren alle ihre Platten herausgab.

Neben der Musik betätigte sich Mouskouri in den 90er-Jahren auch als Europaabgeordnete und Botschafterin des UN-Kinderhilfswerks UNICEF. Vor dem Konzert nahm Mouskouri die Goldmedaille der Stadt Athen entgegen. Nun will sich die Sängerin von der Bühne verabschieden. Alles Gute, Nana!

Abschiedskonzert von Nana Mouskouri Prominente Gäste beim Abschiedkonzert: Athens Bürgermeister Nikitas Kaklamanis (re.) und der Pariser Bürgermeister Bertrand Delanoë ( sowie Klaus Wowereit und sein Lebensgefährte Jörn Kubicki (li.)Foto: AFP 1/8

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VIDEO International Diva Nana Mouskouri Calls It Quits,from


VIDEO International Diva Nana Mouskouri Calls It Quits
Thursday, 24 July 2008 12:19

Farewell Song

Internationally renowned singer Nana Mouskouri gave her last stage concert in her native country Greece after 50 years of performing. Watch the video story.

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Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri says farewell with final Athens concert
Last Updated: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:30 PM ET Comments3Recommend17CBC News
Nana Mouskouri performs Wednesday at the restored ancient stone theatre Odeon of Herodes Atticus in Athens. Her final concert was Thursday. (Losmi Chobi/Associated Press) Nana Mouskouri took her last bow after 50 years in music Thursday with a farewell concert in her native Greece.

An estimated audience of 10,000 people filled the ancient Odeon of Horodes Atticus at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens to hear her final concert.

Mouskouri, 73, announced her plans to retire three years ago and has completed a worldwide tour.

"I have been known to sing in a certain way and my fear is to lose this way of singing which will disappoint a lot of people," said Mouskouri, explaining her retirement to Reuters.

"It's not that I abandon singing or that I will never sing again in my life anywhere now, but I will not go on tours anymore. I don't want to have this fear all the time when you go on stage, this stage fright."

On Wednesday, in the first of two concerts in Athens, Mouskouri wore her trademark black glasses and a red dress and sang from her wide repertoire.

Mouskouri has sold more than 300 million records worldwide, and is one of the world's best-selling artists.

Born in Crete, she sings in French, English, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Hebrew and Japanese, her record company Universal says.

Mouskouri trained as a singer in Athens and sang in her first Greek music festival at 25.

Since then she has recorded 1,500 songs and toured with artists such as Harry Belafonte.

Her life has been a "fairy tale," she said, and the farewell tour was a way to express her gratitude to her legions of fans.

"This tour was the opportunity to say thank you to the people," she said.

"I wouldn't really go without saying thank you because, thanks to the audience, I have been around for so many years because they listen to me."

Mouskouri, who has been a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, said she now wants to involve herself more closely with humanitarian causes. She may also mentor young singers

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Nana Topics from

Nana Mouskouri - concert de adio
25.07.2008, 00:00

Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cântăreţe de origine greacă din întreaga lume, a susţinut, miercuri seară, ultimul său concert din carieră, în faţa publicului grec, la teatrul Odeon din Atena, potrivit AFP.

Nana Mouskouri a interpretat multe arii clasice, piese de jazz, folclor şi pop, la final mulţumindu-le spectatorilor pentru primirea călduroasă de care a avut parte. La eveniment au participat multe personalităţi politice din Grecia şi străinătate, printre care s-a numărat premierul grec Costas Caramanlis. Cu câteva ore înainte de spectacol, artista a primit din partea primarului Atenei o medalie de aur, în prezenţa primarilor oraşelor Berlin şi Luxembourg. După anunţul retragerii de pe scena muzicală, Mouskouri a plecat într-un turneu internaţional, care a durat trei ani, pentru a-şi lua adio de la fani.

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Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri offre un concert d'adieu aux Grecs

NOUVELOBS.COM 25.07.2008 09:40
La chanteuse grecque la plus connue dans le monde, Nana Mouskouri a donné mercredi soir un concert d'adieu au public grec à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes.

Après avoir chanté sur les scènes du monde entier pendant 50 ans, la chanteuse grecque Nana Mouskouri fait ses adieux définitifs à la scène (c) Reuters

Nana Mouskouri a fait, mercredi soir 24 juillet, ses adieux à la scène. La chanteuse qui figure parmi les artistes grecques les plus connus à l'étranger a ravi son public à l'Odéon d'Herodes Atticus au pied de l'Acropole d'Athènes.
Dans un théâtre rempli et en présence du Premier ministre grec Costas Caramanlis et de plusieurs personnalités politiques grecques et étrangères, Nana Mouskouri a remercié ses compatriotes pour leur chaleureux accueil après avoir chanté plusieurs airs classiques, jazz, folklore et pop suivant son répertoire habituel.

La médaille de la ville

Quelques heures auparavant, le maire d'Athènes lui avait décerné la médaille d'or de la ville d'Athènes en présence des maires de Berlin et de Luxembourg.
Après l'annonce de son retrait de la scène musicale, Nana Mouskouri a entamé depuis trois ans une tournée internationale pour dire adieu à ses nombreux admirateurs.
Née à la Canée en Crète (sud) en 1934, "Nana" comme l'appellent souvent les Grecs, a fait ses premières études au Conservatoire d'Athènes avant de poursuivre une carrière internationale, surtout en France où elle a collaboré pendant plusieurs années avec le compositeur Michel Legrand.
Mariée avec le producteur André Chapelle, lequel a produit tous ses disques depuis les années 1960, elle vit actuellement en Suisse. Elle a un fils, Nicolas.
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Nana topics from

Nana Mouskouri spune adio fanilor

Nana Mouskouri, una dintre cele mai cunoscute cintarete de origine greaca din intreaga lume, a sustinut, miercuri seara, ultimul sau concert din cariera, in fata publicului grec, la teatrul Odeon din Atena.

Nana Mouskouri, acum in virsta de 74 de ani, a interpretat multe arii clasice, piese de jazz, folclor si pop, la final multumindu-le spectatorilor pentru primirea calduroasa de care a avut parte. La eveniment, au participat multe personalitati politice din Grecia si strainatate, printre care s-a numarat premierul grec Costas Caramanlis. Cu citeva ore inainte de spectacol, artista a primit din partea primarului Atenei o medalie de aur, in prezenta primarilor oraselor Berlin si Luxembourg. Dupa anuntul retragerii de pe scena muzicala, Mouskouri a plecat intr-un turneu international, care a durat trei ani, pentru a-si lua adio de la fani. Nana Mouskouri s-a nascut si a crescut in Grecia si a facut studii de pian si canto la Conservatorul din Atena. Ea este artista cu cele mai multe albume vindute din toate timpurile, primind mai mult de 300 de discuri de aur si platina. Cintareata este casatorita cu impresarul ei, Andr・Chapelle, si locuieste in prezent in Elvetia. Anul acesta, Mouskouri a venit in Romania sa sprijine stringerea de fonduri pentru maternitati, in cadrul unei gale organizata de UNICEF in mai.

Adaugat la: 25.07.2008 07:28

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Nana Mouskouri ends career with an Athens concert、Nana News from

Nana Mouskouri ends career with an Athens concert

Nana Mouskouri returned to Greece for her last concert in her career. The Athens Mayor, Nikitas Kaklamanis honoured the Greek and international artist with the medal of the city. She sang for the last time at the Herodium Auditorium in Athens where almost all Greek celebrities attended. Amongst them, Sakis Rouvas, the 2009 Greek representative.

Nana Mouskouri told about this: If it wasn't for music which is my mother, I wouldn't be here today. Music gave me the wings to dream, love which I got in all the countries I visites.

Nana Mouskouri had the chance to collaborate with almost all big international names throughout her career and for Eurofans she will always be remembred as the 1963 entry for Luxembourg while she opened the televoting in the Athens 2006 Eurovision edition.

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AUTHOR: Fotis Konstantopoulos (Greece)SOURCE OF PICTURE: resourcesSOURCE OF NEWS & LINKS: Local Media

Nana Mouskouri bid farewell to stage、Nana video and news form

Nana Mouskouri bid farewell to stage
07-25-2008 09:07
Mouskouri has ended her 50-years as a performer. She chose the country where she was born and one of the most beautiful ancient theatres, to say goodbye, in Athens, Wednesday.

Mouskouri has ended her 50-years as a performer. She chose the
country where she was born and one of the most beautiful ancient
theatres, to say goodbye, in Athens, Wednesday.(Photo:

Nana Mouskouri was greeted with a standing ovation as she stepped onto the marble of the ancient, five-thousand seat Herod Atticus Theatre below the Acropolis. There was a sell out crowd.

The concert began with a video montage flashing back over her long career.

Mouskouri had been on a four year Farewell Tour since 2004. It took her to 85 cities in Europe, North and South America and Asia.

The 73 year old artist chose to stop performing while her voice retained the quality that could still captivate an audience. Now she's chosen to make way for a younger generation of performers.

She was born in 1934 on the island of Crete. She began to sing early in her life. After her family moved to Athens, she attended the Athens Conservatory. But she didn't sing in her first Greek music festival until she was 25. That was the launch of a career that took her around the world.

She is one of the world's highest selling female recording artists. Her official biography states, she recorded 1,500 songs in seven languages. World wide sales exceeded 300 million copies. Her personal trophy room amassed more than 350 gold and platinum albums. Mouskouri received many awards. Her musical repertoire is vast, spanning country, folk, jazz, opera, pop and international music.

Mouskouri said she never expected her career to last as long as it did.

Mouskouri says she intends to immerse herself in humanitarian causes, now that she's retired. Possibly, she will train young singers. And in her advancing years,she looks forward to spending more time with her family.

Editor:Liu Fang

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Greek songbird Mouskouri bids farewell after 50 yrs

Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:25am EDT Email Print Share Reprints Single Page Recommend (0) [-] Text [+]

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Nana Mouskouri bows out

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#1 FX Broker - Shares Mag 2007 By Deborah Kyvrikosaios

ATHENS (Reuters Life!) - After 50 years of song, Greek singer Nana Mouskouri bids farewell to the stage on Thursday, choosing the country of her birth and one of its most beautiful ancient theatres to say her final goodbye.

A sell out crowd erupted in cheers at the first of two concerts on Wednesday as Mouskouri, in her trademark black glasses and a red dress, stepped onto the marble of the Herod Atticus theatre at the foot of the floodlit Acropolis.

It is the culmination of a remarkable four-year farewell tour which began in 2004 and has taken the 73-year-old singer to 85 cities across Europe, North and South America, and Asia.

"Beautiful things or bad things they always have an end, nothing lasts forever," the singer told Reuters Television in an interview. "I thought it would be about time for me to leave the stage where I have lived for so many years ... All my life has happened through that stage."

One of the biggest female artists of all time, with 300 million records sold in seven languages, Mouskouri on Wednesday revisited songs that began her career in Greece and those that rocketed her to No. 1 in the charts from Germany to Britain.

Among the crowd on Wednesday were the mayors of Berlin, Paris and Luxembourg who came for the performance.

"I have been known to sing in a certain way and my fear is to lose this way of singing which will disappoint a lot of people," said the Cretan-born singer, explaining her retirement.

"It's not that I abandon singing or that I will never sing again in my life anywhere now, but I will not go on tours anymore. I don't want to have this fear all the time when you go on stage, this stagefright." Continued...

Born in 1934 as Ioanna Mouskouri, she began singing at a young age after moving to Athens with her family and attending the conservatory there. She sang in her first Greek music festival at 25 and has never looked back since.

She has recorded 1,500 songs and has more than 350 gold and platinum albums from country to folk, jazz, opera, pop and world music. She has toured with Harry Belafonte, recorded with U.S. producer Quincy Jones and Spanish legend Julio Iglesias, and Bob Dylan even wrote a song for her.

"It was like a dream, everything happened like a fairy tale," she said. "So I am really very grateful for what happened and in fact this tour ... was the opportunity to say thank you to the people. I wouldn't really go without saying thank you."

Mouskouri has dabbled in other professions. She presented a series for the Britain's BBC TV in 1968, became a goodwill ambassador for UN child agency UNICEF in 1993 and was elected to the European parliament the following year.

Mouskouri said she now wants to involve herself more closely with humanitarian causes, as well as give advice to young singers, possibly through classes. And she looks forward to spending more time with her family.

(Writing by Daniel Flynn, editing by Paul Casciato)

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