
I agree with the policy of Youtube. Thank you so much for the beautiful clips on the web. Thank you Bellecourse for your wonderful clips delayed. We could enjoy together and meet young vivid Nana, even Nana on the stage of the British Concert 1974! In this site, we use clips only for private use, not for comercial. Sachi


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 29,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 29,
90s Memories
from the fanclub HP
For New Year's day, I went in greece to present the Eve party show with many friends.
It was a live with towns in the five continents where greek peoples live.
It was surprising to see how people struggle to keep their traditions, culture, identity aliven whereever they live, in the same time they adapt theirself to the country.
1997 : RETURN TO LOVE is the title of the album.
1997年にはRETURN TO LOVEのアルバムを出しました。
I worked with artists with many talent as Ric Wake, Peter Zizzo, Rich Tancredi.
This album was for me like a child just born.
It contains many nice songs, includind a english version of the duet with Julio.
During autumn,I cross USA and Canada during a big tour.
On the 11th of september, I had the privilege to received "Legion d'Honneur" in Elysee Palace by Republic President, Mr Jacques Chirac.
The 25th of octobre, I gave an exceptionnal "Concert for peace" in St John the Divine cahtedral in New York, in the honor of the Patriarch
私は、Ric Wake, Peter Zizzo, Rich Tancrediのような才能に恵まれたアーティストたちと一緒に働きました。
10月の25日にはニューヨークのセントジョン大聖堂で、パトリアーチ大司教の企画された平和のためのコンサート"Concert for peace"に出演しました。

The show was recorded (CD and video) and broadcasted in many channels, to let many people share that emotion moment.
Early november, in France my new album HOMMAGE brough out, and I had the pleasure to find again all my friends in the new Olympia in Paris.
Nana Mouskouri, Olympia 1997 (Paris) (extrait du livret "Olympia 1997" - from Olympia 97 booklet)
ナナ ムスクーリ  オランピア劇場での1997年公演パンフレットから 

以上でOlympia劇場での 97 年のコンサートのプログラムからの自伝は終わります。 つたない文章にお付き合いくださり、本当にありがとうございました。

(管理人 サチ)


Pierre Delanoë さんのこと♪Stéphane RobertさんのHPから♪

Delanoë さんのこと♪
Stéphane RobertさんのHPから♪

On December 27, 2006, the lyricist Pierre Delanoë died at age 88. He is considered as the most recorded author of all times with 5 000 songs.
The first of the 113 texts he wrote for Nana dates back to 1961. "Retour à Napoli" is an example of song requiring an impeccable pronunciation which taught her the respect that one owes with the French language. Two years later, Nana represented Luxembourg at Eurovision with "À force de prier" and in 1967, she sees the start of her career in France with "C’est bon la vie", always from the same lyric writer.
This collaboration continued throughout her career with a lot of success: "Le ciel est noir" (1974), "Quand tu chantes" (1976) and "L’amour en héritage" (1984). During his partnership with his accomplice Claude Lemesle, Delanoë wrote "Je chante avec toi liberté"(1981) which was worth a real triumph to them.
Thank you, Mr Delanoë for your beautiful messages which knew how to touch us through Nana’s voice. We will continue to hum your refrains. Your texts will remain in our memories and in our hearts!

以前にもご紹介したStéphane RobertさんのHPに、ナナ ムスクーリの多くの曲の歌詞を書いたPierre Delanoë ピエールデラノアさんが昨年12月の27日に88才でなくなられたとの記事がありました。
Pierre Delanoë さんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。

"Retour à Napoli"1961.
"À force de prier"
"C’est bon la vie",
"Le ciel est noir" (1974),
"Quand tu chantes" (1976)
"L’amour en héritage" (1984).
"Je chante avec toi liberté"(1981)


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 28,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 28,
90s Memories
from the fanclub HP

It was for me a marvelous experience !
In may 1996, IFPI (Music Industry International Federation) created Platinium Award for Europ, when an artist sold a million albums.
I received this award in gratitude for my career and for the many millions albums sold in Europe.
During summer, I recorded Nana Latina album, which broufht out in autumn, then I wen tback in south America for concerts (english album had to wait till these year).
I am always surprised by heath and love of people there : even critics were excellents. Miami, Puerto Rico, Caracas, Sao Paolo, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Mexico, all was marvelous.

夏にはNana Latina のアルバムを出しました。それは、秋にブレイクしました。

I went back in Europe in the early december and went back in USA on the 11th for the 50th birthday of UNICEF.
It was a very interesting travel, not only because I visited many programs, but also because I had important meetings and fixed new objectives for future.
I went back to Europe in EP.
During this time, in South America, my records were became golden and platinium awards.




San Francisco,YouTubeから♪

San Francisco,YouTubeから♪

From Andgir
Avec M. Leforestier
Category Music
Merody varieteからの大変美しい映像です♪♪♪

Avant toi、YouTubeから♪

Avant toi、YouTubeから♪

From Andgir
Tube des années '60
Category Music




From Andgir
Trèes beau en grec.
Category Music


Fille du soleil,YouTubeから♪

Fille du soleil,YouTubeから♪

From Andgir
Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histo... Une voix vraiment unique dans l'histoire.

Olympia 97 Memories、Part27,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part27,
90s  Memories
from the fanclub HP

The german CD "NUR EIN LIED" brought out and I did a tour in Germany,
Austria from january to march 1996. It was marvelous but sometimes very hard : some days, I was in Parliament on the morning and on stage on the evening.
In may and june, I went in USA and East-Canada, I sang with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
In the same times, I was working for more and 1.5 years on a new english album.
Sometimes, I spend a week in New York to record,a nd the week after in Miame to record Nana Latina album. I like this travels and I like working in EP.

ドイツでCD"NUR EIN LIED"がヒットして、私はドイツでの公演ツァーをしました。
時に私が一週間をニューヨークで録音の為に過ごして、その次の週にはマイアミでNana Latinaのアルバムを録音していました。私はこのレコードをだすための旅行も好きでしたし、議会での仕事も好きでした。

I also have the opportunity to work for UNICEF during these travels.
I visited a lot of programs and worked on many new projects for South America.
I met official personalities for UNICEF to have better relationships to do better works.
For UNICEF every child must have the same chance : a future.
Every child must be protected from war or sexual violences, even from family or society.
I ended the american album on summer 1996. After so many long years of frenchship with Juloi Iglesias, we finally find the time to record a song together.


補記;このLatinas のなかのククルククパロマは 2007年2月現在、Myspacecomで試聴できます。


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 26,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 26,

90s Memories

from the fanclub HP

Even I always avoid political life, thinking only few politicians are working for peace and justice, I accepted and I have been elected in 1994.
I believed then I could really help my country to communicate with other countries in Europe to be integrated more easily.
Then I started working very seriously in that strange and different world, trying to bring a little bit love, truth, honnesty, freedom and peace in what I really believe.
I realised that there were other MEP with the same ideals, and it is really encouraging because they are mostly young.

それで、私は真剣にその初めての、全く異なった世界で、自分の固く信じる愛や誠実さや親切さ、自由や平和を考えながら、 働き始めました。

As MEP, I am member of culture, youth, education and Medias comities, and copresident of Bulgaria-EU comity.
I dream to be abble to create a comity for childood rights.
It is very important for culture to be bring to everyone, in avery countries, to let people understand each over, to let them have a better futur.
In 1995, I recorded the DIX MILLE ANS ENCORE album and made a tour in france with 10 concerts in Salle Pleyel.
It was so good to be back on stage, to meet old friends et to find new ones.

1995年に私はDIX MILLE ANS ENCOREのアルバムをだして、Salle Pleyelで10回のコンサートをしました。



Olympia 97 Memories、Part 25,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、
90s  Memories

Part 25,from the fanclub HP

I always tryed to see things with children's eye. Are they happy? sad? What do they need?
Everywhere I went, I realised that children are our society victims.
Love and care are what they mostly need.
My singers duties brought me in many countries where UNICEF carries on many programs about health, education, social development, family planning, street children's protection, but also to immunize people, build children squares, bring water pumps, teach young mothers to be abble to take care correctly to their children.


Conditions are sometimes hard but we keep on doing what we consider to be the best to be useful.
We have to speak to medias to keep people in knowledge.
We have the duty to speak to political  leaders , to influence people to give this children a better future.
When I was on tour in Scandinavia in 1994, I received a double platimium award.
One day, I was asked by my friend Miltos Evert -leader of the opposition party in Greece-, he told time was coming to do something for my country, he though I would be abble to use my experience living and working in all Europe for 35 years, and asked me to become a greek MEP.

ある日、私は友人である、ギリシャ野党の党首であったMiltos Evertからある要請をうけました。





Olympia 97 Memories、Part 24,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、


Part 24,from the fanclub HP

I have been very lucky to become so popular and joung singers often told me they have grown listening my music.
I often wondered why my voice and my music please so many people : maybe it is that deep feeling of love, affection, peace and justice research ?
I always have this feeling on stage.
My children's housekeeper - who lives with us for more than 25 years- always told me I look like a different woman on stage : I feel really happy. Stage is my own space.
The public and I is a wonderful love story. Singing is all my life.

I would not me abble to live without that, as without my children I love so much
and I thank them really to understand they have to share their love for me with
my singing needs.
But I have been fed with my family's love, my friends and children's love, and above all my producer's who let me work as much as I can, knowing that I need that to exist.
1993 was a very special year. UNICEF asks me to be ambassador, children's voice (as they say). Il was marvelous to give my life another meaning.



Olympia 97 Memories、Part 23 from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、

90s Memories

Part 23 from the fanclub HP

My music rooths are in Mediterranean Sea, they overlived during centuries and gave me dreams, hope, identity, energy and braveness.
As I was a movie projectionnist's daughter, I saw and heard many films and movie songs during my childhodd.
It was so natural for me I will sing those marvelous songs one day.
My new album in english "FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN" is an kind of tribute to them.
I decided to record the most beautiful movie songs with Michel Legrand.
After all these years, Harry belafonte and I sung once again two duets.Merci Harry !

"FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN"この新しい英語のアルバムはその頃への感謝の気持ちを表わしたものです。
私はミシェル るグランの一番きれいな映画音楽をレコードにしようと決心しました。
その後で、ハリー ベラフォンテと私はまた、二曲デュエットをだしました。ハリーに感謝!

Thanks Harry ! and thanks to those who give me the please to sing in duet with
I wish you love, health and peace !
Some singers only have to sing in their own language, english for example, to be popular all around the world.
For us, europeans, it is quite different. We have to speak several languages.
I was very lucky to be consider not only as an international artist, but also as a national
artist in many countries : Mainly France, but also Germany, Netherlands, Spain
and England -the most difficult for me- because even if people have a good mind and welcome warmly stranger artists, showbusiness did not believe I will have success there.




Olympia 97 Memories、Part 22,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、
90s Memories
Part 22,from the fanclub HP

I came in Spirituals and Gospel world in the 90s.
This music always touched me.
It was for me an inspiration as classical and blues music.
This music is close to the traditionnal folk songs. It is both pain and hopefull.
I also recorded latinos and spanish songs still popular, on NUESTRAS CANCIONES album.
I know somes till my beginnings as singer.

私はラテン音楽やスペインの音楽をNUESTRAS CANCIONESのアルバムで唄いいまでもよく知られています。

I gave a charity concert in december 1990 in St James Palace (London).
Queen Anne-Marie , King Constantin, Prince Charles, Queen of Jordania and many others
greek and british aristocrats were there.
ONLY LOVE best of album brough out for the first time in USA in 1991.
A big tour followed it with many success, managed by Ed Kasses.
There is always new begginnings in life and this one was very important.
In 1992, I recorded a french album "COTE SUD COTE COEUR", with mediterannean ambiance, the one I knew when I was child.

1990年の12月にロンドンのSt James宮殿でチャリティーコンサートを行いました。
1992年に私はフランスで私が子供の頃殻親しんできた地中海の雰囲気をもった"COTE SUD COTE COEUR"をだしました。




Olympia 97 Memories、Part 21,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 21,
80s Memories
from the fanclub HP

I had to work hard to reach my voice to such a music.
The most important concert with these songs took place in Zenith (Paris) where I was singing with more than 100 musicians and choir in stage.
It was a really big production and that ended 1989 in a very nice way.
The concert has been broadcasted for Christmas in France, Greece and Belgium.


These songs brought me again to my musical roots, what I learned when I was young. Some of these arias will always be my “classicals ”.
I was lucky to give an exceptionnal concert with the London Symphony Orchestra with the same program.

このなかの数曲のアリアは、いつまでも私自身の古典“classicals ”であり続けるでしょう。




Over and over,YouTubeから♪♪♪Karaoke

Over and over,YouTubeから♪♪♪

From quatxit
Singer: Nana Mouskouri
Category Music
Tags Over and over Nana Mouskouri

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 20,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 20,
from the fanclub

Is was just like if my country opened its arms for me.
In 1988, we made tours in Asia, specially in Corea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaisia and Japan.
We went after in South America for the fist time. I found out in Argentina and Brasil how the public enjoyed my music. I think the reason is I started recording spanish songs in the early 80s and I became so popular in the latin countries.


After the enormous hit “ Only Love ”, Andr・Chapelle had the idea of a record ncluding my favorite classical songs.It was brilliant but I did not have the courage to do it before. I sung arias like "CASTA DIVA", "CARMEN", "RECUERDOS DE LA ALHAMBRA" and "AVE MARIA".
I really think that this double album is one of the better I recorded.
It was a big hit in every country it was brought out.
We made tours in the whole world with these songs.

それは素晴らしいアイデアでしたが、以前はその勇気がありませんでした。(オペラ"Norma"のマリアカラスが歌ったカタリ)Casta Diva、やカルメン、アルハンブラの思い出、アベマリアなどのアリアを歌いました。



1.Only Time Will Tell (シューベルト、ノットゥルノ)
2.Qual Cor Tradisti
3.La Andaluza (アンダルーサ、グラナドス)
4.Adagio (アダージョ)
5.Romance (ロマンス)
6.Gloria Eterna (グロリアエテルナ)
7.En Aranjuez Con Mi Amor (アランフェス、ロドリーゴ)
8.Voi Che Sapete (恋とはどんなものかしら、モーツアルト)
10.Song For Liberty(ナブッコ、黄金の翼にのって)
11.Una Furtiva Lagrima(人知れぬ涙、ドニゼッティ)
12.Mon Dieu(我が神、ロドリーゴ)
14.Plaisir D'Amour(愛の歓び)
15.Casta Diva (カタリ)
16.Der Lindenbaum(菩提樹)
17.Recuerdos De La Alhambra(アルハンブラの思い出)
18.Ave Maria(アヴェマリア、シューベルト)


L'amour en héritage,Karaoke,YouTubeから♪♪♪

L'amour en héritage,Karaoke,YouTubeから♪♪♪

From mistinguette62
l'amour en héritage de nana mouskouri
Category Music
Tags nana mouskouri


nana mouskouri l enfant tambour、YouTubeから♪♪♪♪♪

nana mouskouri l enfant tambour、YouTubeから♪♪♪♪♪

From remicecile
tres jolie chanson
Melody Varieteからの大変美しい映像です♪♪♪♪♪
L'enfant au tambourは唄われた言葉により曲名が違います。(DieterさんのHPより
(Johnny Tambour)
(Little Drummer Boy)
(El pequeño tamborilero)
(Il Tamburino)

nana mouskouri tout les arbres sont en fleur、YouTubeから♪♪♪

nana mouskouri tout les arbres sont en fleur、YouTubeから♪♪♪

From remicecile
tres belle reprise de boby godsboro
(ho tres belle reprise de boby godsboro
(honey)a voir aussi sur you tube
Melody varieteからのとても美しい映像です♪♪♪♪♪

performance 03/02/2007,YouTubeから???

performance 03/02/2007,YouTubeから???

From paulglazier
Playing 10 copies of the same Nana Mousk Playing 10 copies of the same Nana Mouskouri album simultaneously - from a collection of over 100! Then Ivo Bol with 10 different versions of Holst's planets. All took place at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam



Angelinana MOUSKOURI - Adieu Angelina,YouTubeから♪♪♪

Angelinana MOUSKOURI - Adieu Angelina,YouTubeから♪♪♪

From Sixtiz
Category Music
Tags Angelina Nana_Mouskouri

Nana & Judy Collins in "Champs-Elysées",YouTubeから♪♪♪

Nana & Judy Collins in "Champs-Elysées",YouTubeから♪♪♪

From Sixtiz
Mars 1982. Show: Champs Elysées
Judy C Mars 1982. Show: Champs Elysées
Judy Collins: Memory
Nana& Judy: Amazing grace
With Christian Morin: The Rose .
Category Music
Tags Mouskouri Judy_Collins Drucker Champs-Elysées


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 19,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 19,
80s Memories
from the fanclubHP

President Karamanlis, Minister Melina Mercouri and other persons from greek government were in the public, like a lot of friends of mine, old or new ones.
My dear friend Nikos Gatsos, ma family, my father, my sister and his daughter were there, but not my mother because she died a few years before.
I am sure that her soul was here with the doves flying around the beautiful theater ruins.
The video have won a double platinium award, it is one of my biggest success in the world.

カラマニリス大統領とメルナメルクーリやギリシャ政府の高官達が、旧知の友人や新しい友人と同じように 聴衆の中にいました。

In 1986 I recorded “Only Love” Theme for the TV serial “Mistral's Daughter”.
Only Love became number one in all european charts, including Great Britain.
The same year, I became “Chevalier des arts et lettres” in France.
I have been King Constantin's guest to sing for Queen Anne-Marie's birthbday. I sung this evening in front of Queen Elisabeth, Princess Diana, Prince Charles, Farah Dibha, King and Queen of Spain, Sweden and Danemark and many others aristocrats.
I went back in Greece in 1987 for another marvellous concert in Herod Atticus, and a show in Olympic Stadium in front of 100 000 persons.
I remember this evening with a lot of emotion.

1989年、私はイギリスの連続テレビ番組“Mistral's Daughter”のテーマ曲として「オンリーラブ」を録音しました。
同じ年、私はフランスで“Chevalier des arts et lettres”になりました。
1987年、私はギリシャに帰り、またHerod Atticusとオリンピックスタジアムでは10万人の前ですばらしいコンサートをしました。



nana mouskouri,MelodyVarieteからギリシャの歌です♪♪YouTubeから♪

nana mouskouri,MelodyVarieteからギリシャの歌です♪♪YouTubeから♪

From rbultje
nana mouskouri greek
Category Music
Tags nana mouskouri greek song♪


Nana Mouskouri - Tu m'oublies,youTubeから♪♪♪

Nana Mouskouri - Tu m'oublies,youTubeから♪♪♪

1986, Nana Mouskouri interpreta esta bel 1986, Nana Mouskouri interpreta esta bella canciòn en frances del film "Missing", con música de Vangelis y letra de P. Delanoë C.



Tu m'oublies
Comme une chanson d'amour
quand on a trop dansé
Tu m'oublies
Comme une ombre inconnue
qui n'a fait que paser
Comment faire pour n'y plus penser
J'y pense quand même
Dans l'enfer où tu m'as laisseé
après la bohême
Tu m'oublies
Et moi je ne peux pas me passer
de nous deux
Tu m'oublies
Je vais, je viens, je cours, je survis où je peux
Fais moi signe et j'irai te chercher
Jusqu'au bout des nuits
Je suis sûre que ta liberté
Je lui manque aussi
Je te manque aussi


Je t'écris
Dans mon désespoir un appel au secour
Le silence
Compagnon du soir me répond toujours
C'est fini
Et moi je ne peux pas me passer de nous deux
C'est fini
Je vais, je viens, je cours, je survis où je peux
Fais moi signe et j'irai te chercher
Jusqu'au bout des nuits
Je suis sûre que ta liberté
Je lui manque aussi
Je te manque aussi

Tu m'oublies
Comme une chanson d'amour
dont le disque est cassé
Tu m'oublies
Comme une ombre inconnue qui n'a fait que passer

Si tu m'oublies
Moi pourquoi je vis ...
Category Music
Tags Nana Mouskouri


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 18, 80s Memories from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 18,
80s Memories
from the fanclub HP
Catharina encourage me to sing in several languages.
Before a new tour in Germany, I did a new french albums “ Je chante avec toi Libert” which became an hymn. This album won a doucle platinium award in several languages.
It travelled around the world in german, spanish, english, french and portuguese.
That was for me a new international hit. 1984 was a special year for me.
ドイツの新しい演奏旅行の前に、私はフランスで、新しいアルバム“ Je chante avec toi Libert”を出しました
これは、賛美歌になりました。 このアルバムは多くの国々でダブルプラチナディスクとなり、ドイツ語、スペイン語、英語、フランス語、ポルトガル語でうたわれました。
After 20 years out the greek stages, I was back to sing in Herod Atticus Theater in Athens.
The two evenings have been broascasted in greek TV, they are both the most extraordinary documents of my life and work. During these two evenings, avery greek heart was going as fast as mine, or my friends'hearts who were here from many countries, to see me singins under the sky of my own country.
This concerts brought me back to my roots, and show me I was still accepted like a girl from Greece, even if was was popular all around the world.
私はアテネのHerod Atticus劇場で唄うために帰国しました。


Plaisir d'amour, Live in Korea, Serenade,Melodyvariety,韓国の動画サイトcyworldから♪♪♪


Plaisir d'amour , Live in Korea ←韓国のテレビ放送から、観客も写っていて

シューベルトのセレナーデ ←Serenade, MerodyVarieteからの大変,美しい映像です♪♪♪

Lake Tahoe -Nana Mouskouri " Old Toys trains-、YouTubeから♪♪♪

Lake Tahoe -Nana Mouskouri " Old Toys trains-、YouTubeから♪♪♪

From armandodiazfelix
Una hermosura de melodia para adornar ot Una hermosura de melodia para adornar otra hermosura... Lake Tahoe, Ca. Una maravilla en U.S.A. este lugar, no ocupa palabras para describirse, estas imagenes valen por si mismas. La melodia Old Toys Train... lo dice.. Close your eyes.. listen to the sky.. Cierra tus ojos.. escucha al cielo... ...
Category Travel & Places
Tags Lake Tahoe Nana mouskouri Old toys trains eldorado Sinaloa

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 17,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 17,
80s Memories
from the fanclub HP

We went back to France after a really big success of “ Roses and sunshine” album in Canada and USA.
Phonogram Philips Company made me another surprise : The first evening concert in Olympia, I was offered a box with 69 golden and platinium awards !
According to a opinion poll held by France Soir newspaper in the public, I was still the number one singer.
It is such a surprise to realise that all my records in France became golden, platinium or double platinium awards.

私達は、カナダとアメリカでの“ Roses and sunshine”のアルバムの大成功の後でフランスに帰りました。
オランピア劇場での初めての夜のコンサートです。 私は69個のゴールドとプラチナディスクを貰いました!
France Soir新聞の世論調査によると、私はいまもってナンバーワンの歌手だそうでした。

The new records for Germany were also golden awarded.
I became really popular with my 1981 tour and my album “ meine Lieder sind meine Liebe ”, one of my best success in Germany.
During this time, I was often on stage for imortant concerts in France and Germany.
I really enjoyed singing with many good friends : Stars like Julio Iglesias, Joan Baez, Johnny Mathis, Harry Belafonte and Catherina Valente, one of my closest friends.

1981年の演奏旅行と、“ meine Lieder sind meine Liebe ”のアルバムで私は、本当に知られるようになりました。



Olympia 97 Memories、Part 16,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 16,

80s Memories

from the fanclub HP

In 1979 I was on tour in USA and Canada presenting ”Roses and sunshine ” album.
The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles was sold out.
Neil Diamond and Leonard Cohen were in the public. Bob Dylan spent the night in the backstage.
After the concert, he wrote for me “ Every grain of sand ”. I had many songs from Neil Diamond, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, which were big hits not only in their english version, but also in french and german.
I always follow these three musicians'example.

1979年、私は“ROSES AND SUNSHINE”のアルバムを歌ってアメリカとカナダの演奏旅行をしました。
ニールダイアモンドやレナードコーエンが客席にいました。ボブディランがその夜、バックステージを演じました。コンサートの後で、彼は、私に“ Every grain of sand ”の曲を書いてくれました。

But I also performed songs from Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kris Kristopherson, James Taylor, Tom Paxton, Dolly Parton, Cat Stevens, Bette Midler, Serge Lama, Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Neil Young, Neil Sedaka, John Denver, Judy Garland, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Carol King and Don McLean. I always express my feelings, my hopes, my expectations and love I need to live. I sometimes also express anger, scare and doubt.



Olympia 97 Memories、Part 15,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、
Part 15,from the fanclub HP

I went back to London with Yvonne Little wood and we started others shows for BBC television, new recordings, and I went back on stage in the whole world.
I found again my public and my children found again a smile in the face of their mother.
Singing always helps me to get out of problems.
From a stage to the other, from a country to the other, from a language to the other, in the recording studios, with Andr・closed to me.
Andre came in my life in 1964 and he is till this year my international producer.
So ended my second decade of songs with many friends from or out music world all around the world. 》

=写真はファンクラブのHPから (アンドレ シャペルさんと近年の写真)=

韓国でのナナムスクーリの人気 Nana Mouskouriの唄うLascia chio pianga を聴けた♪♪♪






ナナさんのサラ ブライトマンとは一味違うしみじみとしたナナのアレンジでの
Lascia chio pianga はいかがでしょうか?




Olympia 97 Memories、Part 14, 70sMemories、 from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 14,
from the fanclub HP

Even if the times were not easy, Fritz believed hard in me and he is till this year my producer and friend.
Ossie Drecksler and Jurgen Sauermann from Philips Records Company persuaded me to cooperate with my french producer to make a new record.
It was a new beginning for me in Germany.
This record included many hits like "SIEBEN SCHWARZE ROSEN", "LIEDER DIE DIE LIEBE SCHREIBT", "LA PROVENCE" and many others.
Phonogram Paris Company awarded me 100 golden and platinium records for 15 years of international hits and an extraordinary singer career.

フィリップスレコードからやってきたOssie Drecksler と Jurgen Sauermannが私のフランスでのプロデューサーと共同で新しいレコードをだそうと説得してきました。
この時のレコードに、 “アテネの白いバラ"”LIEDER DIE DIE LIEBE SCHREIBT", "LA PROVENCE"その他、私の多くのヒット作が入っていました。
パリの実演家協会Phonogram Paris Companyが15年間の国際的なヒットと突出した歌手活動にたいして私に100のゴールドとプラチナディスクを授与しました。

I never dreamed to reach such a popularity even if I did never overestimate this fact or try to profit of this situation anyway.
Life is not only made with happy events, there are some very sad ones.
My husbad and I decided to get divorced. The result was the end fo our band 《 The athenians 》.
After that, I stop working for an all year.
During this yearn, I did not know what to do, but one thing only was clear for me : I will never stop singing ! I needed that so I decide to create another band to begin somenthing else.


その結果、《アテニアンズ》 は解散しました。
その後、殆ど一年間、私は仕事を中止しました。 この年、私は何をしていいのか分かりませんでした。



Olympia 97 Memories、Part 13,from the fanclub HP

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 13
70s Memories
from the fanclub HP

In Toronto, we played in a 30000 people stadium, it was very unusual.
At that time, concerts took places more often in theatres ans concert halls. I was very happy to have so many success with my music, to offer so many joy and happiness to the whole world with my songs.
After that, I worked with talended and sincere musicians, who became my friends, who believed in me. I own them the development and the realisation of my musical work.
I received many golden end platinium awards in Netherlands, and also 《 Edison award 》 and 《 Golden Tulip 》 as the most popular celebrity.
The 《 Book of Songs》 album was such a hit that I received a diamond (instead of platinium) award.

それとともに、もっとも名声を得た人として《 Edison 賞 》や《ゴールデンチューリップ》も貰いました。
《 Book of Songs》のアルバムはプラチナディスクでなく、なんとダイヤモンド賞をもらったほどのヒットでした。

Success for me had always be based on my public, my feelings and my honesty.
Working with friends who trust me enuable us to give the best of ourselves staying as human as possible.
My german producer died in the late 70s, that slowed the rythm of my records and shows in Germany because it was quite hard to find another producer.
During one of my concert in Royal Albert Hall in London in 1973, I have the visite of Fritz Rau, an german producer.
He was very impressed and enthusiastic and he did ask me to come back on stage in Germany.

1973年、ロンドンのアルバートホールでの公演の最中にドイツ人のプロデューサー、Fritz Rauが訪ねてきました。


Nana Mouskouri Coucurrucu Paloma in french,youTubeから♪♪♪

Nana Mouskouri Coucurrucu Paloma in french,youTubeから♪♪♪

From armandodiazfelix
Esta melodia mas Mexicana que los nopale Esta melodia mas Mexicana que los nopales, un simbolo musical de Mexico en el mundo, ahora en la hermosa Voz de la Sra. Mouskouri, con las imagenes de uno de los mas lindos paraisos del mundo Cabo San Lucas Baja California Mexico, enjoy ...
Category Travel & Places
Tags Cabo San Lucas Nana Mouskouri Cucurrucu Paloma Eldorado Sinaloa Mexico


Olympia 97 Memories、Part 12, 70s memories

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 12, 70s memories

I had been welcomed as a queen when I arrived with my children, their housekeeper and my band.

Red carpet ! !

I gave a concert in Sidney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide.

I remember a concert inChristchurch in New-Zeland. The concerts were broadcasted on radio and I received one day a very touching telegram from a south-pole basis : The teem wrote : 《 dear Nana, we are sorry not to be with you for your concert tonight, but we are however happy you are only three hours flying far away from us 》.

After new-Zeland, we went to Japan.

My first big concert in Asia took place in Tokyo.

During this travel, we learned with happiness that democraty was back in Greece.


We organized this day the nicest greek party to show our joy.

The travel crried on to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapour and Hong Kong.

We went after to Mexico where we gave three cocnerts in “ Bellas Artes Theater“.Everywhere, the public was touching and full of enthusiasm.From Mexico, we flew to Los Angeles where I sung in Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.

We went back to Canada where we played a week long in Vancouver and Montreal. It was sold out every evening.

私達はこの日、自分達の喜びを現わすために、ギリシャ式の最高のパーティをしました。演奏旅行はタイ、マレイシア、シンガポール、香港と続きました。その後、メキシコに行ってBellas Artes劇場で三回の公演をしました。どこでも、聴衆は大変熱狂的で、感動的でした。メキシコから、私達は空路ロサンゼルスへ飛び、ここのDorothy Chandler Pavilionで私は唄いました。それからカナダに戻り、一週間バンクーバーとモントリオールで公演しました。どこでも満員でチケットは売り切れでした。


Nana Mouskouri-Les anges du Mexique - seven spanish angels,YouTubeから♪♪♪

Nana Mouskouri-Les anges du Mexique - seven spanish angels,YouTubeから♪♪♪

From armandodiazfelix
Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, co Lo mejor de lo mejor, Nana Mouskouri, con esta melodia, que no ocupa palabras para describirla, esto es la musica, la musica del espiritu ... (more) (less)
Category Travel & Places
Tags Eldorado Sinaloa Nana Mouskouri seven espanish angels les anges du mexique

Olympia 97 Memories、Part 11 70s memories

Olympia 97 Memories、,Part 11 70s memoriesファンクラブのHPから

When I was having success in the world of music, the years have passed et I was surprised realising what happened to me.
Singing had albays been my best wish and I really put all my heart in my songs. Helen my daughter was born in 1970.
My children are becoming the center of my life. I was carrying on the TV shows in the BBC and I was on stage many time for memorable concerts in Royal Albert Hall (London) and tours in Great Britain and Ireland. I was 《 number one 》female-singer in 1970, 1971 and 1972.Many of my albums were in the same times in the charts of Australia, New-Zeland, South Africa and Canada.


I started european tours. I was on stage in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bruxels, Anvers, in many big or smaller tows.
I have been on tour in France many times and on stage during two weeks in Olympia and in Champs-Elysees Theatre in Paris.
Ex-president Karamanlis and Melina Mercouri, who were in hard struggle against greek junta, were also living in Paris. They went often in my concerts.
My repertoire was composed with many greek songs which brought us many hope. Robert Paterson and David Frost asked me to come for the first time in Australia and it was for me a big challenge.

カラマンリス前大統領とメリナ メルクーリは二人とも(当時)パリに住んでいましたが、ギリシャの暫定軍事政権と激しく戦っていました。
